
Showing posts from May, 2022


 Plenty of providers including private ones in Tower Hamlets and the whole of the UK . 

Get real

 Those socialist clowns have no idea about politics in Tower Hamlets . 

Film school in Tower Hamlets

 We could do with one in Tower Hamlets . 

Good start but too narrow

 At least those people would not vote for Lutfur in Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets would be ideal

 We have a lot of car parks in Tower Hamlets . 

Not just EU

 I know of many of my relatives from Bangladesh living in Tower Hamlets who want to become British . 


 So may questions. Has anyone in Tower Hamlets got one of them ? 

Game changer

 It will improve train services from one part of Tower Hamlets to another . 

Impact on Tower Hamlets

 Does this happen every year ? 

Knock it down

 Tower Hamlets need to make it clear that the pavement is for . 

New loyalty card

 The people of Tower Hamlets are more interested in cooking oil . 

What will Rahman do?

 After all he is the champion of the people and Tower Hamelts Homes is under his control . 

Register of charities

 I have selected one Tower Hamlets based charity but there is much information about charities which is worth looking at . 

Best jobs group

 This is the best one I have found. There are not that many jobs in Tower Hamlets. Anymore job related groups let me know . 

Tower Hamlets charities

 Hopefully some will be shut down in Tower Hamlets . 

Another one

 I have heard some rumours that there could be another case after the elections which took place on the 5th of May . 

Tower Hamlets documents

 I can't wait to see what documents they provide . 

Sadly nothing will happen

 This has been going on for ages in Tower Hamlets . 

Cost of language rights

 In Tower Hamlets they get money but in Quebec they turn down money . 

Suffering injustice

 I am willing to suffer like him to stand up for what is right in Tower Hamlets . 

I agree with Tower Hamlets Labour

 This raises a question about the man of the people. Is he a fool for not realising this in the first place ? 

SDT judgment on Lutfur Rahman

 Despite this and all the stuff we know about him many in Tower Hamlets love him . 

Final report on Tower Hamlets

 The average Lutfur Rahman supporter will not read this . 

What change?

 Sadly many in Tower Hamlets don't care . 

Distance learning colleges

 Many in Tower Hamlets would benefit. Why are there so few members? Is there a more complete list of providers ? 

Not working

 Many in Tower Hamlets will not believe Lutfur and his supporters and those clowns who write articles defending him . 

Good actor

 Lutfur Rahman is a good actor who has taken the people of Tower Hamlets for a ride . 

Register of interests

 I can't seem to find one here for Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman. Where can I find it? 

Monitoring Rahman

 I need the help of others in sending me stuff and doing things like seeing what he is up to. His office was last time full of undesirable people who should not have been employed by Tower Hamlets . 

Similar trend in UK

 They will not tell you about this in mosques in Tower Hamlets . 

Plenty of waste

 We could also cut a lot of non essential staff in Tower Hamlets . 

Spiked on Lutfur Rahman

 A lot of his supporters in Tower Hamlets will not be able to read this . 

Despite price cap

 I have asked before but it is there any data on Tower Hamlets ? 

Will Rahman attend?

 I see no benefit as a lot of the people who voted for him as Tower Hamlets Mayor would not understand this . 

Excellent bank

 Some charities may need a loan now that Labour are not in charge of Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets under Rahman

 Lutfur Rahman does not have much power and we can keep him under control but we need to do things like use FOI. 

Beyond religion

 Reposting as many in Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

About time

 This is good news for Tower Hamlets . 

Serious questions are been asked

 Many people like Peter Golds and others will not give those male Bengali men a easy ride. Tower Hamlets needs better . 

Be fair to Lutfur

 He can't be expected to ruin Tower Hamlets overnight. He needs sometime . 

Hygiene bank

 They are active in Tower Hamlets . 


 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets will hide behind his human r ights . 

Peter Golds will

 One of the few in Tower Hamlets to serve the whole community is Peter Golds and not Lutfur and his bunch . 

Race and religion

Rahman has used the Tower Hamlets Bengali population who don't care about his corruption . 

Fat chance

 No one in Tower Hamlets with any sense would trust him . 

Politics of race and religion

 Lutfur Rahman and his style of politics which is bad for Tower Hamlets is loved by many on the left . 

Very close to Tower Hamlets

Good to see this in London despite Brexit and all that from a Berlin based company . 

Guardian love him

They don't live in Tower Hamlets . 

The fun starts now

 I along with many others in Tower Hamlets will be watching to see what those race baiting clowns get up to . 

Should be in jail

 At least Tower Hamlets have Peter Golds back . 

Dangerous game

 The fools who voted for him in Tower Hamlets have got people like Nigel Farage looking into it . 

Shame he left Tories

 It is a shame that he did not run for Conservative Party in Tower Hamlets . 

Next year in Tower Hamlets

 They are slow counters in Tower Hamlet s. 

To the point

 We have too many of those people in Tower Hamlets . 

Stop him

 Tomorrow the people of Tower Hamlets will hopefully make the right decision . 

Should be in jail

 Sadly many people in Tower Hamlets have no objections to criminals . 

Another local charity

 I found out about this Tower Hamlets charity by accident . 

Property crowdfunding

 Hi I am interested in property crowdfunding. I know there were some opportunities in Tower Hamlets. Even after reading this I am not sure . 

Waste of time

 I would prefer a online pharmacy like this compared to the ones in Tower Hamlets . 

Another one

 We have a lot of bicycle related stuff in Tower Hamlets . 


 Reminds me of Andy Erlam in Tower Hamlets . 

Why secret?

 People in Tower Hamlets need to ask serious questions .