
Showing posts from 2024

Even more

 I would like to see Tower Hamlets Councils using i t . 

Good example

many in Tower Hamlets including schools can copy this . 

Good reasons

 Sadly many in Tower Hamlets still go there . 

Keep away from Rahman

 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets may try to sell it like Henry Moore . 

Climate hope

 I can't say the same for Tower Hamlets . 

What about Tower Hamlets?

 Is this happening there as well ? 

AI and charity

 IN Tower Hamlets we need this to stop fraud . 


 Very few in Tower Hamlets know what it is . 

crowdfunding legal costs

 It is not Lutfur Rahman the Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

History of Zionism

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't  have the educator to engage with things like this . 

Guardian on Tower Hamlets

 Not sure how I missed this . 

Street lighting

 The one outside my house in Tower Hamlets is on all night and day . 

Alaska Beacon

 We don't have anything like this to hold Tower Hamlets to account . 

Important voice

 Many ni Tower Hamlets are not aware of the Christian voice in Palestine . 

Already doing this

 Many in Tower Hamlets are already doing this by giving to friends and family in B angladesh . 

should be a scandal

 Sadly very few in Tower Hamlets care . 

A bit late

 Tower Hamlets should have  started this a lot earlier . 

Only interested in base

 The Mayor and Tower Hamlets Council are only interested in people who vote for  Lutfur Rahman  and his party . 

Alaska Asians

 Many in Tower Hamlets would complain about the weather and the cold . 

Content creators

 Many including the late  Mark Baynes in Tower Hamlets along with the Green brothers complain about this but they should consider affiliate marketing, sponsored content and  merchandise . 

Alaska mosque

 I am covering this as there is not much news in Tower Hamlets . 

Ad free viewing

 Ads on services like YouTube have got out of hand like Tower Hamlets Council  

Not Tower Hamlets

 Not sure why it turns up on a Tower Hamlets search . 

Rotten BBC

 Many in Tower Hamlets love it . 

Right call

 One of  the very few times a union in Tower Hamlets has  made the right c all . 

Pensioner against China

Don't mess with Tower Hamlets pensioners . 

Sensory room

 Many children in Tower Hamlets will benefit .

Number of mosques

 Tower Hamlets has too many in my view but  Fairbanks in Alaska does not  have  enough to even sustain one mosque . 

Ecosia overview

 I urge  everyone in Tower Hamlets to use it . 


 The people of /Tower Hamlets will suffer . 

Old story

Tower Hamlets must be desperate for good news . 

Not sure

 If  that is a  lot of women in Tower Hamlets or not . 


 Whilst we have empty buildings in the Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets . 


 Not sure what  they co but from what I understand they are looking for new members. So some blind people in Tower Hamlets maybe able to join them . 


 I am no fan of Tower Hamlets but we need to understand the context . 

BlindAid art class

Because Tower Hamlets is one of the Inner London Boroughs I can attend this art class . 

I support homeschooling

 Many in Tower Hamlets could be religious fanatics .

School fee assistance

 Children in Tower Hamlets could benefit from this quality educatio n. 

Social lets

 Bad news from Tower Hamlets . 

Jewish Chronicle on George Green

 After all the scandals it  is as credible as Our East End from Tower Hamlets Council . 

Fasting for Gaza

 This  is  a unwise political move from George Green in Tower Hamlets . 

Young blind

 I am sure some in Tower Hamlets can benefit . 

Big tech alternatives

 Everyone  in Tower Hamlets should cut down on big tech . 

Defying China

 Key issue for Tower hamlets . 

Best value duty

 Tower Hamlets don't care . 


 I am surprised that many in Tower Hamlets are not using it like Rachel Blevins who can get kicked off YouTube any day . 


 It is important that people in places like Tower Hamlets understand this minority r eligion . 

Charity branded shopping

 I am interested in shopping for charity branded goods so I can help charities in  Tower Hamlets and further afield. 

Not in Tower Hamlets

 Many are enabling  Saudi Arabia  but don't really care as religions is too important to them and they make me sick . 

Biodiversity standard

 I doubt any trees planted in Tower Hamlets will meet i t . 

Climate week

 Ww have a good environmental movement in Tower Hamlets but we lack things like this . 

Right tree, right place

 Unlike Tower Hamlets who seem to put them an ywhere . 

Is this enough?

 I don't quite trust what comes ot of Tower Hamlets Council . 

UK first

 Tower Hamlets is doing the right thing for once . 

Train prize

 I know of a three year old in Tower Hamlets who would love this prize but she is too young to join Instagram . 

Addiction treatment

 The real addiction is   religion and dishonesty in T ower Hamlets . 

Good alternative to Google

 This seems like the kind of thing which the people of Tower Hamlets  should be using. I don't to be  fair know how the charity works . 

Charity gifts

 Most of the charity shops in Tower Hamlets sell second hadn stuff what I would like to see is  a  Amazon for charities . 

SEND in Tower Hamlets

 Since leaving school I have not kept  up to date with i t . 

Charity Store

 This is where people  in Tower Hamlets should be shopping. They need to increase the product range . 

One of three

 Tower Hamlets must be p roud ? 

Solar light and charger

 With energy prices going up this maybe a good choice for many in Tower Hamlets. I would like to see them offer more products . 


 This has not occurred to critics of big tech in Tower Hamlets . 

Plenty more

 Many in places like Tower Hamlets are in denial about this . 


 He uses thee stupid people of Tower Hamlets . 

Wrong decision

 I don't see why it should be refused by Tower Hamlets . 

Interesting take on inflation

 It has impacted many people negatively in T ower Hamlets . 

Luxury charity jumpers

 I can't see many in Tower Hamlets waring this . 

Charity socks

 I urge people in Tower Hamlets to buy them. Let me know of other businesses which give profits to charity ? 

Not surprising

 Many in Tower Hamlets are a danger as they are cozy cyclists . 

Online volunteering

 Many in Tower Hamlets are considering volunteering but they forget that ther are online options. I am using this Facebook group as an example but there are many others . 

Difficult to track

 There is so many in Tower Hamlets . 

Now police objection

 This Tower Hamlets saga will go on and on . 

Public safety

 Dogs in Tower Hamlets must be on  a lead . 

Lutfur Rahman watch

 We need to watch him like a hawk  after  I have heard about massive waste of money in Tower hamlets. 

Excellent series

 The religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets should watch it . 


 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets is a pro car man . 

Jewish Tower Hamlets

Not many left . 

Social enterprise care agencies

 Do we have any in Tower Hamlets? 

Right decision

 This  is one of the few right decisions that Tower Hamlets has  made but it will not be enforced due to lazy staff . 

Anti Rahman protests

 I hope to see some listed in Tower Hamlets . 

Cause tabs

 There is so much we could do in Tower Hamlets . 

I hope they win

 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets  needs a good kicking . 

Why it matters

 The people of Tower Hamlets have been denied a voice . 

Good question

 The answer is that the people are standing up to the Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

Most in Tower Hamlets

 Due to things like fraud and racism a lot of the BAME businesses in Tower Hamlets should be boycotted . 

LTN fight

 Happening in Tower Hamlet s. 

Legal battle

He has faced many personally but this time the taxpayer of Tower Hamlets wil pay , 

Lack of information

 They have no  information on their dispute with Tower Hamlets Council . 

Victim mentality

 This is what many in Tower Hamlets suffer from and ignore the real issues . 

Do good with Ecosia

 Many in Tower Hamlets fail to understand this . 

Save the boxing club

 We need something like this in Tower Hamlets to keep the young way from  gangs an other th ings . 

Rahman fanatics

 We have many inside and outside Tower Hamlets .

European alternative

 Many in Tower Hamlets hate big tech but have taken no action . 

Student housing

 How many students are there in Tower Hamlets ? 

Halsey needs to go

 He is a useless waste of space who Rahman brought back to run Tower Hamlets . 

Community art group

 Is there others like for dance and  music in Tower Hamlets ? 

Bigger issue

 Lazy stuff in Tower Hamlets . 


 The article is clearly written by someone who has no idea about Tower Hamlets . 

About time

 Tower Hamlets is  rotten to the core under R ahman . 

Tower Hamlets meetings

 Does anyone have any details on them . 

Tower Hamlets Hindu

 I know nothing about this . 

Strange crime

 You don't get this in To wer Hamlets . 

Vagina Museum in Bethnal Green

 Many in Tower Hamlets fail to realise Bethnal Green actually has culture .


 Many in Tower Hamlets have no idea about  big tech a lternatives . 

Blamng the voters

 This never happens in Tower Hamlets even though the voters are actually racists . 

Questionable contracts

Tower Hamlets is not the only place to do this . 

Overlooked racism

 Plenty form Bengali Muslims in T ower Hamlets . 

Missing man

 He is covering a lot of East London including Tower Hamlets . 

Jill Stein

 Like the  Green win in Tower Hamlets her achievements are been ignored she has done  well . . 


 Rahman in Tower Hamlets does not get the same t reatment . 

Barts Life Sciences

 They can't even  provide good care to th the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Stupid woman

 One of the  very few times Tower Hamlets is right . 

Vote swapping

 Can htis be used to beat Rahman in Tower Hamlets ? 

Circular economy

 We could do with this in Tower Hamlets . 

Bin collection changes

 Residents of Tower Hamlets are waiting with baited breath . 

Glass recycling

This is the kind of  chairty we need in Tower Hamlets . 

Full scholarships

 I am sure some in Tower Hamlets re interested in private schools . 

High pay

 Look at the outrageous salaries Offred by Tower Hamlets Council . 

Bad high streets

 We have plenty in Tower Hamlets though I can't comment about Wapping as I have not been there . 

Free choice

 Children n Tower Hamlets should make a informed choice on whether they believe in god or not . 

Even more scary

 What goes on in Tower Hamlets under Rahman . 

The whole of Tower Hamlets

 We need  more speed cameras in Tower Hamlets as there are too many bad drivers . 

DWP contractors

 I managed to find the one which covers Tower Hamlets after some effort but things like fees, client outcomes and  subcontractors are knot listed . 

Birth control

 Needed in Tower Hamlets . 

Right to Buy

 Right decision but what impact will it have on Tower Hamlets ? 

Language rights

 As a English spear in Tower Hamlets I know how they feel . 

Solar repair

 They can teach the people of  Tower Hamlets a few things about repair . 

Planning powers

 I am sure Tower Hamlets would mess up . 

Recycle batteries for charity

 Many in ?Tower Hamlets I have seen just throw them away . 

Good riddance

 I  hope all of them in Tower Hamlets close . 

FOI extension

 Many unions like Tower Hamlets Unison branch  get money for things like  full time union repos but they are not covered by FOI that needs to change . 

Water bottles

People in Tower Hamlets should ideally use charity ones . 

Apple waste

 NO rotten ones like the Mayor o f Tower Hamlets . 

Lee Miller Archives

 Encorged to see more private places like The Gilbert and George Centre in Tower Hamlets . 

Always hope

 Hope keeps me going in Tower Hamlets . 

Brave people

 Fighting disclination is not easy as I know from  my  fight against the  Mayor of Tower Hamlets and his race baiting supporters . 

Angry locals

 Many in Tower Hamlets will hate it . 

Fireworks cancelled

 Tower Hamlets needs the money for all the Mayors   promises . 

Surplus bread

 I urge  people in Tower Hamlets to look at using it for things like this . 

Community vodka

What do the religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets   think ? 

Birthday stabbing

 what is Tower Hamlets coming to ? 

UBI experiment

 I am surprised the Mayor of /Tower Hamlets has not come up with this . 

Make staff pay

 The staf at Tower Hamlets who made this  should pay rather than the counci l. 

Solar repair

 Many in Tower Hamlets cold learn a lot . 

Extreme weather

 We don't get proper weather like we used to in Tower Hamlets . 

Support solar

I urge people in Tower Hamlets to do that as we are lucky to have energy . 

Library access

One of the vey few things Tower Hamlets is good at . 

Chinses embassy saga

This has been goin on for ages in Tower Hamlets . 

Where is the money coming from?

 Tower Hamlets keep on saying there is no more money . 

Culture threat

Since when did Tower Hamlets care about culture ? 

Many more

 I am sure there are many more with Tower Hamlets that we are not aware of . 

One Cola

 Many in Tower Hamlets like  putting up posters on lamp posts rather than particle action . 

Poor state

 Many of those homes in Tower Hamlets are not fit for humans . 

Not in Tower Hamlets

 I feel it is important to promote  zero wase and refill shops so people in Tower Hamlets can  see where they are . 

Palestine tech incubator

 I doubt if many in Tower Hamlets have read this . 

Private GP service

 I was not aware we had one in the Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets . 

Good rent

 You normally don't get this in Tower Hamlets . 

Religion and atheism

 Sadly I can't see many  in Tower Hamlets reading them . 

Sustainable sand

 I ask everyone in Tower Hamlets to use  sustainable sand. I know very little about  this so I am interested in learning more . 

Atheist library and archive

 I would love to see one in / Tower Hamlets . 

LTN battle

 Good to see people fighting Tower Hamlets . 

Recycling wood

 This is  the kind of thing we should do in Tower Hamlets . 

Metal recycling

 This is the kind of thing I would like to see more of in Tower Hamlets . 

Another gross failure

 Only to be expected from Tower Hamlets . 

Polling districts and places review

 I got this via email. I wonder who in Tower Hamlets will respond ? 

Ancient atheism

 I can't see this discussed at the mosques in Tower Hamlets . 

Car sharing

 We don't need to own cars in Tower Hamlets wiht excellent public transport . 

US projects

Some could be applied in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Freedom of speech

 Imams in Tower Hamlets seem to turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia . 

UBI in Tower Hamlets

 What impact would it have ? 

Poster wars

Not just Tower Hamlets and Redbridge . 


 Tower Hamlets know nothing about ethics take a look at the  grants awarded by  the  current Mayor

Great publication

 For those in Tower Hamlets interested in things like   ethical investing and social enterprise this is a  great site . 

Stupid rule

 Where do Tower Hamlets come up with those rules ? 

Mile End parkrun

 I wouldn't do it but others in Tower Hamlets would do it . 

The Ethical Landlord

 Do they operate in Tower Hamlets ? 

Cancer inequality

 Funding boost in Tower Hamlets . 

Good old Lord Ali

 He gave her more than the Mayor of Tower Hamlets got from the failed mobile phone king . 

Ethical lettings

 Many in Tower Hamlets have never heard of such a thing . 

We can try

 If everyone in Tower Hamlets changed from Google . 

Ethical alternative to buy-to-let

 I have posted this once before. I am interested in ethical investing as I believe that  we in Tower Hamlets should be doing this so if you know of any more like this than get in touch . 

Introduction to Judaism

 Many in Tower Hamlets need this . 

Plenty more

 I have been told by some that Tower Hamlets is full of drug dealers . 

Not this year

 Many in Tower Hamlets voted Labour . 

THCH judgment

 This has gone unnoticed in Tower Hamlets and I only came across it by accident . 

Boycott Hajj

 He is right this is not the kind of thing you would hear in a mosque in Tower Hamlets . 

Climate week

 We don't have this in Tower Hamlets . 

Rotten company

 I am limiting what Google services I use . 

Cola Gaza

 I can't see many in Tower Hamlets drinking this . 

Out of hours GP services

 I was not aware of this in  Tower Hamlets . 

New social housing

 In the grand scheme of things in Tower Hamlets  it is not much but every little helps . 

Strange decision

 This is Tower Hamlets after all . 

NHS trees

 Does Tower Hamlets have many ? 

Good example

 Many in Tower Hamlets could follow this . 

Birth control

 This is excellent news for Tower Hamlets . 

Detroit as well

 Not just in Tower Hamlets . 

Beyond business

 The Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets is moving  beyond business . 

Lucky baby

 Many in Tower Hamlets have very little money . 

Already there

 The stupid parents don't understnad the drug addicts are already there in Tower Hamlets . 

Content suggestions

 I have a Fire Stick, Echo and Kindle. Can people suggest what content I should read. listen to and watch? 

Wise advice

You don't get this from Tower Hamlets . 

UC migration

 Have many others in Tower Hamlets got this letter ? 

I was not aware

 I was not aware we had this in Tower Hamlets . 

Bad internet

 They should see the rubbish on the Tower Hamlets Council website . 

Benefits cap

 Interesting data on Tower Hamlets . 

Not Hackney

I thought it was in Hackney and not Tower Hamlets .  


 How common is that in T ower Hamlets ? 

Tower Hamlets rent

 The last two posts I posted have a solution . 

None in Tower Hamlets

 Hopefully they will add Tower Hamlets to the list . 

Ethical housing investment

 This is the kind we need in Tower Hamlets rather than greedy landlords . 

Good job

 This could be a serious career for some in Tower Hamlets . 

Private schools

 Here is a list of them in Tower Hamlets . 

Man charged

 i hope Tower Hamlets police got the right one . 

=Another stabbing

 They are far too common in Tower Hamlets . 

Trade courses

Let me know of trades and  related courses in Tower Hamlets .  


 This is needed for all trades in Tower Hamlets as many could benefit from unemployed, school leavers to career changers . 

Charity trades school

 We should set one up in Tower Hamlets as there are many people like graduates, school leavers and those   who are unemployed as well as career changers who could benefit. Ideally it should be for all trades . 

Labour hold

 Good news even though I am no fan of Tower Hamlets Labour . 

Junk status

 Very soon it will be Tower Hamlets Council . 

Watch him

Tower Hamlets will do this when  no one is looking .  

Asylum seekers and refugees

 This job advert reveals things about Tower Hamlets which I was not aware of . 

Not a good thing

 As many of those landlords are dodgy Bengali people in T ower Hamlets . 

Old fashioned

A bit like Our East End in Tower Hamlets without the lies. Not sure If I can read it online or not ? 

Wonderful museum

 This is in Montana and not Tower Hamlets sadly . 

Blocking pavements

 Tower Hamlets does not do anything  in regards to this . 

Protecting history

 Bit rich of Tower Hamlets considering what the Mayor did with H enry Moore . 

Modern slavery

 Do we have much in Tower Hamlets ? 

Muslim atheists

 Are there many  in Tower Hamlets ? 

Council funding

 Is Tower Hamlets actually a  deprived council ? 

Atheist reading list

 We need to encourage people in Tower Hamlets to abandon religion . 

Share Energy

 Only in Norther Ireland. People in places like Tower Hamlets could benefit from it if it came to Britain.  What is their website address ? 

Changing face of radio

 Not in Tower Hamlets as many can't understand the English language . 

More cycling in Tower Hamlets

 Which is good but they need to do it properly . 

Not many people

 I go to Canary Wharf a lot and it feels empty compared to other parts of Tower Hamlets like Whitechapel . 

Bad news for Rahman

 He may lose many Bengali voters in Tower Hamlets this way . 

Big tech transparency

 I have been telling the people  of Tower Hamlets to use Ecosia . 

Is this enough?

 Considering the population of T ower Hamlets ? 

Anywhere in UK

 Some in Tower Hamlets will be upset as they  think they will never leave .

Tower Hamlets safeguarding

 I have no idea whether this is good or not . 

Rotten mosques

 There are plenty in Tower Hamlets . 

Green energy

 I am surprised th at more in Tower Hamlets are not using it . 

Will Tower Hamlets join?

 I don't know much about this rival to  X but I am interested in will Tower Hamlets Council  join it ? 

DBS and Islamic organisations in Tower Hamlets

 Does anyone have information on this topic ? 

Islamic abuse

 Sadly I have no figures for Tower Hamlets . 

World Fund

 People in Tower Hamlets should use Ecosia because of the transparency and  the good it is doing . 

Not much media coverage

 Considering the controversy it has in Tower Hamlets and the  wider national scanda l. 

Key article

 Though many in Tower Hamlets will not like what Jones has to say . 

DWP contractor fraud

 I am sure this is happening in Tower Hamlets . 

Approved at last

 One scandal ridden event in Tower Hamlets nothing to do with Rahman . 


 They have no consideration for the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Long saga

 This has been   a very long saga in Tower Hamlets planning . 

Better results

 Unlike Google Ai  they answer questions about Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets  and seem to  give better answers . 

Asylum seekers

 I thought Tower Hamlets was too expensive for them ? 

Jazz radio station

I don't think many people in Tower Hamlets like jazz but it is ironic that a   declining city like Detroit has the best station I can find . 

Share Detroit

 We should have one for Tower Hamlets but we need to keep the mosques and the  local Bengali racists out of it . 

Financial health of Tower Hamlets mosques

 I would be grateful if some one were to give me data on this. I have looked at one but I can't make heads or tails . 

More transparency

 Unlike many charities  in Tower Hamlets . 


 Unlike Tower Hamlets Council many welcome  it. I have contacted Amazon by finding the email for Jeff Bezoz   via You and got an a cknowledgment . 

Better than Google

 As everyone in Tower Hamlets knows I love Ecosia but it is  only good for  general  search for AI you need You . 

US elections

 For those interested in Tower Hamlets I have been told this is a good website . 

Detroit trees

 This was a declining city when they started to do this. They can teach Tower Hamlets a few t hings . 

Not surprising

 COVID fanatics in Tower Hamlets don't care . 

Serious questions need to be asked

 Tower Hamlets Council could not provide the costings for this . 

Like a bad movie

 This is the Tower Hamlets planning system . 

Detroit news

 As people in Tower Hamlets know I love the news. I am interested in Detroit news as I think it can decide who will win the   US Presidential election. Any suggestions? 

Ecosia weather

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should try it . 

Beyond medicine

 In Tower Hamlets t hey allow staff who have no understanding to deal with complaints . 

Green spaces

 This is surprising about Tower Hamlets . 

Sustainable Detroit

 A city in decline is ding  more for sustainability than Tower Hamlets . 


 From listening to LBC Tom lives in Tower Hamlets . 

The Golan

 I doubt many in Tower Hamlets  know anything about this . 

Victoria Park death

Nott all the park is in Tower Hamlets . 

Is this article right?

As those of you who read this  blog know I like posting  old articles sometimes for example Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets. This time I am posting an article about technology as I am interested to see if  anyone knows if the article was right or wrong ? 

Native apps

 Everyone including Tower Hamlets council is using them but what is their long term future ? 


 Like the articles by Tower Hamlets Council this is misleading as a quick calculation would imply not everyone raised  the  required amount . 

Recycling carpets

 I am sure  many like me have some they are trying to get rid of . All suggestions in Tower Hamlets welcome . 

Catholic school success

 Many of the religious fanatics in  Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

Rejected plans

 Last time I remember they were rejected by Tower Hamlets . 

Waste of money

 The actual letter cost more than the    money owed. This is a joke from Tower Hamlets . 

Students for Palestine

 What happened in Tower Hamlets is tame compared to the United States . 

Useful heatwave service

 It has been awful in Tower Hamlets. I love the cold weather . 

Do the basics

 Their job is to provide housing not employment. Like many other organisations in Tower Hamlets they fail at the basic but do things which is not their remit .

Talking newspapers

 I don't think we hare one in Tower Hamlets . 

embassy plan

 Interesting to see what the new Labour government does for the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Solar in Tower Hamlets

With the hot and terrible sunny weather if you are  thinking  of it use one of their members . 

Helping others

 Many Tower Hamlets charities need volunteers . 

Pension information

 Interesting stuff from Tower Hamlets but I don't understand it . 

Taking too long

 We know what the problems in Tower Hamlets are . 

Watney Market FOI

 Tower Hamlets love wasting money on things which  don't achieve anything . 

Solar projects

 we are lucky to have energy in Tower Hamlets . 

Private ambulances

 Some operate in Tower Hamlets but this trade association does not have details . 

Boycott big tech

 Many in Tower Hamlets are critical but they will never do it . 

Beyond Google

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should try Ecosia . 

Competition is good

 Take a look at things like bin collections where Tower Hamlets has a monopoly . 

Tower Hamlets stabbing

Life under Sadiq Khan in Tower hamlets . 

Solaraid and corporate partnerships

 This is the kind of thing we lack in the Tower Hamlets charity sector . 

Plenty in Tower Hamlets

 They even advice on what to do with stuff that cannot be recycled or reused . 

Sarah Haider

 Many religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets would get angry listening to this podcast . 

Sport and pollution

 How green is sports in Tower Hamlets ? 

Rotten to the core

This raises the question about how rotten  publics services in Tower Hamels are ?  

Ballot access

 It's good to see how people do it in other places legitimacy compared to Tower Hamlets where they use dead people . 

Housing cuts

 This  government is  dumb as Tower Hamlets Council . 

Charity water bottles

 Tower Hamlets is very hot today . 

Good idea

 We should set up  a legal charity to offer  legal support like solicitors and barristers to those who can't afford them in Tower Hamlets . 

Charity Sweets

 Now people in Tower Hamlets can eat   sweets and support charity . 

Boycott Google

 I am surprised that people in Tower Hamlets who care about Palestine have not boycotted it after all there are alternatives to it . 

New group

 As anyone in Tower Hamlets who follows this blog knows I have been cussing this for long enough so I  thought I would set up a new group .

Battery recycling for charity

 Does anyone have any information about recycling batteries for charity in Tower Hamlets? 

Overlooked news

 Tower Hamlets and Alaska are very different but we have a problem  that the national media is overlooking many of our key stories as well . 

Recycle glasses

 I know they have stores in Tower Hamlets don't worry they do   contact lenses and hearing aid batteries as well . 

It has not

 It is still totally different from the rest of Tower Hamlets . 

Old shoes

 I am sure many like me in Tower Hamels have  old shoes. If you have any other ideas about old shoes or any other recycling   or reuse let me k now ?

Recycle ink cartridges

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should do this . 

Canary Wharf changes

 Many n Tower Hamlets have no idea bout those changes . 

Light a Village

 This is the kind of innovation the charity  sector in Tower Hamlets lacks .

Eat for good

 This are the places that people in Tower Hamlets should go and eat at .

Ecosia on solar

 People in Tower Hamlets need to take solar seriously . 

Good politics

 Unlike the clowns in Tower Hamlets who have no vision or ideas . 

NVDA group

 I hope many blind in Tower Hamlets use it . 

Rounding up

 This should happen all year round and it should be open to any charity as there are many in places like Tower Hamlets which could benefit from this . 

Logical reason

 Could this be because Rahman  made all the people he wanted to get rid of redcurrant already  from Tower Hamlets ? 

Click to donate

 This is something that people in Tower Hamlets  can use to easily donate money . 

Decision delayed

 I am waiting for the best value inspection of Tower Hamlets. to be published . 

Well worth a read

 This is the kind of long  article that people in Tower Hamlets should read but than for many the fool at  the mosque does their  thinking for them . 

Council tax advantage

 Nothing to do with the great Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

Use protection

 This is what people in Tower Hamlets need to learn . 

Ads for good

 Not sure how this works but this is something which could benefit many Tower Hamlets charities . 

Award winning charity

 Meanwhile many in Tower Hamlets are   selling their souls to Lutfir Rahman . 

wrong on so many levels

 I expect some fool in Tower Hamlets to come up with this not an Italian academic who clearly ahs an  axe to grind . 

A problem

 Those people may live in Tower Hamlets but they are more interested in Bangladesh and they should go back there. They show litle interest in the  UK . 

Planning application

 Interesting to see what happens in Tower Hamlets . 

Stupid woman

 Tower Hamlets is full of people like her . 

Nothing will happen

 Tower Hamlets are good at coming up with things that are not  workable or carried out . 


 Like the Mayor of Tower Hamlets they have jumped on  it without knowing the facts . 


 Maybe some of the parents if  ot the kids at the school were his customers . 

More important things

 Giving grants to  questionable organisations like the Tower Hamlets Council of Mosques . 

Zero waste shops in London

 I know of one in Tower Hamlets. I have no idea how many have websites  where you can buy stuff . 

Online zero waste shop

 This is an online option in relation to my last post about refill shopping. I am sure that others in Tower Hamlets know of mor and would be wiling to share if so get in contact . 

Refill shopping

 I would love to see this in Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets job market

 It is hard to get data this local . 

Moral high ground

The  rotten Mayor of Tower Hamlets has some nerve . 

The facts

 Before people in Tower Hamlets start  to comment we should know the facts . 

Giving back to planet

I can't  see many  in Tower Hamlets doing this .  

Good water

 This is the one that people in Tower Hamlets should use .


Tower Hamlets is a rotten council . 

Charity restaurants

 We  need a list of  them. I can't see any in Tower Hamlets though as they are run by greedy Bengali people . 

General blind group

 I run a number of groups including one for Tower Hamlets but they have low traffic . 

What percentage to charity?

Like Tower Hamlets  Council they make bland statements but don't  actually give the figures . 

Charity soaps

 This is  the kind of  product that people in Tower Hamlets should be using .  I posting this  kind of stuff as there is lack of interesting local news. 

Sounds like a good idea

 I don't see why people in Tower Hamlets would o bject . 

Charity giving list

 I can't see many in  Tower hamlets been on it as it does not involve supporting r ace baiters . 


 I thought Tower Hamlets would have a  high number . 

Charity opportunity

 According to the FAQ section charities can approach them by sending an  email.  I  urge charities in Tower Hamlets to contact them  to see fi they can get any donations . 

Charity donations list

 There are some in Tower Hamlets who like me would like to shop ethically and do business with ethical companies so  having a list of campiest that give to  charity would be a wonderful idea . 

Tower Hamlets based

 Tower Hamlets is mroe than the race baiting Mayor . 

Furniture social enterprise

 I have covered this charity which has a shop very close to me in Tower Hamlets but I know very little about it . 

Social enterprise directory

 We have many in Tower Hamlets some been good and some been bad . 

Charity flowers

 There are many reasons we need flowers in Tower Hamlets . 

Next Rahman

The next thing to do  is to get rid of the  race bating Mayor of / Tower Hamlets . 

Ethical business

 This is he kind that people in Tower Hamlets should be using . 

Ethical Superstore

 People in Tower Hamlets should shop ethically including buying from brands which give to c harity .


 People in Tower Hamlets need to use it more . 

Charity holiday

Hopefully there is some Tower Hamlets charities you can help . 

Wrong perspective

 Bangladeshi press don't really understand Tower Hamlets . 

Book for charity

 If people in Tower Hamlets are considering holidays or trips . 

Fair trade

 I urge people in Tower Hamlets to do some fair trade shopping as it is good for the planet and people . 

Serious issue

 This has been underreported by the media but in places like Tower Hamlets it is a big issue . 

Stupid fool

 He should be worried about Tower Hamlets . 

Charity beers

 Many in Tower Hamlets would be upset. I am looking to try and collect a list of products that give to charity .     

Nothing changes

 Even though Andy Erlam won a historic case in Tower Hamlets . 

Charity drinks

 They are sold in a limited number of places in Tower Hamlets but you can buy them online.

Ethical wines

 Religious fanatics in Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

Charity Tea

 Sadly you can't get this in Tower Hamlets . 

Indian trees

 Many in Tower Hamlets prefer Bangladeshi . 

Stupid Tower Hamlets politics

 I am no fan of Starmer and  there are many reasons to attack him but this is stupid as he could have said this  out of context  and opened his  big  moth without  thinking . 

Limited products

 I would like to see them offering more products as I am currently sweating in a bedroom n Tower Hamlets . 

Muslim gay marriage

 This is what we need to see in Tower Hamlets . 

Former Tower Hamlets CEO

 We need new people rather than the some ones again and a gain . 

Important work

 Sadly many in Tower Hamlets will not be able  to understand it . 

CSR in Bangladesh

 It needs to rely more on local charity and donations raher than  form  people from  places like Tower Hamlets. i have  not been able to find much information on the local charity sector in Bangladesh besides this one . 

Paper candidate

 In my part of Tower Hamlets, Bethnal Green and Stepney they have got someone who is not from  London and is from what I can tell not even campaigning . 

Another Tower Hamlets museum

 Their website is so awful I can't read . 

Interesting question

 This could be   hot topic in Tower Hamlets . 

Volunteer shortage

 Even in Tower Hamlets . 

Totally new MP

 This new seat covers Tower Hamlets and Newham . 

Worrying in Tower Hamlets

I don't think this is Gaza related . 

Blind Alexa

 Unlike Tower Hamlets I am inclusive and even the non blind are welcome to join in . 

Gun crime

 still too high in Tower Hamlets . 

Echo group

 Many in Tower Hamlets have them . 

DIY or home improvement group

I could not find one even though we need them in places like Tower Hamlets due to the shortage of trades people . 

House prices

 In Tower Hamlets they only go one way . 

Cheap labour at mosques

 Reading through some of the charity filings I am     able to conclude that some mosques in Tower Hamlets use cheap  labour . 

Not just Tower Hamlets

 This is common all across the UK . 

Reading list

 I would like one for Tower Hamlets . 

Air pollution

 I was not aware that the  air in Tower Hamlets was this bad . 

Queer Imams

They look more honest than most of the  lying bastards in  Tower Hamlets .  

Excellent website

 Many like Tower Hamlets Council could learn  from it . 

Good question

 I am sure it is happening in  Islamic organisations in  places like Tower Hamlets as well . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets need birth control . 

Ex-Muslim research

 I would like to collect a list so that people in Tower Hamlets and other places can be  provided an alternative view on religion . 

Culture day comedy

 This is the kind of stupid thing that should never happen but it does in Tower Hamlets . 

Blocking pavements

 Many shopkeepers in Tower Hamlets do this and they need to be reported . 

Free Alexa for blind

If you live anywhere in the UK including Tower Hamlets you can self refer to for one . 


 I thought Tower Hamlets Labour was stupid . 

Disability data

 We need more of this n places like Tower Hamlets . 

Jewish history

Tower Hamlets has a rich Jewish history .  

Vagina Museum

Tower Hamlets sems to  have a lot of private museums . 

Tech news

 Not just for blind anyone in Tower Hamlets can use it . 

Ragged School Museum

 Tower Hamlets has many other small museums which I ma not sadly aware of . 


 There is no evidence for this as  they are largely junior  members of the shadow cabinet it could be to get  Bengali votes in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Salary transparency

This is what we should see more of in Tower Hamlets but  it will not happen . 

Fired by Saudi Mosque

 The uneducated people of Tower Hamlets love that awful country . 

Tower Hamlets child abuser

 Sadly  there is plenty more like him in Tower Hamlets . 

Good man

 The people of Tower Hamlets need to know the truth about her . 

Drugs in Tower Hamlets

 Religion is a drug . 

She is safe

 Those freaks in Tower Hamlets will not succeed . 

New development

 Tower  Hamlets is full of them . 

Tower Hamlets group

 I am sure I posted about this before but sadly I have  very few members . 

Not good

The people of Tower Hamels should crowdfund to keep the school open .  open ?  open ? 

Terrible news

 I hope that  this private school in Tower Hamlets finds an investor . 

Woke museum

 From the name  it seems Tower Hamlets could be becoming  woke . 


 I see more and more  homeless people on the streets of /Tower Hamlets and I wish I could help hem .  

Interesting books

 I can't see many in Tower Hamlets reading  them . 

What a joke

Those clowns in Tower Hamlets need to understand that putting up those flags makes on difference to what is happening in Gaza . 

Edible plants

 Not sure how much Tower Hamlets has has . 

Library Friends

 If Bermuda has one than Tower Hamlets should have one to do things like raise money and buy new books and other things . 

Trees and rivers

 Another reasons  why people in Tower Hamlets should use it . 

Not much chance

 This is PR nonsense from Tower Hamlets . 

Heart disease

 Plenty of chicken shops in Tower Hamlets . 

Muslim thugs

 This is what they are and paces like Tower Hamlets are full of th em . 

Housing project

 One of  many in Tower Hamlets. It  it difficult to keep track of how many there are are . 


 Reading the  Dhaka Tribune article it can be argued it is a failed  political party in Tower Hamlets . 

Bad behaviour

 Nothing new in Tower Hamlets politics . 

Love them

 I  think I am  the only Tower Hamlets member . 

Good news

 The inspectors will hopefully clean up Tower Hamlets . 

Lost to Tower Hamlets

 Our culture in /Tower Hamlets is disappearing right before us . 

Like Tower Hamlets

 They have many green policies and  a  Net Zero Officer but still use things like single use items . 

Salary information

 My view is  that Tower Hamlets overpays for some staff . 

Turned Tower Hamlets into a dump

 That is what the curry houses of Brick Lane have done and they have destroyed the area . 

Far too common

 Murder is  becoming too common in Tower Hamlets . 


Luckily many people in Tower Hamlets have not had this  issue . 


 No comment from anyone in Tower Hamlets  yet . 

Benefits advice

 There ae plenty of places in Tower Hamlets which can help . 

THEO information

Really interesting from Tower Hamlets . 

What about hearing loss?

 Many in /Tower Hamlets  play verses of the Koran very loudly . 

Old Flo

 What Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets did was disgraceful . 

Disgraceful conduct

Yet people still defend Tower Hamlets . 

Many quesitons

 There is so much I would like to know about the inspection of / Tower Hamlets . 

Old best value report

 Can't wait for the new one I have  heard that the Tower Hamlets taxpayer pays for them . 

Another key document

 The people of Tower Hamlets have a right  to know how rotten the  Mayor and Council are . 

Forgotten Tower Hamlets scandal

 I know Ted Jeory covered this and I submitted an FOI but nothing ever came of this as far as I know . 

What about Tower Hamlets?

 I can't find any information on equal pay  and Tower Hamlets . 

Different names

 Please people of Tower Hamlets give your babies new and different names . 

A fair settlement

The Ombudsman ahs done his job and  Tower Hamlets  have accepted it . 

Election petition fund

 I know what Andy Erlam went through in Tower Hamlets and many are  relucent  to launch one due to the costs . 

Worth reading

 Many in Tower Hamlets have forgotten . 

Alcohol deaths

 Strange considering the Muslim population . 

Self harm

 Not sure how big a problem it is in Tower Hamlets . 

Good work

 It is usually me asking Tower Hamlets but this time it  is someone else . 

Education is key

 Children in Tower Hamlets should stay on n education. as they will  realise Rahman is a  parasite . 

Lack of financial management

 Further evidence the people of /Tower Hamlets need  better  managers in fiancé  compared to the current clowns in T ower Hamlets . 

Lazy clowns

 This is what Tower Hamlets is full of . 

Another failure

 This is what Tower Hamlets are good at . 

Acceptable form of discrimination

In Tower Hamlets they   are really keen on Muslim but not disability rights . 

Supporting Londonmet

 I would like to make a donation as they have supported many like me in Tower Hamlets but I can't see a  donation page. How do I make a donation ? 

Key academic

 People in Tower Hamlets should read his work . 

Tower Hamlets repository

 We need one to keep things like articles and other things about Tower Hamlets in one easy to find place . 

Ancient maps

 I find getting around Tower Hamlets confusing . 

Yard Theatre funding

 I live in Tower Hamlets and I  have never heard of it . 

Important work

 There would be a uneducated mob out for him ii Tower Hamlets . 


 The people of Tower Hamlets should raise money ofr students to study at Londonmet . 

Thought provoking article

 I doubt anyone who puts up flags in Tower Hamlets has read this . 

Old but i mportant

 In covering Tower Hamlets I have learned that the best articles are not always the newest ones . 

More details on stabbing victim

 People of Tower Hamlets voted for Sadiq Khan . 

Informative website

 It would trigger many in Tower Hamlets . 

Valid concerns

 Many in Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

New news source

 Sadly many in Tower Hamlets can't read English . 

London under Khan

 One man murdered in Tower Hamlets . 

Challenging article

 Many in Tower Hamlets will not like it  

Airport watch

 Some in Tower Hamlets would find  it very  useful as they hate the airport . 

Ancient literature

Many in Tower Hamlets lack this knowledge .  

NOt just Tower Hamlets

 Other parts of London have them as well . 

Important project

 Many in Tower Hamlets would benefit from his work . 

Before Twoer Hamlets

 Tower Hamlets was created from three councils . . 

Makes sense

 I am sure t ere are many in Tower Hamlets who prefer websites over apps . 

Start with Whitechapel

 We have plenty of rats  including the Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Public engagement

 Tower Hamlets should have done this when they got rid of that  parasite Tuckley . 

Reducing plastic

 We have too much in Tower Hamlets . 


 Many have moved out of /Tower Hamlets due to cost . 

Do good

 You know what to do people of / Tower Hamlets . 

Interesting way to support Palestine

 Many in Tower Hamlets are just putting up flags . 

Beyond comedy

 Rahman appeals to some of the most disgusting people in Tower Hamlets . 

Officer action

 Officers in Tower Hamlets did not have any choice as they have to follow the law. He can always give them questionable grants . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets need to learn about things like this so they can take religion in context . 

Atheist Alpha course

Will not go down too well in Tower Hamlets .  

The issue of Palestine

 Not just in Tower Hamlets . 

Learn Ancient Egyptian

 Many in Tower Hamlets can't learn English .

Important article

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't know how important she is in the secular and atheist movement . 

Nit the case

 I happen to live in Tower Hamlets .