
Showing posts from July, 2023

Homeless in Tower Hamlets

 What is Rahman going to do ? 

Account denied or can't find account

 We should have a website for this like the one by Farage as I know of many who can't open bank accounts in Tower Hamlets. Can someone set one up ? 


 Try it in Tower Hamlets . 

The other banking scandal

 I know of many in Tower Hamlets who can't pass the ID requirements to open an account . 

Not knives

 It makes a change in Tower Hamlets . 

Cargo ship travel

 Still confused by it. Can I get one from any docks in T ower Hamlets ? 

Useful for some in Tower Hamlets

 Let me know of other options . 

Lack of proof

 Many in Tower Hamlets can't open bank accounts due to a lack of ID something must be d one . 

Ripper industry

 This is good for Tower Hamlets . 

Government help

 Those people in Tower Hamlets will not thank the Conservatives when it comes to elections . 


 Can we have this in Tower Hamlets ? 

What do you expect?

 Many in Tower Hamlets have  no understanding of culture and history . 

I knew this

 VEry common in Tower Hamlets . 

Different worlds

Nothing new in Tower Hamlets .  

Ethical tea

 Many in Tower Hamlets love tea . 

Not a planning horror

 Canary Wharf has been a wonderful addiction to Tower Hamlets . 

Bill 96

 Interesting articles we should have a collection of Rahman ones in Tower Hamlets . 

Another Rahman success

 Before the clowns complain paying staff more will not solve the problem. Take a look at the grossly overpaid fools in communications in Tower Hamlets . 

Better choice

 I will never vote for the Greens in T ower Hamlets . 

What about Rahman podcast?

 People of Tower Hamlets could learn a lot . 

Tower Hamlets history

 There is so much of it . 

Rahman will be happy

 Tower Hamlets needs someone new . 

Affordable housing investment

 How many in Tower Hamlets ? 

Technology in Canary Wharf

 We have that dump QMW in Tower Hamlets . 

Discretionary housing payments

 I am  not sure if it is good or bad as this story is more complex than it sounds and Tower Hamlets does sometime do good things . 

Demanding a voice

 Not much chance in T ower Hamlets . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets don't know about our most successful criminal . 

New manager

 i know more about Tower Hamlets Council than Canary Wharf management tea m . 

Ethical tea

 This is what we need in Tower Hamlets . 

Blind gaming

 Not much for blind to do in T ower Hamlets . 

Hackney Foodbank

 Right next to Tower Hamlets which has far too many . 

Tower Hamlets boy

 He is now a Redbridge MP .  

Support Tower Hamlets information

 I try to bring the news that I think will benefit people in Tower Hamlets but I need some assistance on findings ways to make money from this blog. 

Money Box

 People in Tower Hamlets could understand money more . 

Cinema in Tower Hamlets

 I don't know much about it . 

Beyond banking

 Canary Wharf could become major residential area of Tower Hamlets . 

Rahman fanatics not happy

 Tower Hamlets Unison is full of Rahman fanatics and they tried to stop Commissioners coming into the building . 

You and Yours

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should listen to it . 

Carbon negative soft drink

 Where can I get that in Tower Hamlets ? 

Still a future

 This area of Tower Hamlets has seen even worse days . 

Carbon negative beer

 We need carbon negative ice cream and soft drinks in Tower Hamlets . 

More action needed

 There are far too many dangerous dogs in Tower Hamlets . 

Not just Newham

It will impact Tower Hamlets as w ell .  

Good justice

 We need more of that from Tower Hamlets . 

One to watch

 Tower Hamlets has no C olin Standish . 

Sad decline

 The people of Tower Hamlets need them . 

Peter Golds written evidence

 Missed this in many years of covering Tower Hamlets . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets have no idea about the environmental movement in Bangladesh . 

Lack of answers

 This is sadly the case now in Tower Hamlets . 

Utter rubbish

 That is my view on schools in Tower Hamlets . 

Blue badge fraud

 I kinow of some disabled people in Tower Hamlets who have them but don't need them . 

The problem with AI

 Like Tower Hamlets staff it can't read stuff and make things up. I have been asking about this for ages . 

Uncertain future

 People are too quick to write off the Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets . 

Helping children in care

 It is a disgrace how they are treated in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Meet Colin Standish

 Far better than the Mayor of T ower Hamlets . 

Not much impact in Tower Hamlets

 It  just added to the transport we have in Tower Hamlets did not really create anything new . 

Stepney Council

 One of the three councils that make up Tower Hamlets . 

Wider issue

 I don't blame Tower Hamlets in this case . 

Not just meat

 I know we have wild mushrooms in Tower Hamlets. Can we get non meat wild products delivered to our homes ? 

Justice for THCH residents group

 As a THCH resident and living in Tower Hamlets I don't know enough about this group to get involved . 

Murder tours

 Very popular in Tower Hamlets . 

Free Speech Union credit union

 They should set up one for members. I note that disgraced Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman still has his bank accounts .