
Showing posts from June, 2020

Tower Hamlets strike

It has now got national coverage though most people in Tower Hamlets have no idea about it .

Free laptops and broadband

If Tower Hamlets cancelled Our East End more money could have been spent on this .

Tower Hamlets flood

Is that the new palace that Lutfur Rahman was creating ?

Cass and the mob

Rather than it been Tower Hamlets it is the City of London after 3 parents contacted them .

Democracy is dead

To be fair it is only local democracy in Tower Hamlets .

Direct messages

Tower Hamlets seem to just ignore them .

Legacy cash

Groups in Tower Hamlets will benefit .

Plenty more

There will be others in Tower Hamlets and City Hall .

The other side

I wonder what Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs has to say about this ?

Milligan again

Unlike Tower Hamlets they are very helpful at Canal and River Trust when it comes to FOI requests .

More than food

The people of Tower Hamlets should take a look at Haque .

Staff sackings

What is going on in Tower Hamlets in regards to this ?

In 8 tweets

Tower Hamlets Councilor Andrew Wood has done more than 8 .

Student art

Once the show was in Tower Hamlets very near my house .

More rent

Tower Hamlets should not treat people like this .

Council strike

Tower Hamlets will not pay the salaries of staff on strike days .

Guess who pays?

That's right the Tower Hamlets and London taxpayer pays .

Like Lutfur Rahman

Sadiq Khan in many ways is as vain as Lutfur Rahman but he is more stupid than the former Tower Hamlets Mayor .

Beyond stupid

He is like many in Tower Hamlets Labour .

Good point on BAME

It is a  a political thing. Lutfur Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets would not want to be in BAME .

Be careful

Many on the left in Tower Hamlets with a history of racism should learn something from this article .

Digital food festival

Tower Hamlets need to be more digital and move with the times .

Doyle on culture wars

In Tower Hamlets we have that joker Haque .

Assault on history

First it was Bristol followed by Tower Hamlets where no one really cared before and now it is Bank of England .

Make Some Noise

Many charities in Tower Hamlets could benefit from this .

Grants scheme

In Tower Hamlets they always cause problems .

Setting an example

I can't see the greedy Labour councilors and Mayor in Tower Hamlets following Khan .

Strikes called

No one in Tower Hamlets cares about lazy staff .

Some background

Hopefully many in Tower Hamlets would find this interesting .

The forgotten

A lot of BAME people in places like Tower Hamlets will be upset. We need to do something about white working class boys .

Golds on Milligan

A very different story from what many others in Tower Hamlets are telling .


He walked out before Tower Hamlets Council members voted on IHRA .

Strange JR

Can someone explain this to me? It seems to be mainly Bengali groups in Tower Hamlets .

Like Tower Hamlets

City Hall pays people a lot of money for failure .

Important questions

We have a school named after Sir John Cass in Tower Hamlets .

Rabina Khan and Milligan

She tried to become Mayor of Tower Hamlets by using the race card .

No police action

Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets did far worse things .

The Cass

When it was in Tower Hamlets and I was a student at Londonmet no one in Tower Hamlets or any student complained about John Cass. Sadly now the mob have got their way. Next move burning books .

Milligan again

The people of Tower Hamlets need to hear the truth .

Robert Milligan statue

It is strange and the decision by Tower Hamlets is suspect .

Senior salaries

Tower Hamlets wasting our money as usual .

The strange case of Robert Milligan

Even I am finding it difficult to believe this but the source is very good .

A warning about Sadiq Khan

It is a shame that staff and councilors in Tower Hamlets don't read this or other excellent articles .

What next?

Are the IFE going to go around Tower Hamlets burning books which they don't approve of ?

Lewis on history

A certain councilor in Tower Hamlets should read this article .

Plastic pollution

Far too much in the water in Tower Hamlets .

Staff contracts

I hope that Tower Hamlets get rid of those spin doctors .


Orgnaisations like Tower Hamlets spend a fortune on Microsoft .

Prison pay

This kind of thing can only happen in Tower Hamlets .

We need this

Considering the level of corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Gallery chief

No one in Tower Hamlets knows who she is .

What about Laobur?

Considering all the corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Commercial buyers

Some interesting data on Tower Hamlets .


There are a lot of complaints about toilets in Tower Hamlets .

Why this?

In Tower Hamlets the Poplar Papers are the bigger scandal which no one is picking up .


For some reason not a big story in Tower Hamlets .

Non-religious Chaplains

Good to see them been trained. They will not be welcomed in Tower Hamlets.

Police investigation

Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets did far worse things and nothing ever happened to him .

James Tooley

I agree with him on education unlike many of the teachers in Tower Hamlets .

A lot worse

A lot worse goes on in Tower Hamlets .