
Showing posts from November, 2020

Dangers of woke

 They have destroyed our history in places like Tower Hamlets. They are fanatics and must be stopped .

Teachers strike

 The children of Tower Hamlets have suffered enough .

One for Tower Hamlets

 This is the kind of thing we should have in Tower Hamlets to keep track of things .

SCMP on embassy

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't want it but it has to be somewhere .


 No one in Tower Hamlets believes him .

Miah suspended

 Not the first in Tower Hamlets Labour. Where do they get those people from ?

NHS data

 Good to see Tower Hamlets taking part in this .

Dividing people

 Just like it divided Hackney and Tower Hamlets Councils .

Housing policy change

 Will not make much difference as the waiting list is so long in Tower Hamlets .


 This has divided Tower Hamlets and Hackney .

Going nowhere

 This investigation like many in Tower Hamlets will go nowhere .

Very late

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets already knows about this .

Audio drama

 Many in Tower Hamlets are fed up with lockdown. It is a shame that the site has no information just links .

What tier?

 Tower Hamlets should be in a different tier from somewhere like Sutton .

Possible good news

 I have some concerns about fraud in Tower Hamlets. We need legal action .

Business grants in London

 In the case of Tower Hamlets we don't know very much .


 For the last few years Tower Hamlets have published nothing .

Good book

 I know that RNIB supported some projects in Tower Hamlets in the past .

A good start

 It needs to go a lot further as we need proper FOI. Regardless many in Tower Hamlets will be upset .

Invent senior posts

 Tower Hamlets created the post of senior communications officer to pay staff more by putting them on a higher band for a post that they did not need .

Tower Hamlets employment data

 If anyone has the data let me know. I would like historic data as well .

Stopping Lutfur Rahman

 That is the only thing Labour in Tower Hamlets care about as they don't want to lose power .


 I have concerns as Tower Hamlets Council retweeted a tweet from East London Mosque .

China row

 The vast majority of people in Tower Hamlets don't care about this .

Who is funding Lutfur?

 I am sure that many people would like to know where is the money for former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman is coming from to do his campaigning ?

Any suggestions?

 Libraries in Tower Hamlets maybe closed but you can get fiction podcasts. Which are the good ones ?

Extend to charities

 This FOI not FOI should be extended to charities. There are plenty of rotten ones in Tower Hamlets .

War with China

He should be running Tower Hamlets not fighting with other countries . 

School theft

 This is Tower Hamlets after all .

Tower Hamlets objection

 If not in Tower Hamlets than China will put their embassy somewhere else in London .

Weak financial control

 Just like Tower Hamlets Council they don't know anything about money and how to use it properly .

Bangla drama festival

 Another way for Tower Hamlets to waste our money .

Councils divided

 Hackney and Tower Hamlets have different views. Which is right ?

supporting families

 I hope that they have the same care for their students as they do for families in Tower Hamlets ?

Climate plan

 Tower Hamlets is one of the councils to have one .

We need to stop him

 The people of Tower Hamlets with some help from Andy Erlam stopped Rahman. We can stop him again. We have more time .

Refused furlough

 In a case I know it is someone who is getting furlough but he does not work for the company and has not seen a penny. Big scandal in Tower Hamlets asian community .

What question?

 What question or questions will the people of Tower Hamlets be asked ?

Postal voting

 This article mentions more than postal voting. Good to see Tower Hamlets getting a mention .

Silly East London Mosque

 Before encourging a handful of people in Tower Hamlets to show their hatred for France they should read this article .

Alternative options

 What alternative options do we have like setting up a charity? Please let me know. The people of Tower Hamlets need this .

Start with Tower Hamlets

 There is so much corruption that they will never leave .

No faith

 Many in Tower Hamlets have no faith .

Shameful post

 Considering all the stuff that they have got up to in Tower Hamlets politics. The French President is right . 

As dumb as Lutfur Rahman

 Former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman despite having a huge PR team also used a agency which charged the council a lot of money .

Whitechapel guide

 This area of Tower Hamlets is more than Jack The Ripper .

Violent crime

 I live very near Brick Lane in Tower Hamlets and I have not heard about this .

Unlike Tower Hamlets Council

 Most of the staff work in Tower Hamlets Council for the easy life and fat salary .

George Lansbury resources

 A forgotten figure in Tower Hamlets politics. I came across this by accident .

Financial review

 Sadly this is not of Tower Hamlets Council .


 Tower Hamlets based SolarAid has raised over £255. One charity I have seen raise £10,000 plus .

Idea Stores on YouTube

 With all that money Tower Hamlets has no one seems to visit it. Than PR money is spent on the Mayor .

Massive fraud

 If we had the data we could expose massive fraud in places like Tower Hamlets. I know someone who has been conned .

Some good news

 Personally I go to the pub for food. Tower Hamlets has some nice ones .

Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

 They have a very nice and clean website which gives a lot of i nformation .

Access to books

 We don't have anything like this in Tower Hamlets or the UK .


 They are based in Tower Hamlets .


 Are any of the bookshops in Tower Hamlets on it ?

London CLT

 Started off in Tower Hamlets and is near me in Whitechapel .

New kind of fraud

 I know someone in Tower Hamlets who is trying to claim Universal Credit but a company he has never heard of is claiming furlough on his behalf and he has not got a p enny .