
Showing posts from February, 2011

Whitechapel review

The Whitechapel Art Gallery is been reviewed .


This is what Tower Hamlets politics has descended into.

The work of Gilligan

I have praised the work of Andrew Gilligan before and his last post exposes what really is going on in Tower Hamlets. It is worth rereading .

East London Mosque on gay rights

It is good to see that the mosque supports gay rights in Tower Hamlets by inviting a man of that calibre to a gala dinner. I hope the bastards chocked on the food .


I did not know this will be happening in Tower Hamlets .

It does not

Children in Tower Hamlets can escape poverty but it is hard work .

Cuts and other stuff

Cuts are good in general as councils are wasting money .

Support children in Poverty

Places like Tower Hamlets will always have child poverty .

Politics as usual

In Tower Hamlets this is normal .

On strike

Those layabouts have got nothing else better to do .

Something to be proud of

I was telling a friend of mine Tower Hamlets has not changed and we should be proud. Amidst all the wealth there is poverty .

Curry justice

Good to see that there is finally justice in Brick Lane .

Future plans

Those kids are jumping the gun .

Love and hate

It is good to see people taking a stand in Tower Hamlets .

TfL crime rates

They are falling .

Census bus

Good to see the Mayor of Tower Hamlets involved in a gimmick .

Earlier story my views

If the allegations on the earlier story about East End Lies are true than the great borough of Tower Hamlets has serious questions to answer. I have also noticed that there are a few other ex councilors who are senior managers.

No point in review

There is no point in reviewing East End Lies they should just scrap and save Tower Hamlets money .


Hi does anyone know anything about churches in Tower Hamlets as my friend is interested.

Robin Hood Gardens development

Tower Hamlets Council has chosen its preferred developer for the project .

Generous dance troop

Good to see that the dance troop from Tower Hamlets are going to donate to charity if they win .

Fast growing business

There are more and more fried chicken joints opening up here and despite what Tower Hamlets does they still open .

Stitched up a deal

This stitch up saves the taxpayer of Tower Hamlets legal fees .

Mosque and Mayor take a stand

Good to see the Mayor of Tower Hamlets and the East London Mosque take a stand against those hateful stickers. What about the rest of the mosques ?

What a farce

They cannot convict anyone when people know it is widespread in Tower Hamlets .

A place for gay Muslims

Tower Hamlets is a place for gay Muslims as a support group is based here.

Now in Utah

Good to see that the gay hate crime leaflets have made the news in Utah. We need to expose people like this .

Gay free zone in East London

Those people make me sick we should be proud of the people who live in Tower Hamlets and all forms of hate are wrong.

Clean up town hall

After cleaning the building maybe they should clean the dirty and rotten town which they run in Tower Hamlets .

Pickles makes a stand

Eric Pickles has made a stand against things like East End Lies .

Waste of money

The number of street lights in Tower Hamlets.

Fighting the cuts

It is good to see socialist nonsense still alive in this country. I would be happy to cut jobs .

Housing ling saved

But the council is not clear. Just hand it to a charity .

Polly's views

Toynbee argues that the poorest areas will be the hardest hit but areas like Tower Hamlets and the North of England have too much money spent on them .

Beyond Lutfer

Tower Hamlets Labour Party does not have a future .

Tower Hamlets and Israel

The headline is wrong as the Mayor and Cabinet have not decided .

Saving money

I look forward to the council saving money by cutting jobs.

TH boycotts Israel

Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of boycotts against Israel Tower Hamlets is a bit late .

What images

Tower Hamlets Police may have released them but they are not on the site .

Tower Hamlets NUT strike

The Socialist Worker has covered this once before. Surely it can get new news ? Nothing will happen until the results come out.

Ken Livingstone exposed

Andrew Gilligan is doing a wonderful job of exposing Ken from his Labour antics in Tower Hamlets to Press TV.

Heart disease

Looking at the article it seems that women in poorer areas like Tower Hamlets die earlier than in Chelsea .

Crime map

Hi I had a look at the crime map after my friend told me about the very high crime rate in her area of Tower Hamlets it appears that it is not easy to understand so I can't comment on the crime rate in my area or any part of Tower Hamlets.

Mini marathon hunt

They can always see which kids are running away from the Kebab house .

In defence of David Cameron

It is about time that we had thoughtful debate and the same magazine that employs a defender of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets is having a good honest article. Mehdi must be upset .

New fiction in at Whitechapel Idea Store

I was at Idea Store Whitechapel and I saw a work of fiction by Tony Blair called A Journey but in the non fiction area. Tower Hamlets does that all the time for example East End Lies as fact.

Rahman saves moeny

No that does not sound right he was part of the Labour group which wasted money now he wants to join protests.

Rahman joins protest

What a waste of time at least he has made cutbacks to Tower Hamlets but not enough .

Barts and the London cuts

Those people are fools as when you go to Barts you cannot find anyone on duty. I saw the head of nursing on London Tonight. Tower Hamlets is full of fools .

Curry school

Surely the restaurants should be organising this rather than the socialist Tower Hamlets Council. Let's hope there are no rats in the kitchen .

Well done Zara Daivs

Councilor Davis has done a public service to the people of Tower Hamlets .

No childrens centres closures in TH

Tower Hamlets Council will not reduce their hours or close any of them. I don't believe that for a second .

Food coop

It is good to see with the Coop that the big society is working in Tower Hamlets .

We should remember

We should remember people killed by the IRA .

Teachers strike

Most of them are a waste of space .

Mosque child abuse

This story has gone hardly noticed. If it was in a church it would be a major scandal .