
Showing posts from 2008

Baby H

I don't want to make any comments except that I have a hatred of Tower Hamlets Social Services.

Strike threat

The school had every right in sacking him as he broke the dress code. If the pupils did it then action will be taken. Another Tower Hamlets strike.

Bangladesh elections

People here are so concerned about them and excited yet some of them have not lived there for years and they should not be allowed to vote unless they live there.


Today is a really cold day.

Christmas story

Feel free to add more stuff onto it.

Olympic logo

Tower Hamlets has it's own Olympic logo. It looks interesting and good.

No respect

It seems that a large number of Respect councilors in Tower Hamlets have left the party and all but one have joined Labour. They have no respect for themselves that is why.

DITO party

I was there yesterday and there was a lot of food and we all had a good time.

My other websites

Here is a link to the other websites that I have they are not all about Tower Hamlets.

Sub post office

The local sub post office in Whitechapel has closed. It has gone unoticed in Tower Hamlets.

World Community Grid

People can use their computer to support medical research. For more information please visit World Community Grid.

It's a joke

Tower Hamlets sent me a letter asking for information which I have given to them in the first place.

Credit crunch

It seems that there is now more reliance on local government services due to the credit crunch. They are working night and day but not in places like Tower Hamlets . The good thing is they are getting rid of staff.

Tower Hamlets good service

There are some employees in the council who give an excellent service when I contacted them about a general enquiry the manager was onto it in less then a day. It is good to know there are a very few good managers at the council.


Free information on financial products.

Free financial guides

If you have got money to invest or want to better invest those funds then look at this. I have and it is interesting.

City scum

Getting rid of their apartments in Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets amid fears of job looses.

Forced marriages

What are some of the low lives in Tower Hamlets going to do with this ruling ?

Illness update

It seems that it has now become a major problem. I was watching Rosemary Leonard talking to Susanna Reid on breakfast.


I am ill as I have a very nasty cold. I would like to give something more serious to Tower Hamlets officers.

Fake free zone

This will not happen in Tower Hamlets as there will still be the Labour Party and people like George Galloway.

Christine Gilbert

If I was not ill and could move I would have been really excited as the fromer CEO of Tower Hamlets is now going to learn lessons. Pigs might fly.

Eid again

Eid was yesterday but my brothers school is now closed. Good old Tower Hamlets.


Today is eid folks and that menas a lot of Tower Hamlets is not doing anything productive.

Shame on you Christian Gilbert

Yes now you realise the system was flawed . You have been part of the system from your time at Tower Hamlets Council and Harrow where your husband is one of the MPs. You were Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets who got a talking to from Galloway. It seems that with the ghost libraries Ofsted is not only rotten apple in a barrel.

Lambeth ghost libraries

Yes Lambeth are desperate for stars just like Tower Hamlets . I wonder how Tower Hamlets got their stars?


Tower Hamlets along with rest of the country should copy Barnet .

Charity bank accounts

If you live in Tower Hamlets or anywhere then you may like to consider the following banking services providers. Charity Bank is a charity which offers a wide range of banking services to charities and members of the public. The Catholic Building Society has 3 savings accounts which give money to charity.

International day of disabled people

The event in Tower Hamlets was badly planned and a waste of time. I left about one and half hours after as not much was happening.

Last minute

Talk about last minute. I got a flyer about the international day for disabled people happening tomorrow today and there was contact details for someone at Tower Hamlets Council if anyone wanted it in an alternative format. By the time it came the event would be finished.

International calling cards

I like many people in Tower Hamlets use international phone calling cards to phone my cousins in Bangladesh but I cannot seem to get a good deal on them.

Accessable formats

No response from Tower Hamlets yet.

Crocks and cheats

Is it me or are a lot of the people in Tower Hamlets into cheating the system and not doing anything like a decent days work?

Accessible information

Tower Hamlets like a number of public bodies can provide material in community languages but not in an accessable format for disabled people. I am still waiting for a response from those politically correct Unison scum bags.

Mystery shopping forums

This website includes a lot more besides mystery shopping like getting free stuff and making money from visitng websites. A lot of the stuff is good for Tower Hamlets .

Day centre joke

I have been told by someone that they were given a place at a day centre. They have no problems that they need a day centre for but there are other people in Tower Hamlets who have severe needs but don't have places or their time has been cut. What is going on in Tower Hamlets?

International day of disabled people

Museum of Childhood at about 10:AM on Friday 3rd December organised by Tower Hamlets Council.

Transport for all

I have heard a lot of interesting things about Tower Hamlets mainly that Crossrail is going to make transport better.

Lost and stolen CDs

It seems that a lot of CDs from audio books get lost or stolen by the good folk of Tower Hamlets. Luckily the Ideas Stores do replace them eventually.


I am surprised that some Tower Hamlets Council workers have given me straight answers and have been helpful.

Friday closures

A large number of businesses in Tower Hamlets run by Muslims close for Friday prayers. I would not go to them personally as I want service all day long.

3 star joke

This is interesting. The man who gave Haringey 3 stars conducted desk research and he knew Sharon Shoesmith as he had worked under her as the former head of Haringey school standards. I wonder who gave 3 stars to Tower Hamlets.

International day of disabled people

As soon as I get the information from Tower Hamlets Council then I will let you know.

Haringey council

The Labour controlled unaccountable council are getting their just deserts at long last. They were so sorry over baby P that they have been all hiding like the cowards they are. Who cares they have 3 stars just like Tower Hamlets. I am a disabled person and I feel safe.

New organisation

This organisation has replaced THCEN in Tower Hamlets. It seems people were not told.

Bad behaviour

I have been told that a manager of a council service at Tower Hamlets who shall remain nameless and the service shall remain nameless has ignored the emails from someone who emailed them over a month ago. It seems that the donkeys at the council don't like difficult questions.


The meeting for the AGM was very productive as the councilor answered all our questions but did admit there was some minor problems with the service. She was more helpful then the Director of the service who came to the last DAN meeting it was not an AGM. It seems that she is one of the good councilors in Tower Hamlets.

Way to go Lowri

Lowri Turner a woman who I must say says a few good things. She is now questioning the star system. Tower Hamlets has 3 stars under our former beloved leader Ian Wilson. We are safe.

No feedback

I contacted Tower Hamlets Council on Sunday and 4 working days later no feedback.

Housing benefit

I have been told that the housing benefit team at Tower Hamlets keep on losing paperwork.

High streets

I have been hearing from good sources that the number of customers in some shops in Tower Hamlets is down.

Yahoo group

This is a yahoo group for disabled people in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets Housing

Does anyone know what the criteria for disabled people is?

Good service

The Tower Hamlets Credit Union staff are good at their job and the service at Crisp Street is very good and unlike the banks no long wait.

Foundation Trust

The Barts and the London which provides the majority of NHS hospital services for Tower Hamlets is aiming to become an NHS Foundation Trust. Go and join them.

Mayor's fund

Hopefully Tower Hamlets will benefit from the Mayors Fund for London.

George Galloway

has he done anything for the people of Tower Hamlets?


This is the freecycle cafe for Tower Hamlets. Not sure what it is there for exactly but I am a member.


This web page has a lot of information on it and a link to the local one. I am not sure how active it is in Tower Hamlets.


Remember that a lot of government offices will be closed down in Tower Hamlets and the rest of the country on November 10th as civil servants are going on strike.

Housing market

How is the housing market in Tower Hamlets doing?


If you have any information on waste by Tower Hamlets Council in particular besides it been a general waste of everything then contact me.


I will be asking a senior member of Tower Hamlets Council how can they justify spending money on celebriting getting 3 stars whilst they are cutting money for services.

FOI dirt

If you have any on Tower Hamlets Council and other public body in Tower Hamlets please contact me. I have been informed that the council did not hire a consultant for the freedom pass in 2005 which is not true either they misunderstood the suitation or ignored the issue. I also found out they spent large amount of money getting 3 stars whilst they are cutting services. The council denied my FOI request on the appointment of a senior officer who shall remain nameless as his professional background and appointment documentation for example who was on the panel would violate the law.


It is winter and Tower Hamlets is getting to be a cold place hopefully in order to save money they will let council officers freeze to death.

Tower Hamlets women

They seem to be quite good at football .

Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership

This looks interesting. Let's hope that the children don't all want to be come city wankers. Tower Hamlets Business Education Partnership .

Too many shops

Is it just me or are there too many mobile phone shops and a number of other kinds of shops.

PCS strike

The PCS are going on strike so what they and the donkeys at Tower Hamlets Council go on strike on a regular basis but no one notices. An overtime ban. My god they are all lazy public servants they should not be given overtime in the first place. I wonder when the donkeys at Tower Hamlets Council are going on strike?

Visitis from Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets Council are going around asking people how many people live in their houses and how many rooms they have. I can see the complaints coming in.

Different universe

It seems like Tower Hamlets Council could get anoter beacon award . I need a drink.

Credit crunch

What has been the impact on Tower Hamlets? Sadly all the staff were paid their salaries.

Credit union

I have joined the Tower Hamlets credit union but I have a number of questions about them. I would be grateful if anyone can give more details on them.

Tower Hamlets history

I cannot wait to read about the history of Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets Pension Fund

I hope that the staff who worked for Tower Hamlets and work for it end up poor and desperate.

Tower Hamlets charity success

Here are some wise words from a Tower Hamlets charity about how to succeed. I have seen too many bad organisations around.

Tower Hamlets crime

It seems that the the police are doing a good job in Tower Hamlets .

Iceland follow up

I wonder where Tower Hamlets have their money. It seems not in Iceland . Maybe they failed to understand English at Tower Hamlets Town Hall.

Council lights out

I hope that Tower Hamlets does not get any ideas. Mind you they had the idea of saving money by banning Christmas stuff at the office as it wastes elecriticy and money. The real waste is East End Life but we don't mention the truth. Once again any council stuff contact me.

New development for Canary Wharf

I am not going to make a nasty comment as Canary Wharf is the best thing to have happened in Tower Hamlets for a very long time.

More on Iceland

Tower Hamlets Council seems to have escaped this.

Iceland follow up

Sadly Tower Hamlets Council staff are not affected it by it as far as I can work it out. It would have been in the news with the unions crying.

Icelandic banks councils

I hope that Tower Hamlets have lost staff salaries as they don't deserve their pay.


In the next elections I hope we kick out the Labour Party out of Tower Hamlets.

Credit crisis

What has been the local impact of it in Tower Hamlets?

Oil prices

What have the impact of the rise and fall of oil prices been in Tower Hamlets?

Interferring architects

I am no big fun but the government body on the built enviornment has says that the plan in Tower Hamlets is not acceptable. A lot of architecture is bad for example the award winning no idea stores in Tower Hamlets. My advise go and live in a museum.

Pampers and Unicef

Babies in Tower Hamlets can do their bit for poor children.

2 way Whitechapel

I was outside last night going to a kebab house in Tower Hamlets and I saw a sign saying that Whitechapel was going to be a 2 way road. I always thought it was unless the area highway engineer got confused. Mind you he works Tower Hamlets and fixed the wrong road once.

Ramadam over

Now the lazy cock roaches at Tower Hamlets Council can do a decent days work. Which they have never done.

Aldgate East

Does anyone know what happened today? Who supplies the electricty?


I don't believe it Tower Hamlets Community Housing have gone lower then the council .

Tower Hamlets Children's Fund

Does anyone know why the url directs me to Tower Hamlets Council?

Tower Hamlets Community Enpowerment Network

Not sure what THCEN does but it's a lot better then the local authority.

Tower Hamlets Community Credit Union

It is the local credit union for Tower Hamlets and don't worry it has nothing to do with the council.

Tower Project

One of the leading providers of services to disabled people in Tower Hamlets has updated it's website .

Traffic light danger

Tower Hamlets is a dangerous place and even more dangerous now that the traffic lights near Alage East have been disabled.

Broken pavements

Another rant. Tower Hamlets is more dangerous then Bangladesh due to the poor state of pavements. I have had a number of near misses.

Broken pavements

Another rant. Tower Hamlets is more dangerous then Bangladesh due to the poor state of pavements. I have had a number of near misses.

Tower Hamlets spa

It has been reported in the Telegraph and it's in Bethnal Green.

One water

One should try and get the water from Tower Hamlets as there is plenty of it here in the docks.

Tower Hamlets tourism information

I am not going to be rude as Tower Hamlets does have a lot of places of historical interest. A lot of them are worth visiting.


If you want to leave Tower Hamlets for a holiday or something but can't stand airlines (they are worse then the council) then you should try seat61 as it is a brilliant website. I can't wait to leave Tower Hamlets.


Does anyone have information on the level of mismanagement at Tower Hamlets Council? I want to know how bad it is.

Youth spending

Tower Hamlets Council is going to spend a lot on youth services. I hope that the fools in the council know how to spend the money and not do it on pet projects like they currently do in Tower Hamlets. They live in a world of their own.

Oxfam coffee shop

Tower Hamlets would be the ideal place for the next Progreso shop as some of it is well off and there are many people who will use it. I say look for land in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets schools rebuilding

It has been going on for ages at Harry Gosling School. God knows when it will finish but mind you it does not matter to Tower Hamlets Council. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

City witin the city

The other side of the City of London and areas around it including Tower Hamlets .

Traffic lights

The Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets is now a death trap because of the fact that a large number of the traffic lights are out of action due to engineering work. I hope that the donkey area highway engineer is not in charge as he will most likely fix the wrong thing. Why couldn't they put the lights out of action outside Tower Hamlets Council's offices so that workers could get run over?

2012 sports venue opens

I hope that the children of Tower Hamlets will use it and it will not become another white elephant. Wait a minute that is the new Tower Hamlets Council office where disabled people are not given access easy access.


I am upset today. I went out to Whitechapel via Commercial Road and the whole place is a construction site. What is more is that the traffic lights have been stopped and there is a sign saying that the road is closed which seems to have been damaged but no one has replaced it. I wonder if this is the work of the donkeys at Tower Hamlets or another bunch of donkeys. It's good to know Tower Hamlets roads are safe.

Conservative sense

This shows why I voted Conservative the party have done so well in Tower Hamlets. I would have voted for him but sadly I am not in that part of the Parliamentary area for Tower Hamlets but he has got a chance against the 2 Scots.

Crime mapping

Some people like the Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrats may welcome it but I don't as there is no point in it.

British Bangladeshi

According this article most of them live in Tower Hamlets .

No space for the dead

Tower Hamlets Council paying people to bury relatives in Newham or Redbridge. My question is when are Tower Hamlets going to bury the politically dead?

Solar Power

The government in Bangladesh is even more useless then the one in Tower Hamlets. As with Tower Hamlets the developing world needs civil society to step in. Here is an excellent charity called SolarAid and you can support them for free here


The best I have come across in Tower Hamlets .

Paraolympic dream

It's good to see that the yongsters are doing something useful in Tower Hamlets unlike the council.


The great politically correct London Borough of Tower Hamlets is now imposing it's views on everyone. It's good to know Tower Hamlets is a place where people believe in freedom. Pigs might fly.


I have been away on holiday and Tower Hamlets feels different but very soon it will feel the same again I am sure.


Today is the final day of the Unison strike. I have not noticed much difference in Tower Hamlets. Have you?


I will be away from Tower Hamlets for a month or so from Sunday 20th.

Mystery shopping

There are companies looking for mystery shoppers in Tower Hamlets and the wider London area. I have got some homeworking through them.

Stephen Hodgkins

Stepehn Lee Hodgkins will be leaving DITO today after many years of commitment to the disabled in Tower Hamlets. Good luck.

Whizz kids

They are doing a wonderful job in Tower Hamlets unlike the PCT which does not give out wheelchairs easily.


Tower Hamlets Housing . Why do people want to stay council tenants when they could change?

Credit crunch

It must be hurting the people of Tower Hamlets a lot. Here is some advise on how you can save money . Besides not going to some of the local shops onwed by fools.

Priest attacked in Tower Hamlets

Yes and the Priest was serving the community . The Dean of Tower Hamlets says this is not isolated.

Disability discrimination

I would be glad if people can send me evidence about in Tower Hamlets or anywhere in the UK to

London Met fire

I am a former alumni of London Met and I have used the buildings on a regular basis as a student and it is a great service to the people of Tower Hamlets and the East End. I was glad that the fire was not serious.

Unsion strike

Yes one of my favourite groups of scum have voted to go on strike. If you were to read the article then you would realise that Unison does not have much support amongest it's members as the voting was won by a narrow majority by a vote of something like 25% of the membership. Poor old Heather Wakefield she must live in a world of her own just like Dave Prentice. Mind you the scum at the PCS are going to join. Last time Unison had a strike in Tower Hamlets no one noticed and they even tried to get other people involved but Unison Tower Hamlets achieved nothing. I was told by someone who worked in a building which he shared with Tower Hamlets Council employes that they had a picket line and they asked him to join. I know that the people at Tower Hamlets Council are not bright but surely they should have known secondary picketing is against the law and he could have got the sack. I have talked to many Tower Hamlets employees and most are dumb. .

Oh Sir Simon

What you are talking about well fall on the deaf ears of most councils as Unison scum won't give a toss. People in places like Tower Hamlets don't have confidence in the council or the scum who work for it. Leave in the real world.

What a waste of time

Now we can look at ratings by inspectors. Those are the same kind of fools who gave Tower Hamlets Council 3 stars. Just like Tower Hamlets Council they are not worth very much. I give Tower Hamlets Council a 0 rating.

Tower Hamlets Community Transport

Tower Hamlets Community Transport provides transport services for local community groups and some local people. It is a good group.

Unison pay conference

Tower Hamlets sent John McLoughlin there. Though he and the rest of them fail to understand that people don't give a damn. Personally I would sack 50% of all Tower Hamlets Council employees. John go on strike.

Refugee day

It's good to know that that Tower Hamlets Council is supporting refugees provided they are refugees which maybe in question for a large number of people in Tower Hamlets as they are economic migrants.

Fuel strike

Has it had any impact in Tower Hamlets?

East End Liars wins top award

To be fair it was a local council award and there may not have been that much competition as most councils don't tell the truth. Tower Hamlets Council can say anything they want but I will never ever believe them and the stories they put in the paper. Also as the council is now cutting back on services surely they can get back on the paper. But then Tower Hamlets Council wouldn't be able to tell it's liars to the peple.

Public transport

Anyone who knows me knows what a fan of public transport I am it's good to see that with the petorl prices going up more people are using public transport. There is no excause in Tower Hamlets for using cars.

College strike

It seems that Tower Hamlets College staff are on strike just like the whole of London FE staff. I am tending towards supporting them as they do more work then schoolteachers but earn less for a better work.

Shops security system

Tower Hamlets have decided to put money down the drain by protecting shop keepers. One of the big things is that they should be paying for it and not the LAP. Mind you some shop keepers don't get much customers and a lot of shops in Tower Hamlets are run by stupid people. I can't stand most shop keepers in Tower Hamlets.

Crime statistics

I have been reading East End Liars also known as East End Life the newspaper of Tower Hamlets Council. I was wondering what the real crime figures are? I don't believe that Tower Hamlets is as safe as they claim.

Conservation areas in Tower Hamlets

Tbe council has been busy and they got seven of them. I have never heard of most of them before. I am not making any comments but reserving my views.


If you are disabled and live in Tower Hamlets then DITO can help you.

Traffic lights

I was wondering why so many of them in Tower Hamlets are either too dim or don't work.

Adult services

Does anyone know what the future of the service is in Tower Hamlets?

Consuming disability

I thougth that I would do a follow up post on disability consumer group I was looking for advise and assistance on where to take it from here as it has been standing still for sometime?

New bus route

Really good news that the D7 will run more frequently but also that there is a new bus route 135 which connects Canary Wharf to Old Street. This is another move forward for public transport in Tower Hamlets.


What are the councils positions on bins?

Crewe and Natwich

Edward Timpson has won another nail in the Labour coffin. I know how they can win the Bethnal Green and Bow seat a Labour stronghold in Tower Hamlets which they have lost along with their huge majority in Tower Hamlets Council. All they have to do is to target the Asian vote and offer them everything like translations services. Then they will lose a lot of the young and Asian and non Asian vote.

George Galloway

What happened to that loud mouth MP. Maybe he has faded away like the support for his party in Tower Hamlets. I wonder what they are called since the break up?

Public meetings

Does anyone know where public meetings hosted by Tower Hamlets Council and one of it's associated organisations are listed?

Unison Tower Hamlets

It would be good to have all their reps names on here.

Consuming disability

I am involved in setting up a social enterprise mainly based in Tower Hamlets called the Disability Consumer Group.

Decisions by officers

I was told during a meeting that in Tower Hamlets Council because of the new system for free bus passes and because Tower Hamlets rules on the freedom pass were over generous that officers took on themseleves to apply the worst case even before the councilors have made a ruling. I thought that Unison scum were supposed to follow the rules of the council and not make rules up.

Council meeting

I have been to a meeting which included the Director of Adult Services in Tower Hamlets.. The meeting was productive though I know someone who would never go to them.

Danger, danger pavements

Some of the pavements in Tower Hamlets are dangerous as they have cracks, uneven, break in 2 and have got things like lamp posts which obscure them.

Good old Boris

People have already written him off but he has done a lot of good like banning alcahol on public transport. He has even asked 2 people to leave the LDA and I hope there is a lot more. Maybe Tower Hamlets should copy him but then they will not have anyone left.

Muslims 4 Ken

I am posting the following as I think that residents in Tower Hamlets and the whole of London have a right to know about some of the fringe groups. I am worried about Tower Hamlets as it has a large muslim population and it could become the next battle ground for groups like this. ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Muslims4 Ken To: Abdul Hai Sent: Tuesday, 6 May, 2008 6:48:23 PM Subject: RE: Letter Assallamu'Alaikum, We were expecting a few hundered to arrive late out of thousands. Our message has reached the intended targets. Indeed our wala wa bara or love or hate is based upon our desire to serve our community and seek the pleasure and blessings of our Lord, not of the people or politicians. We will be held to account for our intentions and actions and you will be held to account for yours, so we pray that you have a good explanation prepared for that Day, when you will be asked for who you campaigned, supported and for what reason, when you knew full well an individuals stand...

Tower Hamlets next

Hopefully the Conservatives will get more seats in Tower Hamlets. After all they have a great London Mayor as well as 6 seats in Tower Hamlets in the last elections a council where they have never held a seat since the 1960's. Former Labour strong holds in Wales have gone Conservative. However there are some people who will never vote Conservative but there is not enough of them to withstand the Conservatives.

Boris Johnson

Is now the Mayor of London and Ken is a broken man just like Labour. Bad news City and East London which includes Tower Hamlets has been own by John Biggs of Labour.

London Elections

I am really excited about the Mayoral elections but I have no idea what is going on in the City and East London election part of the Assembly elections which includes Tower Hamlets. I hope Boris wins and Ken get's a kicking.

Kate Hoey

She has set an example by wanting to work for Boris. It's a shame that not many Labour people in tower Hamlets follow the lead.

More on Ken

The more listen to that man he reminds me of Tower Hamlets Council and I will not be voting for him.

Brick Lane

Some good news at about Brick Lane and I have no idea how a place like that became a tourist attraction. The news is that because of the food prices going up restaurents have not been passing the cost onto diners and one manager fears that some could go under. I say this is the best news and Tower Hamlets would be better off without Brick Lane and the Bengali businesses associated with it.

Ken is a con man

Ken admited that he conned the government to get the Olympic games as no government Labour or Conservative would give him the money to redevelop East London. He is just like Tower Hamlets Council. That is why I am voting for Boris with Brian as second choice so Ken does not get in.

Illegal advert

One dodgy Bengali Channel has been running a advert by a Liberal Democratic candidate for East London even though it is against the communications act. The channel or the candidate didn't know that I thought only Labour had donkeys in Tower Hamlets and East London.

Teachers strike

Some schools in Tower Hamlets will close. Nothing will be achieved though.

Councilor offered money

People are so desperate they are evening offering money to councilors. I wouldn't give any Tower Hamlets councilor with few exceptions anything but a good talking to.

Construction work

There will be a second Tesco in Commercial Road even though one has opened up in Whitechapel not so long ago. There will be a Argos in Whitechapel.

London poverty

Tower Hamlets is one of the worst examples in the world of it.'s+children+live+in+poverty/

London Assembly

Tower Hamlets is part of the City and East London electoral area. Does anyone know who is standing?

Boris is right

I was on the bendy bus the number 25 in Tower Hamlets and one of the things is I cannot find the thing where you can put your oyster. The bus is alright but there is no control on it.

Olympic torch

It was wonderful watching it in Tower Hamlets on TV but the protestors spoilt the day. The people should grow up.

Reading in Tower Hamlets

I am not really sure what it means.,,2269709,00.html

No news

I have no news to report that does not mean the scum there have not been doing anything bad.

Kids in construction

I hope that those kids will learn how to fix pavements as they need fixing in Tower Hamlets. But really it's good as there is a shortage of people in the Industry.


If I was a Labour member in Tower Hamlets I would be worried looking at the national and regional trends. I hope they lose big time.

Brent PCT

I am posting the following story because of what it says about the public sector and government tarets and that with top performing agencies all is not as it seems. Tower Hamlets has 3 stars but what is the truth behind it not what they want us to believe.


One of my relatives works for the local council and he thinks they are doing a good job. When I ask him difficult questions he avoids answering. Maybe he is running for President of Unison Tower Hamlets.

One donkey shop

Tower Hamlets Council calls them one stop shop but my local one according to a friend of mine has closed.

Naughty councilor

One councilor has been paying the membership fees for some people to join one of the political parties in Tower Hamlets. It is a bit suspect.

No English required

One of the things I have noticed is that the scum who work for Tower Hamlets will discriminate in favour of people who can't speak English and provide services like translations yet disabled people get discriminated against.


Because the roads are so bad in Tower Hamlets I had problems getting onto them from the buses as well as the illegal parking.

New academy

I have seen about this great new academy in Tower Hamlets where you don't need anything to enter which I think is a good idea if you want anyone as there are a lot of people in Tower Hamlets who can't understand English. They work for the council and jobcentre.

Take up smoking

With the creepy staff from Tower Hamlets NHS I would take up smoking just to annoy them.

Meet your councilor

Some of the following maybe funny but they are serious. One Councilor tried to run down a member of the public. Maybe he was trying to win the next election. One Councilor slams down the phone. Maybe he wants to work for the One Stop Shop. It has been said that some councilors are sexually involved. I know it's sick.

Tower Hamlets Joke

I went to an event on Thursday and it was funny as the woman from the one stop shop it was professionally run. I have not heard members of the public say that.

Ken is in trouble

The Mayor of London maybe in trouble but they are nothing compared to the allegiations against Tower Hamlets Council for mismanagement.

Council tax

Does anyone know when the scum at Tower Hamlets Council plan to increase council tax for no services?

Mental health funding

A Hackny based charity is getting extra money for it's work in places like Tower Hamlets. It is irnoic considering that the government has cut funding for mental health in areas like Tower Hamlets but then we don't talk about that do. Do we?

Unison cares

Reading this article you would think that the members of Tower Hamlets Unison care. I doon't believe that tehy are interested in public service. The reality is that it is a Labour supporting organisation which has the nerve of going to strike against a Labour council. I have been a victim of local government maladministration something which they don't talk about. It is written by a Unison mouth piece.

Contacting Tower Hamlets

I emailed them once this week and they phoned me back. The man at the other end had no idea what he was talking about.

A interesting fact

I was told by a source of mine that 5% of the residents of Tower Hamlets worik for the council. I would like that to be less then 1%.


what days does Tower Hamlets Council collect it?


It's all quite due to a holiday in Tower Hamlets which means that nothing much has happened.