
Showing posts from November, 2024


 This has not occurred to critics of big tech in Tower Hamlets . 

Plenty more

 Many in places like Tower Hamlets are in denial about this . 


 He uses thee stupid people of Tower Hamlets . 

Wrong decision

 I don't see why it should be refused by Tower Hamlets . 

Interesting take on inflation

 It has impacted many people negatively in T ower Hamlets . 

Luxury charity jumpers

 I can't see many in Tower Hamlets waring this . 

Charity socks

 I urge people in Tower Hamlets to buy them. Let me know of other businesses which give profits to charity ? 

Not surprising

 Many in Tower Hamlets are a danger as they are cozy cyclists . 

Online volunteering

 Many in Tower Hamlets are considering volunteering but they forget that ther are online options. I am using this Facebook group as an example but there are many others . 

Difficult to track

 There is so many in Tower Hamlets . 

Now police objection

 This Tower Hamlets saga will go on and on . 

Public safety

 Dogs in Tower Hamlets must be on  a lead . 

Lutfur Rahman watch

 We need to watch him like a hawk  after  I have heard about massive waste of money in Tower hamlets. 

Excellent series

 The religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets should watch it . 


 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets is a pro car man . 

Jewish Tower Hamlets

Not many left . 

Social enterprise care agencies

 Do we have any in Tower Hamlets? 

Right decision

 This  is one of the few right decisions that Tower Hamlets has  made but it will not be enforced due to lazy staff . 

Anti Rahman protests

 I hope to see some listed in Tower Hamlets . 

Cause tabs

 There is so much we could do in Tower Hamlets . 

I hope they win

 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets  needs a good kicking . 

Why it matters

 The people of Tower Hamlets have been denied a voice . 

Good question

 The answer is that the people are standing up to the Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

Most in Tower Hamlets

 Due to things like fraud and racism a lot of the BAME businesses in Tower Hamlets should be boycotted . 

LTN fight

 Happening in Tower Hamlet s. 

Legal battle

He has faced many personally but this time the taxpayer of Tower Hamlets wil pay , 

Lack of information

 They have no  information on their dispute with Tower Hamlets Council . 

Victim mentality

 This is what many in Tower Hamlets suffer from and ignore the real issues . 

Do good with Ecosia

 Many in Tower Hamlets fail to understand this . 

Save the boxing club

 We need something like this in Tower Hamlets to keep the young way from  gangs an other th ings . 

Rahman fanatics

 We have many inside and outside Tower Hamlets .

European alternative

 Many in Tower Hamlets hate big tech but have taken no action . 

Student housing

 How many students are there in Tower Hamlets ? 

Halsey needs to go

 He is a useless waste of space who Rahman brought back to run Tower Hamlets . 

Community art group

 Is there others like for dance and  music in Tower Hamlets ? 

Bigger issue

 Lazy stuff in Tower Hamlets . 


 The article is clearly written by someone who has no idea about Tower Hamlets . 

About time

 Tower Hamlets is  rotten to the core under R ahman . 

Tower Hamlets meetings

 Does anyone have any details on them . 

Tower Hamlets Hindu

 I know nothing about this . 

Strange crime

 You don't get this in To wer Hamlets . 

Vagina Museum in Bethnal Green

 Many in Tower Hamlets fail to realise Bethnal Green actually has culture .


 Many in Tower Hamlets have no idea about  big tech a lternatives . 

Blamng the voters

 This never happens in Tower Hamlets even though the voters are actually racists . 

Questionable contracts

Tower Hamlets is not the only place to do this . 

Overlooked racism

 Plenty form Bengali Muslims in T ower Hamlets . 

Missing man

 He is covering a lot of East London including Tower Hamlets . 

Jill Stein

 Like the  Green win in Tower Hamlets her achievements are been ignored she has done  well . . 


 Rahman in Tower Hamlets does not get the same t reatment . 

Barts Life Sciences

 They can't even  provide good care to th the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Stupid woman

 One of the  very few times Tower Hamlets is right . 

Vote swapping

 Can htis be used to beat Rahman in Tower Hamlets ? 

Circular economy

 We could do with this in Tower Hamlets . 

Bin collection changes

 Residents of Tower Hamlets are waiting with baited breath . 

Glass recycling

This is the kind of  chairty we need in Tower Hamlets . 

Full scholarships

 I am sure some in Tower Hamlets re interested in private schools . 

High pay

 Look at the outrageous salaries Offred by Tower Hamlets Council . 

Bad high streets

 We have plenty in Tower Hamlets though I can't comment about Wapping as I have not been there . 

Free choice

 Children n Tower Hamlets should make a informed choice on whether they believe in god or not . 

Even more scary

 What goes on in Tower Hamlets under Rahman .