
Showing posts from September, 2008

Aldgate East

Does anyone know what happened today? Who supplies the electricty?


I don't believe it Tower Hamlets Community Housing have gone lower then the council .

Tower Hamlets Children's Fund

Does anyone know why the url directs me to Tower Hamlets Council?

Tower Hamlets Community Enpowerment Network

Not sure what THCEN does but it's a lot better then the local authority.

Tower Hamlets Community Credit Union

It is the local credit union for Tower Hamlets and don't worry it has nothing to do with the council.

Tower Project

One of the leading providers of services to disabled people in Tower Hamlets has updated it's website .

Traffic light danger

Tower Hamlets is a dangerous place and even more dangerous now that the traffic lights near Alage East have been disabled.

Broken pavements

Another rant. Tower Hamlets is more dangerous then Bangladesh due to the poor state of pavements. I have had a number of near misses.

Broken pavements

Another rant. Tower Hamlets is more dangerous then Bangladesh due to the poor state of pavements. I have had a number of near misses.

Tower Hamlets spa

It has been reported in the Telegraph and it's in Bethnal Green.

One water

One should try and get the water from Tower Hamlets as there is plenty of it here in the docks.

Tower Hamlets tourism information

I am not going to be rude as Tower Hamlets does have a lot of places of historical interest. A lot of them are worth visiting.


If you want to leave Tower Hamlets for a holiday or something but can't stand airlines (they are worse then the council) then you should try seat61 as it is a brilliant website. I can't wait to leave Tower Hamlets.


Does anyone have information on the level of mismanagement at Tower Hamlets Council? I want to know how bad it is.

Youth spending

Tower Hamlets Council is going to spend a lot on youth services. I hope that the fools in the council know how to spend the money and not do it on pet projects like they currently do in Tower Hamlets. They live in a world of their own.

Oxfam coffee shop

Tower Hamlets would be the ideal place for the next Progreso shop as some of it is well off and there are many people who will use it. I say look for land in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets schools rebuilding

It has been going on for ages at Harry Gosling School. God knows when it will finish but mind you it does not matter to Tower Hamlets Council. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

City witin the city

The other side of the City of London and areas around it including Tower Hamlets .

Traffic lights

The Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets is now a death trap because of the fact that a large number of the traffic lights are out of action due to engineering work. I hope that the donkey area highway engineer is not in charge as he will most likely fix the wrong thing. Why couldn't they put the lights out of action outside Tower Hamlets Council's offices so that workers could get run over?

2012 sports venue opens

I hope that the children of Tower Hamlets will use it and it will not become another white elephant. Wait a minute that is the new Tower Hamlets Council office where disabled people are not given access easy access.


I am upset today. I went out to Whitechapel via Commercial Road and the whole place is a construction site. What is more is that the traffic lights have been stopped and there is a sign saying that the road is closed which seems to have been damaged but no one has replaced it. I wonder if this is the work of the donkeys at Tower Hamlets or another bunch of donkeys. It's good to know Tower Hamlets roads are safe.

Conservative sense

This shows why I voted Conservative the party have done so well in Tower Hamlets. I would have voted for him but sadly I am not in that part of the Parliamentary area for Tower Hamlets but he has got a chance against the 2 Scots.

Crime mapping

Some people like the Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrats may welcome it but I don't as there is no point in it.

British Bangladeshi

According this article most of them live in Tower Hamlets .

No space for the dead

Tower Hamlets Council paying people to bury relatives in Newham or Redbridge. My question is when are Tower Hamlets going to bury the politically dead?

Solar Power

The government in Bangladesh is even more useless then the one in Tower Hamlets. As with Tower Hamlets the developing world needs civil society to step in. Here is an excellent charity called SolarAid and you can support them for free here


The best I have come across in Tower Hamlets .