
Showing posts from 2022

No Ripper

 He is the most famous criminal to come from Tower Hamlets . 

Sadly forgotten

 The people of Tower Hamlets let him back in . 

Police state

 This is the kind of thing that Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets would like . 

To the COVID fanatics in Tower Hamlets

 There is a lot of them at Queen Mary's University of London . 

long journey

 Most in Tower Hamlets are lazy . 

What about political ASBO?

 There is plenty of that by the supporters of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

Not just offices

 In Tower Hamlets we have mosques and shops which could be turned into housing . 

Plastic free shopping

 I am disappointed to see so much plastic in Tower Hamlets . 

Good tech advice

 I listened to him on LBC. He is very helpful and has more knowledge than people who sell stuff in Tower Hamlets . 

Charity vouchers

 I have not seen this in any Tower Hamlets groups . 

Already happened

 Sadly many only care about the Bengali community in this area of Tower Hamlets . 

Unknown in Tower Hamlets

 Even though he has done so much for Canary Wharf . 

Bengal famine

 Many in Tower Hamlets have a connection to Bengal but don't understand much about it . 

Poor extremists

 We should spare a thought for those in in Tower Hamlets . 

Giving back

 In Tower Hamlets it's all about stealing . 

Plenty of uses

 Not just shops staying open longer but cuts in staff in Tower Hamlets Council . 

Not many members in Tower Hamlets

 It could be that some private providers in Tower Hamlets may not meet the standards don't like paying fees . 

Open on christmas day in Tower Hamlets

 From shops to online services what is actually open on christmas day? 

One for ITV News

 It is about time that Daniel Hewitt came to Tower Hamlets . 

Any new news?

 I am sure the residents of Tower Hamlets would love to know . 

Charity Gifts

 How many if any Tower Hamlets charities are there ? 

Plenty of choice

 For people interested in ethical gifts in Tower Hamlets . 

Ethical gifts

 Many in Tower Hamlets are interested. Please get in contact with more . 

Shopping for charity

 Most of the ones in Tower Hamlets are rubbish . 

To the point

 He is the best councilor in Tower Hamlets . 

Ethical gifts

 People in Tower Hamlets should consider doing that . 

Idea Stores Facebook

 For Tower Hamlets their Facebook page is actually good . 

A bit late

 This Tower Hamlets story was reported earlier by a Romford paper . 

Beyond farce

 Tower Hamlets need to get their act together . 

Helpful free resources

 I have posted this before. Let's collect a list of free places to get help online. I can't find a place for computing in Tower Hamlets . 

Plenty of savings

 There ips a lot of waste in Tower Hamlets . 

Possible voting fraud

 Happens all the time in Tower Hamlets . 

London Commmunity Credit Union

This is a good example of a credit union from Hillingdon. I urge people in Tower Hamlets to join one . 

Turkish restaurants

 What about the Indian ones in T ower Hamlets ? 

Replacing computers

 A number of people in Tower Hamlets like me will have to replace their computers or upgrade when Windows 8.1 support ends.  Does anyone have any suggestions for cheap desktop computers? 

Know nothing

 I know nothing about this case involving Tower Hamlets man . 

IT help group

 I hope that many in Tower Hamlets use it like I am . 


 Many in E1 in Tower Hamlets and E8 in Hackney had powercuts today. Are they becoming more common? What is causing them? 

Schools closed

 It is not that bad in Tower Hamlets . 

No action

 I have reported at least one charity in Tower Hamlets and The Charity Commission did nothing . 

I love this country

 Many in Tower Hamlets actively hate this country . 

Pharmacies closing

 This is not something I have encountered in Tower Hamlets . 

Good news for the youth

 The youth in Tower Hamlets need something with all the knife crime and all that . 

Like Murdoch in Tower Hamlets

 Wapping is in Tower Hamlets. Is this ITVX news service any good? What changes are there ? 

People power

 Nothing to do with Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman . 

WorkPath and Barts

 Tower Hamlets are wasting our money on this. There are plenty of employment services around . 

Danger to people

 Tower Hamlets has too much street furniture . 

Ocean Bottle

 As I have said nad will continue to say Tower Hamlets has too much plastic . 

Wonder Bag

 I know that many in Tower Hamlets want to help the environment and do good at the same time . 

Labour and Canary Wharf

 Until recently that part of Tower Hamlets had one Tory Councillor who became an independent.  

Living in Canary Wharf

 It is a very central part of London. It is a rather unique part of Tower Hamlets . 

Any warm spaces in Tower Hamlets?

 This is a terrible webstie I can't use it to see if there are any in Tower Hamlets ? 

Find him

 For the safety of Tower Hamlets his dogs need to be put down . 

Action needed

 There are far too many dangerous dogs in Tower Hamlets . 

Nothing new

 We don't even know when the appeal against Tower Hamlets is . 


 Tower Hamlets has too much plastic . 

Very exciting

 Whilst in Tower Hamlets it is just many articels about the Chinese embassy which I have discussed before and there is nothing new . 

John Lewis saving energy

 Plenty could do the same like Tower Hamlets Council . 

Real reason is politics

 Former Tower Hamlets Councillor Andrew Wood thinks it will be overturned on appeal . 

Over to Michael Gove

 Will he side with Tower Hamlets ? 

Stupid idea

 There is not enough space in Tower Hamlets . 

Utter contempt

 The cowards in Tower Hamlets under man of the people Lutfur Rahman sent their contractors in the middle of the night . 

Embassy facts

 I have been covering Tower Hamlets politics for many years and I am not aware of many of those. Though some might be wrong about the King owning the estate . 

Embassy protests

 Do most people in Tower Hamlets understand what is going on in China ? 

Andrew Wood thread on Chinese embassy

 The former Tower Hamlets Councillor has written a long thread . 

Embassy fears

 Are those geinune or just reasons for Tower Hamlets to say no ? 

Chinese embassy facts

 A lot of interesting stuff on the new proposed Chinese embassy in Tower Hamlets . 

Middle class criminals

 They are treated differently in Tower Hamlets . 

Season to give

 Plenty of charities in Tower Hamlets could benefit . 

Regents and Tower Hamlets

 The Italian fashion school has a campus in Tower Hamlets .

Excess deaths and life expectancy in Tower Hamlets

 I am interested in data since lockdown ended . 

Generous people

Yet they are racists as well in voting for Rahman to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

RNIB Tech Talk

 I think this is every episode. As a blind person in Tower Hamlets I fimd them somewhat usefu l. 

Will Dry

 He is as dishonest as former Tower Hamlets spin doctor Nathan Akehurst . 

Bad news for poor people

 Many poor people in places like Tower Hamlets use the buses . 

Local laundry

 Saw this on a Tower Hamlets related Facebook group . 

Ethical money

 Alien concept to many in Tower Hamlets . 

Not in Tower Hamlets

 Many small businesses are committing tax fraud . 

England support

 This is good for Tower Hamlets youth . 

Food poverty

 We need more data on it in Tower Hamlets . 


 This is the kind of thing we need in Tower Hamlets . 

Local art

 I found out about this on the Facebook group that covers the Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets. I am not on Instagram .  

Like Rahman supporters

 They have tried to silence people in Tower Hamlets by calling them things like racists. I will not be silenced . 

Alternatives to twitter

 Every conservative in Tower Hamlets should join GETTR which I have discussed in the past and Truth Social .  BTW my handle at both is @abdulhai23 BT

Missing girl

 How many are not reported in Tower Hamlets ? 

Beyond Tower Hamlets

 Bengali corruption happens outside of Tower Hamlets as well. Like Rabina Khan he is a Lib Dem . 

Family voting

 This is bad news in Tower Hamlets . 

Good idea

 People treat places like Tower Hamlets as racing venues . 

Baby Bank

This is the best I could find for Tower Hamlets . 

Real community

 Tower Hamlets should be more like Neighbours . 

Labour infighting

 Lutfur Rahman was once leader of Tower Hamlets Labour . 

Buy to rent

 We should set up a CIC or charity in Tower Hamlets to buy property and rent them out rather than greedy landlords . 

What about Tower Hamlets?

 I have heard some stories about private landlords . 

Sent by Tower Hamlets

 I was sent there when it was George Orwell . 

Very active

 The Church is very active in the Bow area of Tower Hamlets in supporting locals . 

Empty and second homes

 How many are there in Tower Hamlets?  Do they pay extra council tax and any other taxes? It is all confusing. 

Free alternative to GoHenry

 I have been told by a child in Tower Hamlets that she and her friends use it and there is no fee . 

How many more?

 Tower Hamlets is full of criminals . 

NYU Bangladesh

 Most of the people in Tower Hamlets have never heard of NYU . 

Bangladeshi's in Tower Hamlets

 Is this anything similar to that ? 

Alumni newtworks

 We should have them for things like workplaces and where you live for example Tower Hamlets. It should be likfe Facebook . 

Half of Bangladesh

 It feels like this is what the people of Tower Hamlets own . 

Whitechapel Residents

 A big area of Tower Hamlets with not many m embers . 

Not just Canary Wharf

 It will be other parts of Tower Hamlets as well  

Not in Tower Hamlets

 We don't get this kind of stuff in Tower Hamlets . 

Limehouse matters

 It is a small part of Tower Hamlets with a big Facebook group . 

Boundary changes

 Tower Hamlets requires better MPs . 

Trades college

 We should have scholarships so that people with degrees or no qualifications from places like Tower Hamlets could go to places like this. Someone needs to set up a scholarship . 

NCC Alumni

 I have joined as I went to Tower Hamlets. Waiting to be approved. Not sure how to join more than one network. My old school not listed . 

Emergency energy fund

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets love free money . 

Better job

 They can do a better job than most of the staff in Tower Hamlets . 

Skills college in Tower Hamlets

 We need to train people for things like plumbing and other skills which we have a shortage of . 

Shame on Tower Hamlets

 To be fair Lutfur Rahman has none . 

Lack of information

 I tried to get someone into a trade like plumbing in Tower Hamlets but gave up as I coud not find any. Does anyone have information on training courses? Not just plumbing any trade . 

Dark mode

 I wish the Tower Hamlets Council website was in dark mode . 

Historical statistics

 There are a lot of interesting data which historians will find useful about Tower Hamlets . 


 Good to see children standing up to Lutfur Rahman and his wasters in Tower Hamlets . 

Good pupils

 Sadly a lot of their parents voted for the Mayor of Tower Hamlets . 

Barristers chambers

 Isn't there only one in Tower Hamlets ? 

Awful bank

 They have closed their main branch in Whitechapel in Tower Hamlets . 

Unsafe Tower Hamlets

 I blame Sadiq Khan . 

Local handyman

 /Seems to cover most of Tower Hamlets . 

A new party

 We have had plenty in Tower Hamlets over the years . 

Good local information

 I may have posted this before. I get a lot of my information about Tower Hamlets from here . 

Acceptable racism

 Like Lutfur Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets . 

Whig Party

 Once they were very active in Tower Hamlets but now have disappeared . 

Close Our East End

 We have not got that rubbish from Tower Hamlets for sometime . 

Use ecosia

 Plenty of higher education providers in Tower Hamlets . 

Could be Tower Hamlets

 We also have a large number of illegals in Tower Hamlets . 

Scholarship idea

 We should have one so that people from places like Tower Hamlets and other places all over the world could study any course anywhere from univsities to private schools . 


In places like Tower Hamlets poor children already stay in school . 

Good on them

 The racists in Tower Hamlets elected him as Mayor . 

Will Aid

 Are any law firms in Tower Hamlets taking part ? 


 Many others in Tower Hamlets are going under . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets don't know about this even though ti is a Bangladeshi based charity . 

Murder charge

 Hard to keep track of murders in Tower Hamlets . 

Not knifing

 Which is odd for Tower Hamlets and London . 

Community radio

 We need one to serve the whole of Tower Hamlets and not just a section of the community . 

Good way to plant trees

 My cousin had her wedding a few months ago in Tower Hamlets. Shame we did not do this . 

Matt Goodwin

 Many in Tower Hamlets won't understand his writing . 

Lying Labour

 Used to that in Tower Hamlets . 

Blast from the past

 This time it will be flu in To wer Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets murder

 I have another article confirming the same thing . 

Four charged

 Tower Hamlets is now crime ridden . 

Peter Golds on police

 They are still failing the people of Tower Hamlets . 

Vision Ability

 CIC based in Tower Hamlets. Not much detail though . 

Another murder

 Sadly there are far too many in Tower Hamlets . 

Bad mistake

However others are coming to the Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets . 

Typical Labour

 Like in Tower Hamlets there is someone else to blame for their failures . 

HSBC and Canary Wharf

 Important story for T ower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets boy done good

 Some others from Tower Hamlets have been banned from practicing the law . 


 I am sure many in Tower Hamlets would have benefitted from it . 

Worse than Tower Hamlets

 Many thought that Tower Hamlets politics was bad . 

Fat pensions

 That is one of the reasons for working in the public sector in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Staff sickness

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't do any work when they are in work . 

Poor quality new homes

 We have plenty in Tower Hamlets including social housing . 

Tower Hamlets

 I don't need to say anything else . 

Good idea

 More people in Tower Hamlets should do this . 

Should be in Tower Hamlets

Hopefully they will build some here. Still a lot of questions . 

Tower Hamlets Somali community

 Are they doing anything about this ? 

Disgusting Labour

 What else do you expect from Labour since Rupa Huq. Of course the real losers are the people of Tower Hamlets . 

How many?

 I can't keep track of the number of stabbings in Tower Hamlets . 

Better than the City

 The people of Tower Hamlets should be proud of this . 

Warm banks

 According to 2 FOI requests Tower Hamlets have not made a decision. It will be summer by the time they decide . 

Reminds me of Tower Hamlets

 PayPal can't seem to do anything right in terms of PR . 

Wise decision

 Good to see Tower Hamlets Mayor Rahman making the right one . 

Saving money

 Many in Tower Hamlets would find this useful. Let me know of any other ways not just energy ? 

What could go wrong?

 Tower Hamlets has so many racists who will abuse this . 


 Many in Tower Hamlets still support the vile Iranian regime . 

Pub reopens

 I thought all of them in Tower Hamlets would close due to cost of living ? 

Plastic free Tower Hamlets

 Also visit the website of the East London Garden Society . 

Another view on Brick Lane

 Not everyone in Tower Hamlets likes Brick Lane . 

The future of Brick Lane

 This is a dump and Tower Hamlets would be better off with it gone . 

Charity safeguarding

 Looking at Tower Hamlets there is a lot to be desired . 

I disagree

 Brick Lane is a dump and Tower Hamlets would be better off without it . 

One in Tower Hamlets

 We could do with more private education providers .

Tower Hamlets win

 This is bad news for the C ity of London . 

Tower Hamlets appeal

 Good to see people taking on Tower Hamlets . 

Not many signatures

 Even though a lot of people in places like Tower Hamlets claim benefits . 

Plenty in Tower Hamlets

 Many people and charities are struggling . 

Private hospital

 I was not aware that we had one in the Stepney area of Tower Hamlets . 

Darling of the left

 Like Tower Hamlets Mayor Lu tfur Rahman . 

What about Tower Hamlets?

 I know someone who has opened a new shop. I also know of someone who is trying to sell up . 


 I wonder if anyone in Tower Hamlets watches their TV channel on Freeview channel 79 ? 

No cost to UK

 They benefit places like Tower Hamlets and if we did not allow them to bring family they would go to other countries . 

What a disgrace

 Tower Hamlets usually ignre complaints by p eople . 

Homeworking bad news

 It doesn't benefit business areas like Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets . 

Possible bad news

 HSBC brings in a lot of business to Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets GP contract

 Does anyone have any details on this ? 

Some cuts

 Staff in Tower Hamlets are getting far too much . 

Congregation of Jacob

 I live very close to them and I had no idea they existed in Tower Hamlets . 

Disgusting comments

 You would see this kind of thing in Tower Hamlets. Even David Lammy has called it out . 

Staff forums

Another way of Tower Hamlets to waste public resources . 

Not doing much

 What has he done since his election as Mayor of Tower Hamlets ? 

Any based in Tower Hamlets?

 We have a large financial sector in Canary Wharf . 

Retail price

 Many in Tower Hamlets will be u pset . 

Like remittance in Tower Hamlets

 Which has turned many people in Bangladesh into lazy wasters . 

Mystery shopping

 There is some work in Tower Hamlets . 

Trading Standards

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't know they exist . 

Good for Tower Hamlets

 Canary Wharf brings in a lot of money . 

Business energy

 Many in Tower Hamlets will learn the truth soon . 

Rahman evidence

 We need to find a way of saving it as things like websites and emails are gone. The people of Tower Hamlets should never forget. 

What about Tower Hamlets Mayor Rahman?

 Barclays allowed him to have an account for his party after the election c ourt . 

Good on Andrew Wood

 I don't see many Labour people in Tower Hamlets doing t his .

Not just Leicester

 I have seen reports that they are trying to incite in Tower Hamlets . 

Hotels in Tower Hamlets

 Please send me local i nformation . 

Children in Afghanistan

 Suffering much worse than children in Tower Hamlets . 

Financial education

 Plenty of people in Tower Hamlets need it . 

Bereavement information

 Many in Tower Hamlets need this. Also it seems to be in community languages . 

Tower Hamlets residents

 Let me know if you spot a ny ? 

Free plastic bags

 Some shops in Tower Hamlets are giving some away free. What can be done to stop this as it is illegal? 

Ignore them

 They remind me of Rahman supporters in T ower Hamlets . 

Ethical company

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should shop with P atagonia . 

King and Tower Hamlets

 We are lucky to have Charles III  

Follow Kent

 Tower Hamlets needs to end this dangerous ex periment . 

No help from Rahman

 tower Hamlets Mayor can't do anything to help his supporters . 

Living streets a defence

 Good to see someone making the case for them in Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets murder

 No new updates as far as I know in sometime . 

Not Tower Hamlets yet

 Will they ever join ? 

Adults only

Unlike Tower Hamlets politics where the politicians behave like children with the exception of Peter Gold s. 

Typical Tower Hamlets

 Has not changed under Lutfur Rahman . 

Investment zones

 They will need a lot of help like Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets . 

Rahman office FOI

 Tower Hamlets have got a number of questions to answer . 

No mention in Tower Hamlets

 Maybe the fools in the mosques don't understand what is going on in China . 

Name changes

 I can't see any for Tower Hamlets . 

Confusing policy

 I don't understand it. Many businesses in Tower Hamlets could benefit from it. Can someone explain i t ?

Historic truth

 Someday it will be Rahman and Tower Hamlets . 

Local attractions

 More to Tower Hamlets than curry houses and corruption . 

100 days of Rahman

 The people of Tower Hamlets should watch ITV News Y ouTube . 

Already done that

To the docklands area of Tower Hamlets . 

Some in Tower Hamlets

 I have at least seen one in Tower Hamlets . 


 There is some in Tower Hamlets . 

Affordable solar lights

 Many in Tower Hamlets could benefit. They need to add more products . 

Risky move

 Many in Tower Hamlets will close . 

Any updates?

 The people of Tower Hamlets need to know what is going on . 

What about Tower Hamlets?

 I have not been given any information. I hope that some mosques close . 

Tower Hamlets stabbing

 London is safe under Sadiq Khan . 

Based in Tower Hamlets

 They rely on donations rather than NHS . 

ADR schemes

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't know about them . 

Cost of living

 This is a topic I would like to cover more as many in Tower Hamlets will struggle. Contact me with things like links and ideas . 

Some good news

 We don't get that often in Tower Hamlets . 

Muslim view

 What will the ones in Tower Hamlets think as it is a ethical drink ? 

Bethnal Green Food Bank

 It is part of Bow . 

No one noticed

 The people of Tower Hamlets have better things to do . 

Political reality

 Rahamn supporters in Tower Hamlets will have to face it like they are in France . 

Unfit for public office

 Many in Tower Hamlets defend her and believe anything that comes out of her mouth . 

Not much of a protest

 The racists in Tower Hamlets could teach them a thing or two about p rotesting . 

Christian bank

 There are many Christian charities in Tower Hamlets . 

Not acceptable

 People in Tower Hamlets should be allowed to engage in political debate without the fear of violence . 

Many are dodgy

 In Tower Hamlets they employ illegal immigrants as well as not paying tax . 

Not in Tower Hamlets

 The unions could not get enough of their members to vote for strike . 

Something for Tower Hamlets charities

 Is it like AmazonSmile ? 

Make the unions pay

 Why should the Tower Hamlets taxpayer pay for union reps? It should come out of membership fees . 

Don't belong here

 Those are the kind of people who don't belong in Tower Hamlets . 

Can't wait

 Hopefully many mosques in Tower Hamlets will go under . 


 The people of Tower Hamlets don't like those stupid protests . 

Timely advice

 Some in Tower Hamlets have followed Don't Pay . 

GCSE results

 Have students in Tower Hamlets taken the easy option ? 

Empty places

 Will be many in the Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets . 

Strange party

 This is Tower Hamlets after all . 

Tower Hamlets First

 So many good articles on Lutfur Rahman which most of his dimwit supporters can't read . 

Warm banks

 Many councils are doing this. Ar e Tower Hamlets ? 

Public sector pay

 Tower Hamlets Unison will not like the t ruth . 

New restaurant

 Many restaurants in Tower Hamlets will go under . 

Corbyn fanatics

 Like former Tower Hamlets spin doctor Nathan Akehurst they are dishonest people . 

Charities and energy

 There are many charities in Tower Hamlets which could go under . 

Cheap rents

 There is a way to live cheaply in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Sports clubs

 Tower Hamlets Council have provided a useful list . 

Never trust Labour

 Take a look at what they have doing in Tower Hamlets and London . 

Tower Hamlets charity

 I came across this by a ccident . 

Easy subjects

 This is how Tower Hamlets do so well . 

Private higher education

 We have many like Regents in Tower Hamlets . 

Credit charity

Like the credit unions which we have one of in Tower Hamlets . 


 Tower Hamlets is one of the London Boroughs that it works in . 

Tower Hamlets Council death

 Not much information on this article . 

Afghanistan appeal

 It is still going on. Many in Tower Hamlets Muslim community don't want to talk about it . 

Business energy costs

 Not been able to find any data on Tower Hamlets . 

Charities in Tower Hamlets

 I wonder if many will benefit from this ? 

EU ships

 Still come to Tower Hamlets despite Brexit . 

A ery good article

 i hope that people don't make the same mistakes as we did with Rahman in  Tower Hamlets . 

Too much

 Many pharmacies in Tower Hamlets make too much by selling expensive stuff . 

Blind Facebook group

 There is none in Tower Hamlets and this is London wide . 

This is awful

 Many in Tower Hamlets will sadly celebrities . 

Facts matter

 Except to people like Lutfur Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets and Don't Pay UK . 

Waste of money

 Knowing Tower Hamlets they don't always consider public money . 

TRIBE London

 It has arrived in Tower Hamlets but I have no idea what it is . 

No girls school

 This is Tower Hamlets and not Afghanistan . 

Tower Hamlets magazine

Nothing to do with the council . 

Local eatery

 I am happy to cover local businesses in Tower Hamlets . 

Many have taken note

 Many working class people in Tower Hamlets understand more than those middle class social justice warriors . 

Despite everything

 Good to see major construction projects in Tower Hamlets . 

Canary Wharf stabbing

 Like the rest of Tower Hamlets . 

Section 13A FOI

 I am sure it will be the same for Tower Hamlets .

Section 13A

 Funny how Tower Hamlets tells this to no one . 

Very good debt advice

 The wait in Tower Hamlets can be ages. I have selected this article as it is current . 

Local debt advice

 Plenty in Tower Hamlets will need this . 

Good way to collect money

 Charities in Tower Hamlets could learn a few things . 

Saving water

 Wasting too much in Tower Hamlets . 

Baynes funeral

 A great loss to Tower Hamlets . 

Seeing reason

 It does work with Tower Hamlets s ometimes . 

ELFT Charity

 This is a newly registered charity based in Tower Hamlets . 

Stop Sadiq Khan

 Take a look at what he is doing to buses in Tower Hamlets . 

Save money

 Many in Tower Hamlets could benefit from this . 


 Like curry houses in Tower Hamlets there are far too many streaming services. Does anyone have anymore detail on this one ? 

Plastic free Tower Hamlets

 We need to do all we can to make Tower Hamlets plastic free. Any other ideas get in touch . 

Limehouse walks

 Does it have much history like other parts of Tower Hamlets besides David Lean ? 

Useful information

 Much better than Tower Hamlets website . 

Another Tower Hamlets Foodbank

 As far as I can see this one appears not to have a website . 

Stand up for what is right

 Like Andy Erlam did in Tower Hamlets . 

Well said

 He is a sad loss to Tower Hamlets . 

Amazon for charities

 Found it at last. We need to get charities in Tower Hamlets to register . 

Like a foodbnak

 We have a number of foodbanks in Tower Hamlets . 

Like Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets

 Those people don't understand anything . 

Sick of Brick Lane

 There is more to Tower Hamlets than this dodgy curry street full of racists . 

Night Market

 In some parts of Tower Hamlets you would get stabbed . 

Fairly new football team

 I only discovered this on a Tower Hamlets related Facebook group . 

Private housing advice

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't realise it exists . 

Not funny

 Though many in Tower Hamlets have had a good laugh . 

This time it's ES

 This Tower Hamlets death is getting a lot of attention . 

Predictable death

 I am surprised there are not many more in Tower Hamlets . 

Private GP service

 Not all in Tower Hamlets can afford it . 

Not Tower Hamlets

 even though the seat of Begum maybe contested . 

Data breach

 Widespread in Tower Hamlets. I can't find much information on taking legal action . 

Protect your data

 The website needs a lot of work like the Tower Hamlets one. You can email feedback s

Census question

Peter Golds is asking Tower Hamlets an interesting question . 

Good on them

 People need to stand up to the officers of Tower Hamlets who can do anything they like . 

Historic docklands pub

 Good to see that the docklands part of Tower Hamlets still has some history . 

Forget Brick Lane

 The vast majority of people in Tower Hamlets don't care abut that shitty curry d ump . 

Buying and selling group

 I know nothing about this Tower Hamlets group . 


 It covers Tower Hamlets. Some of the questions are very personal . 

Happy birthday

 This Tower Hamlets church is 300 years old . 

Educated thugs

 You would associate Tower Hamlets with uneducated thugs . 

Graduate studio offer

 Hopefully some art graduates in Tower Hamlets will benefit . 

More in Tower Hamlets

 I hope people gift some as we need them in urban places like Tower Hamlets . 

National Databank

 Last I heard digital exclusion was high in Tower Hamlets . 

Let's copy Newham

 Tower Hamlets could benefit from t his . 

East End Kids

 Tower Hamlets has plenty to o ffer . 

Say on local heritage

 More than you will get from Tower Hamlets Council . 

Keeping promises

 good to see Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman consulting rather than keeping his promise . 

Safe swimming

 This is a good thing for Tower Hamlet s. 

Sex services

 People in Tower Hamlets will get it e lsewhere . 

National headlines

 Not the kind Tower Hamlets FC wanted . 

Nasty game

 To be fair Tower Hamlets has a lot of bigots who voted for Rahman . 

Major Tower Hamlets contract

 We need to keep track of those co ntracts . 

Avoiding deaths

 Some have died in the past in Tower Hamlets . 

Alex Scott on Tower Hamlets

 Sadly Lutfur Rahman is destroying Tow er Hamlets . 

Obese children

 Not as fat as a certain Councillor in Whitechapel in T ower Hamlets . 

South Asia Bio Bank

They are keen for people in Tower Hamlets as my GP has sent more than one text . 

Supporting young people in Tower Hamlets

 I know nothing about this or ganisation . 

Newspaper in Tower Hamlets

 Social Spider should set one up . 

Solar shop

 It is going to be hot in Tower Hamlets. If anyone knows of other solar shops let me know ? 

Illegal cigarettes

 A lot has been seized in Tower Hamlets . 

Latest on teen injury

 Tower Hamlets is now a dangerous place . 


 Don't worry there are many free alternatives and I hope many in Tower Hamlets have been using them . 

Murdering friend

 After all Tower Hamlets politics is a tragedy . 

Too much crime

 We need to do something about this in Tower Hamlets . 

Bigger than Boris

 In places like Tower Hamlets this will be bigger than Boris in the long run . 

Shared ownership

 I don't know anything about that in To wer Hamlets . 

Bad judgment

 Like the people in Tower Hamlets who still support Apsana . 

Another Tower Hamlets group

 I may cover Apsana next time . 

Recruitment process questions

The question that people should be asking of Tower Hamlets is how did someone like that get a post n a open and fair recruitment process ? 


 Considering the property empires of some in Tower Hamlets Labour . 

The other property market

 The one that people in Tower Hamlets don't like talking about. Very hard to find inf ormation . 

Tower Hamlets FC

 I know nothing about them . 

Support in Tower Hamlets

 Many on the left like supporting terrorists . 

Tower Hamlets would be a good place

 We need those solar hubs in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Office expenses

 This is what the people of Tower Hamlets need to look at .

Khan biography

I suspect that it will not answer the questions that many in Tower Hamlets want answered . 

Ecosia shopping

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should use this service as we need more trees . 

Tower Hamlets biggest

 I have seen this on a number of media outlets . 

The Space

 Tower Hamlets needs more art venues which are not R ich Mix . 


 Children in Tower Hamlets could learn a lot from it . 

Nothing new

 In my experience Tower Hamlets never follow rules . 

Register compliance

 Many in Tower Hamlets are not complying . 

Data for charities as well

 I knew someone who was a union rep for a charity in To wer Hamlets . 

Government money

 Are other charities in Tower Hamlets getting that much ? 

Tower Hamlets group at last

 I have found it but there doesn't seem to be much like jobs and news on i t . 

Trade union facility time

 Those union reps are working for the unions and not Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets should not pay them. Union members should pay for this out of their union membership fees . 

The story behind Apsana

 As I have said we in Tower Hamlets deserve better politicians . 

Central London Works

 I know next to nothing about them. One of the places they work is in in Tower Hamlets . 

Only the start

 There are too many drug dealers in Tower Hamlets . 

Football hate crime

 I thought local sport in Tower Hamlets was dull . 

Wonderful news

 What will the bigots who voted for Lutfur Rahman as Mayor of Tower Hamlets say ? 

Rotten politicians

 The people of Tower Hamlets deserve better than her and Lutfur Rahman . 


 I live in Tower Hamlets and I know nothing abut this group . 

The other side

 They remind me of Tower Hamlets Council press t eam . 

Relatives from Bangladesh

 Does this mean they will not be coming to Tower Hamlets after all ? 

Used to be in Tower Hamlets

 It's a shame that this great charity is no longer in T ower Hamlets . 

Climate refugees

 Are they coming to Tower Hamlets from Sylhet ? 

Lutfur Rahman property in Bangladesh

 Does the Tower Hamlets Mayor own property in Bangladesh? A lot of people in Tower Hamlets do but have not declared it. 


 How many we have in Tower Hamlets . 

Wanted in Tower Hamlets

 Still no Mayor on those p osters . 

One of many

 Tower Hamlets is full of criminals . 

Unlike Tower Hamlets

 Those fools like Saudi but they are not interested in religion anymore . 

Political stunt

 The Labour leader of Tower Hamlets should know that the decision is taken by Transpfort for London which is chaired by the Labour Mayor of London . 

Second and empty homes

 How many of those do we have in Tower Hamlets? Good to see them paying their full council tax . 

In Tower Hamlets

 Most people in Tower Hamlets don't understand Canary Wharf.  

Russian money

How much do we have in Tower Hamlets ?  

Ongoing issue

 This issue has been raised by many in Tower Hamlets including Andrew Wood . 


 How many do we have in Tower Hamlets ? 

Good move or not

The British taxpayer and the Tower Hamlets resident should know the answers . 

Coming to Tower Hamlets

 Good news for Canary Wharf . 

Future beyond banking

 This move is great news for Canary Wharf and the wider Tower Hamlets area . 

Bogus colleges

 My relative came from Bangladesh and went to one in Tower Hamlets though he did not know it was bogus . 

Whitechapel Foundry death

 Plenty of links for people to see the destruction of local history in Tower Hamlets . 

More local jobs group

 This is better than the London one but there is none specifically for Tower Hamlets . 

Addictive reading

 Still no data on Tower Hamlets . 

Should have been in Tower Hamlets

 Considering that we have Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets and the City of London right next to it. It would have been the ideal location for this private school . 

Out of control staff

 I got Nathan Akehurst to leave Tower Hamlets due to misconduct . 

How many in Tower Hamlets?

Religion is a major business in Tower Hamlets . 

Rest of Tower Hamlets

 Whitechapel is another station in Towe r Hamlets . 

No anger in Tower Hamlets

 The local fools have not realised yet . 

This is very strange

 Tower Hamlets are closing applications on the 9th but interviewing on the 13th. for the following jobs.  Job 1  and job 2 . 

Young people

 I hope they don't bring shame to Tower Hamlets like their Mayor d oes . 

God and money

 Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets is as good as any . 

Beyond banks

 Tower Hamlets has a lot of private education p roviders . 

Private providers in Tower Hamlets

 Some are in Tower Hamlets like Icon but this is not a complete list . 

Reward for failure

 Tower Hamlets has been a basket case for years and Ed Balls fired her . 

Cost of living help

 Some in Tower Hamlets might get the full lot . 

Royal Tower Hamlets

 This is a important post that hardly anyone has heard of . 

Museums and heritage

 I am sure that Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman is thinking about how to exploit this . 

Good news for local students

 By making EU students pay international fees and not get loans means the money can go to local students in places like Tower Hamlets . 

Single use plastics ban

 We need this in England. Too much of it in Tower Hamlets . 

Support LIS

 It is a private higher education provider based in the Whitechapel area of T ower Hamlets . 


 How many are there in Tower Hamlets ? 

Royal visits

 We need more in Tower Hamlets . 

Save D7

 It is important for the people of Tower Hamlets . 


 Tower Hamlets can do better than those jokers . 


 Plenty of providers including private ones in Tower Hamlets and the whole of the UK . 

Get real

 Those socialist clowns have no idea about politics in Tower Hamlets . 

Film school in Tower Hamlets

 We could do with one in Tower Hamlets . 

Good start but too narrow

 At least those people would not vote for Lutfur in Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets would be ideal

 We have a lot of car parks in Tower Hamlets . 

Not just EU

 I know of many of my relatives from Bangladesh living in Tower Hamlets who want to become British . 


 So may questions. Has anyone in Tower Hamlets got one of them ? 

Game changer

 It will improve train services from one part of Tower Hamlets to another . 

Impact on Tower Hamlets

 Does this happen every year ? 

Knock it down

 Tower Hamlets need to make it clear that the pavement is for . 

New loyalty card

 The people of Tower Hamlets are more interested in cooking oil . 

What will Rahman do?

 After all he is the champion of the people and Tower Hamelts Homes is under his control . 

Register of charities

 I have selected one Tower Hamlets based charity but there is much information about charities which is worth looking at . 

Best jobs group

 This is the best one I have found. There are not that many jobs in Tower Hamlets. Anymore job related groups let me know . 

Tower Hamlets charities

 Hopefully some will be shut down in Tower Hamlets . 

Another one

 I have heard some rumours that there could be another case after the elections which took place on the 5th of May . 

Tower Hamlets documents

 I can't wait to see what documents they provide . 

Sadly nothing will happen

 This has been going on for ages in Tower Hamlets . 

Cost of language rights

 In Tower Hamlets they get money but in Quebec they turn down money . 

Suffering injustice

 I am willing to suffer like him to stand up for what is right in Tower Hamlets . 

I agree with Tower Hamlets Labour

 This raises a question about the man of the people. Is he a fool for not realising this in the first place ? 

SDT judgment on Lutfur Rahman

 Despite this and all the stuff we know about him many in Tower Hamlets love him . 

Final report on Tower Hamlets

 The average Lutfur Rahman supporter will not read this . 

What change?

 Sadly many in Tower Hamlets don't care . 

Distance learning colleges

 Many in Tower Hamlets would benefit. Why are there so few members? Is there a more complete list of providers ? 

Not working

 Many in Tower Hamlets will not believe Lutfur and his supporters and those clowns who write articles defending him . 

Good actor

 Lutfur Rahman is a good actor who has taken the people of Tower Hamlets for a ride . 

Register of interests

 I can't seem to find one here for Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman. Where can I find it? 

Monitoring Rahman

 I need the help of others in sending me stuff and doing things like seeing what he is up to. His office was last time full of undesirable people who should not have been employed by Tower Hamlets . 

Similar trend in UK

 They will not tell you about this in mosques in Tower Hamlets . 

Plenty of waste

 We could also cut a lot of non essential staff in Tower Hamlets . 

Spiked on Lutfur Rahman

 A lot of his supporters in Tower Hamlets will not be able to read this . 

Despite price cap

 I have asked before but it is there any data on Tower Hamlets ? 

Will Rahman attend?

 I see no benefit as a lot of the people who voted for him as Tower Hamlets Mayor would not understand this . 

Excellent bank

 Some charities may need a loan now that Labour are not in charge of Tower Hamlets . 

Tower Hamlets under Rahman

 Lutfur Rahman does not have much power and we can keep him under control but we need to do things like use FOI. 

Beyond religion

 Reposting as many in Tower Hamlets would be upset . 

About time

 This is good news for Tower Hamlets . 

Serious questions are been asked

 Many people like Peter Golds and others will not give those male Bengali men a easy ride. Tower Hamlets needs better . 

Be fair to Lutfur

 He can't be expected to ruin Tower Hamlets overnight. He needs sometime . 

Hygiene bank

 They are active in Tower Hamlets . 


 The Mayor of Tower Hamlets will hide behind his human r ights . 

Peter Golds will

 One of the few in Tower Hamlets to serve the whole community is Peter Golds and not Lutfur and his bunch . 

Race and religion

Rahman has used the Tower Hamlets Bengali population who don't care about his corruption . 

Fat chance

 No one in Tower Hamlets with any sense would trust him . 

Politics of race and religion

 Lutfur Rahman and his style of politics which is bad for Tower Hamlets is loved by many on the left . 

Very close to Tower Hamlets

Good to see this in London despite Brexit and all that from a Berlin based company . 

Guardian love him

They don't live in Tower Hamlets . 

The fun starts now

 I along with many others in Tower Hamlets will be watching to see what those race baiting clowns get up to . 

Should be in jail

 At least Tower Hamlets have Peter Golds back . 

Dangerous game

 The fools who voted for him in Tower Hamlets have got people like Nigel Farage looking into it . 

Shame he left Tories

 It is a shame that he did not run for Conservative Party in Tower Hamlets . 

Next year in Tower Hamlets

 They are slow counters in Tower Hamlet s. 

To the point

 We have too many of those people in Tower Hamlets . 

Stop him

 Tomorrow the people of Tower Hamlets will hopefully make the right decision . 

Should be in jail

 Sadly many people in Tower Hamlets have no objections to criminals . 

Another local charity

 I found out about this Tower Hamlets charity by accident . 

Property crowdfunding

 Hi I am interested in property crowdfunding. I know there were some opportunities in Tower Hamlets. Even after reading this I am not sure . 

Waste of time

 I would prefer a online pharmacy like this compared to the ones in Tower Hamlets . 

Another one

 We have a lot of bicycle related stuff in Tower Hamlets . 


 Reminds me of Andy Erlam in Tower Hamlets . 

Why secret?

 People in Tower Hamlets need to ask serious questions . 

Jobs group

 Could not find one for Tower Hamlets . 

Lack of interest

 For some reason the media are not interested in the Tower Hamlets election . 

Two sides of Tower Hamlets

 You would not see this in Whitechape l. 

THCH strike

 If they are not happy with Tower Hamlets Community Housing than they should use legal means . 

Only 12

 We must have plenty more drug dealers in Tower Hamlets . 

Not me

 I love Tower Hamlets . 


 If Tower Hamlets Labour and Conservatives had white only candidates . 

Will not achieve anything

 Nothing has been achieved in Tower Hamlets in the past . 

Looks expensive

 People in Tower Hamlets should ask where is a bankrupt man getting all the money ? 

Who is funding Rahman?

 for a man who is bankrupt where does he get the money for a full council election in Tower Hamlets?