
Showing posts from August, 2024

Islamic abuse

 Sadly I have no figures for Tower Hamlets . 

World Fund

 People in Tower Hamlets should use Ecosia because of the transparency and  the good it is doing . 

Not much media coverage

 Considering the controversy it has in Tower Hamlets and the  wider national scanda l. 

Key article

 Though many in Tower Hamlets will not like what Jones has to say . 

DWP contractor fraud

 I am sure this is happening in Tower Hamlets . 

Approved at last

 One scandal ridden event in Tower Hamlets nothing to do with Rahman . 


 They have no consideration for the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Long saga

 This has been   a very long saga in Tower Hamlets planning . 

Better results

 Unlike Google Ai  they answer questions about Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets  and seem to  give better answers . 

Asylum seekers

 I thought Tower Hamlets was too expensive for them ? 

Jazz radio station

I don't think many people in Tower Hamlets like jazz but it is ironic that a   declining city like Detroit has the best station I can find . 

Share Detroit

 We should have one for Tower Hamlets but we need to keep the mosques and the  local Bengali racists out of it . 

Financial health of Tower Hamlets mosques

 I would be grateful if some one were to give me data on this. I have looked at one but I can't make heads or tails . 

More transparency

 Unlike many charities  in Tower Hamlets . 


 Unlike Tower Hamlets Council many welcome  it. I have contacted Amazon by finding the email for Jeff Bezoz   via You and got an a cknowledgment . 

Better than Google

 As everyone in Tower Hamlets knows I love Ecosia but it is  only good for  general  search for AI you need You . 

US elections

 For those interested in Tower Hamlets I have been told this is a good website . 

Detroit trees

 This was a declining city when they started to do this. They can teach Tower Hamlets a few t hings . 

Not surprising

 COVID fanatics in Tower Hamlets don't care . 

Serious questions need to be asked

 Tower Hamlets Council could not provide the costings for this . 

Like a bad movie

 This is the Tower Hamlets planning system . 

Detroit news

 As people in Tower Hamlets know I love the news. I am interested in Detroit news as I think it can decide who will win the   US Presidential election. Any suggestions? 

Ecosia weather

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should try it . 

Beyond medicine

 In Tower Hamlets t hey allow staff who have no understanding to deal with complaints . 

Green spaces

 This is surprising about Tower Hamlets . 

Sustainable Detroit

 A city in decline is ding  more for sustainability than Tower Hamlets . 


 From listening to LBC Tom lives in Tower Hamlets . 

The Golan

 I doubt many in Tower Hamlets  know anything about this . 

Victoria Park death

Nott all the park is in Tower Hamlets . 

Is this article right?

As those of you who read this  blog know I like posting  old articles sometimes for example Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets. This time I am posting an article about technology as I am interested to see if  anyone knows if the article was right or wrong ? 

Native apps

 Everyone including Tower Hamlets council is using them but what is their long term future ? 


 Like the articles by Tower Hamlets Council this is misleading as a quick calculation would imply not everyone raised  the  required amount . 

Recycling carpets

 I am sure  many like me have some they are trying to get rid of . All suggestions in Tower Hamlets welcome . 

Catholic school success

 Many of the religious fanatics in  Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

Rejected plans

 Last time I remember they were rejected by Tower Hamlets . 

Waste of money

 The actual letter cost more than the    money owed. This is a joke from Tower Hamlets . 

Students for Palestine

 What happened in Tower Hamlets is tame compared to the United States . 

Useful heatwave service

 It has been awful in Tower Hamlets. I love the cold weather . 

Do the basics

 Their job is to provide housing not employment. Like many other organisations in Tower Hamlets they fail at the basic but do things which is not their remit .

Talking newspapers

 I don't think we hare one in Tower Hamlets . 

embassy plan

 Interesting to see what the new Labour government does for the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Solar in Tower Hamlets

With the hot and terrible sunny weather if you are  thinking  of it use one of their members . 

Helping others

 Many Tower Hamlets charities need volunteers . 

Pension information

 Interesting stuff from Tower Hamlets but I don't understand it . 

Taking too long

 We know what the problems in Tower Hamlets are . 

Watney Market FOI

 Tower Hamlets love wasting money on things which  don't achieve anything . 

Solar projects

 we are lucky to have energy in Tower Hamlets . 

Private ambulances

 Some operate in Tower Hamlets but this trade association does not have details . 

Boycott big tech

 Many in Tower Hamlets are critical but they will never do it . 

Beyond Google

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should try Ecosia . 

Competition is good

 Take a look at things like bin collections where Tower Hamlets has a monopoly . 

Tower Hamlets stabbing

Life under Sadiq Khan in Tower hamlets . 

Solaraid and corporate partnerships

 This is the kind of thing we lack in the Tower Hamlets charity sector . 

Plenty in Tower Hamlets

 They even advice on what to do with stuff that cannot be recycled or reused . 

Sarah Haider

 Many religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets would get angry listening to this podcast . 

Sport and pollution

 How green is sports in Tower Hamlets ? 

Rotten to the core

This raises the question about how rotten  publics services in Tower Hamels are ?  

Ballot access

 It's good to see how people do it in other places legitimacy compared to Tower Hamlets where they use dead people . 

Housing cuts

 This  government is  dumb as Tower Hamlets Council . 

Charity water bottles

 Tower Hamlets is very hot today . 

Good idea

 We should set up  a legal charity to offer  legal support like solicitors and barristers to those who can't afford them in Tower Hamlets . 

Charity Sweets

 Now people in Tower Hamlets can eat   sweets and support charity .