
Showing posts from 2020

Honours list

 Who in Tower Hamlets is on it ?

Plenty more

 Plenty more of this in Tower Hamlets .

Empty homes

 How many in Tower Hamlets ?


 The real story of Tower Hamlets is overpaid lazy staff from top to bottom .

Tower Hamlets figures

 i have not checked them to be honest .

Actual figures

 No one seems to know how many staff this waste of money service employs in Tower Hamlets .

Tier 5

 Some parts of Tower Hamlets should already be in it .

Destroying history

 When they are done there will not be any history left in Tower Hamlets .


 All I know is that they are based in Tower Hamlets .

EU and EEA students

 We have plenty who live or study in Tower Hamlets .

Solar and COVID

 We should have solar in Tower Hamlets .

Makes sense

 Considering how many in Tower Hamlets need tests .

Christmas free service

 Don't get much of that in Tower Hamlets .

Life after Tower Hamlets spin

 i know of 2 former members of Tower Hamlets Council communications service who went onto the Met .

Not possible

 We are Tier 4 in Tower Hamlets .

A lot in Tower Hamlets

 A whole family in my street in Tower Hamlets .

Right decision

It is the right decision for Tower Hamlets and MHCLG .

COVID grants

 Tower Hamlets have refused to publish grants data .

Nothing new

 Tower Hamlets has always had poor people .

More homes

 Despite everything going on in Tower Hamlets .

Petty council waste

 This is not Tower Hamlets but another rotten Labour council .

Another day in Tower Hamlets

 The BMJ would be better off wtiting about Tower Hamlets .

Construction hours

 Those clowns in Tower Hamlets will not do anything .


 Don't know much about it. Hopefully it will benefit many charities in T ower Hamlets .

More fraud

 In places like Tower Hamlets it will encourage more fraud. It maybe the only thing we have left though .

Good example of a social enterprise

 We have a number of them in Tower Hamlets. They can learn a lot from Lost Stock .

Caller did nothing

I live in Tower Hamlets and I have not actually noticed any change .

Incorrect headline

 Residents in Tower Hamlets will have no say on who they pick .

Tower Hamlets 2020

Does anyone have any details on places open on Christmas Day 2020 in Tower Hamlets ?

Daily Mail on Tower Hamlets

 For once it is nothing to do with the rotten council .

Golds letter

 One of the few in Tower Hamlets worth listening to .

China and Tower Hamlets

 China will have some difficulty with this planning application .

Lazy or corrupt?

 It is hard to tell with Tower Hamlets .

Plague victims

 This is the one in Tower Hamlets which China had nothing to do with .

Plenty in Tower Hamlets

 You can get the basics like tea, suar and milk as well as food like Pizza. Some are open on Christmas day .

Whitechapel COVID phase 1

 Many in Tower Hamlets will not know about this. I only learned it from Ian King Live .


 According to Conservatives in Tower Hamlets it is all due to government money .

Andy Erlam

 Some interesting things to tell about Tower Hamlets .

Tuckley has poor judgement

 Tower Hamlets CEO Will Tuckley praised Dalvi when he retired .

User profiles

 According to Tower Hamlets Mark Seddon does not have one anymore .


 There are some in Tower Hamlets. It is worth registering .

Details of mass testing

 Not sure if Tower Hamlets are on the list or not ?

Mass testing

 Tower Hamlets could be on the list .

Another take on Embassy

 The people behind it also have a lot to lose .

Begum case

 This case will have a great impact not just in Tower Hamlets .

History of Tower Hamlets

 Can't find much on history of local government before the creation of the Metropolitan Borough Councils .

PAYG solar

 No point in covering Aspana Begum yet. SolarAid is based in Tower Hamlets .

Lib Dem action day

 How long before the rest of Tower Hamlets will get this treatment ?

Charity partnerships

 They only have 3 charities so far and none are in Tower Hamlets. They are taking new charities on .

BLM support

 It seems that woke council officers in Tower Hamlets can break the law .

Stupid reason

 Is Tower Hamlets the only one? The original FOI was by Andy Erlam .

Public housing reform

 I am a member of the CLT which is mentioned in this article. It is based in Tower Hamlets .

Forgotten story

 Most people in Tower Hamlets have forgotten about this .


 The question is what work are Tower Hamlets staff doing at home ?

Ward changes

 In the middle of a pandemic this is what Tower Hamlets do .

COVID testing

 Not good for Tower Hamlets or the East London area .

COVID cases

 Tower Hamlets should be in Tier 3 .

NI politics website

Along with the one for New Jersey this is a good example of a site which we should have for Tower Hamlets or even London .

Beyond Tower Hamlets

 Good to see Peter Golds writing on national issues .

COVID grants

 Where will Tower Hamlets spend the money ?

COVID and development

 Interesting article about the Canary Wharf area of Tower Hamlets .

Library cuts

 Tower Hamlets are using COVID as a excuse to make cuts .

Dangers of woke

 They have destroyed our history in places like Tower Hamlets. They are fanatics and must be stopped .

Teachers strike

 The children of Tower Hamlets have suffered enough .

One for Tower Hamlets

 This is the kind of thing we should have in Tower Hamlets to keep track of things .

SCMP on embassy

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't want it but it has to be somewhere .


 No one in Tower Hamlets believes him .

Miah suspended

 Not the first in Tower Hamlets Labour. Where do they get those people from ?

NHS data

 Good to see Tower Hamlets taking part in this .

Dividing people

 Just like it divided Hackney and Tower Hamlets Councils .

Housing policy change

 Will not make much difference as the waiting list is so long in Tower Hamlets .


 This has divided Tower Hamlets and Hackney .

Going nowhere

 This investigation like many in Tower Hamlets will go nowhere .

Very late

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets already knows about this .

Audio drama

 Many in Tower Hamlets are fed up with lockdown. It is a shame that the site has no information just links .

What tier?

 Tower Hamlets should be in a different tier from somewhere like Sutton .

Possible good news

 I have some concerns about fraud in Tower Hamlets. We need legal action .

Business grants in London

 In the case of Tower Hamlets we don't know very much .


 For the last few years Tower Hamlets have published nothing .

Good book

 I know that RNIB supported some projects in Tower Hamlets in the past .

A good start

 It needs to go a lot further as we need proper FOI. Regardless many in Tower Hamlets will be upset .

Invent senior posts

 Tower Hamlets created the post of senior communications officer to pay staff more by putting them on a higher band for a post that they did not need .

Tower Hamlets employment data

 If anyone has the data let me know. I would like historic data as well .

Stopping Lutfur Rahman

 That is the only thing Labour in Tower Hamlets care about as they don't want to lose power .


 I have concerns as Tower Hamlets Council retweeted a tweet from East London Mosque .

China row

 The vast majority of people in Tower Hamlets don't care about this .

Who is funding Lutfur?

 I am sure that many people would like to know where is the money for former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman is coming from to do his campaigning ?

Any suggestions?

 Libraries in Tower Hamlets maybe closed but you can get fiction podcasts. Which are the good ones ?

Extend to charities

 This FOI not FOI should be extended to charities. There are plenty of rotten ones in Tower Hamlets .

War with China

He should be running Tower Hamlets not fighting with other countries . 

School theft

 This is Tower Hamlets after all .

Tower Hamlets objection

 If not in Tower Hamlets than China will put their embassy somewhere else in London .

Weak financial control

 Just like Tower Hamlets Council they don't know anything about money and how to use it properly .

Bangla drama festival

 Another way for Tower Hamlets to waste our money .

Councils divided

 Hackney and Tower Hamlets have different views. Which is right ?

supporting families

 I hope that they have the same care for their students as they do for families in Tower Hamlets ?

Climate plan

 Tower Hamlets is one of the councils to have one .

We need to stop him

 The people of Tower Hamlets with some help from Andy Erlam stopped Rahman. We can stop him again. We have more time .

Refused furlough

 In a case I know it is someone who is getting furlough but he does not work for the company and has not seen a penny. Big scandal in Tower Hamlets asian community .

What question?

 What question or questions will the people of Tower Hamlets be asked ?

Postal voting

 This article mentions more than postal voting. Good to see Tower Hamlets getting a mention .

Silly East London Mosque

 Before encourging a handful of people in Tower Hamlets to show their hatred for France they should read this article .

Alternative options

 What alternative options do we have like setting up a charity? Please let me know. The people of Tower Hamlets need this .

Start with Tower Hamlets

 There is so much corruption that they will never leave .

No faith

 Many in Tower Hamlets have no faith .

Shameful post

 Considering all the stuff that they have got up to in Tower Hamlets politics. The French President is right . 

As dumb as Lutfur Rahman

 Former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman despite having a huge PR team also used a agency which charged the council a lot of money .

Whitechapel guide

 This area of Tower Hamlets is more than Jack The Ripper .

Violent crime

 I live very near Brick Lane in Tower Hamlets and I have not heard about this .

Unlike Tower Hamlets Council

 Most of the staff work in Tower Hamlets Council for the easy life and fat salary .

George Lansbury resources

 A forgotten figure in Tower Hamlets politics. I came across this by accident .

Financial review

 Sadly this is not of Tower Hamlets Council .


 Tower Hamlets based SolarAid has raised over £255. One charity I have seen raise £10,000 plus .

Idea Stores on YouTube

 With all that money Tower Hamlets has no one seems to visit it. Than PR money is spent on the Mayor .

Massive fraud

 If we had the data we could expose massive fraud in places like Tower Hamlets. I know someone who has been conned .

Some good news

 Personally I go to the pub for food. Tower Hamlets has some nice ones .

Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

 They have a very nice and clean website which gives a lot of i nformation .

Access to books

 We don't have anything like this in Tower Hamlets or the UK .


 They are based in Tower Hamlets .


 Are any of the bookshops in Tower Hamlets on it ?

London CLT

 Started off in Tower Hamlets and is near me in Whitechapel .

New kind of fraud

 I know someone in Tower Hamlets who is trying to claim Universal Credit but a company he has never heard of is claiming furlough on his behalf and he has not got a p enny .

Bitesized Ancient History

 I can't find anything of quality about Tower Hamlets to write. Let me know if you do find anything of quality .

Support the arts

 We need arts education in Tower Hamlets .


 We could do with this in Tower Hamlets .

East London Garden Society

 They are very active in Tower Hamlets. They have a very nice website .

Aspana charged

 This will damange Labour in Tower Hamlets and nationally .


 Run by SolarAid based in Tower Hamlets .  I will cover Aspana Begum later on.


 Are there any good maps of Tower Hamlets ?

Racism in the East End

 I can tell you it will not cover Lutfur Rahman and Tower Hamlets .

London Renters Union

 Their Tower Hamlets branch does not have a website but it is active with way less followers than me .

Petition to end Mayor system

 There is more than one doing the rounds in Tower Hamlets .

Clothes banks

 For some reason we have none i n Tower Hamlets .

Community Land Trusts

 I think there is one in Tower Hamlets but I am not sure .

Something for Tower Hamlets

 This is a very interesting article. Many in Tower Hamlets would gain a lot from reading it .

Arnold Circus

 Can the people of Tower Hamlets save it ?

Mayor system

 Andrew Wood discusses the choices for Tower Hamlets .

What about Tower Hamlets?

 There are many good charities in Tower Hamlets. Sadly there are many which are woke and political .

Homeworking policies

 Not many public authorities have this policy. I wonder if Tower Hamlets has it ?

Canary Wharf Pixels

 I can't find much news on Tower Hamlets today .

Before Tower Hamlets

 This article was written before Tower Hamlets started to do it .

Own test and trace

 Tower Hamlets can't even clean the streets properly or find the right place on a map .

Perfect excuse

 Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of this it seems that COVID is a perfect excuse for Tower Hamlets to cut services without consulting people .

Another Golds article

 Exposing so much that is wrong with Tower Hamlets .

Rakesh Patel

 Seems to be a popular landlord in Tower Hamlets .

Jewish Tower Hamlets

 I am basically covering the same ground I covered yesterday. There are very few signs of the Jewish community left except this Synagogue .

More than religion

 This is really the wonderful history of Tower Hamlets .


One of the things that Tower Hamlets is famous for .

Save Hackney Wick

 It is not only Tower Hamlets that has been destroyed by greedy developers .

Historic tree case

 I have been covering Tower Hamlets for years and I don't know what to make of this .

More training

 Most of the staff in Tower Hamlets try their best. Except in Communications .

Possible closures

 Are Tower Hamlets using COVID to close services without a proper consultation process ?


 This is the kind of thing we should use in Tower Hamlets. It has more than one benefit .

Right to repair

 It would reduce a lot of waste in places like Tower Hamlets .

Cladding in Tower Hamlets

 Interesting interview with John Biggs. He is actually making sense for once .

Good use of car parks

 What we need in Tower Hamlets is housing rather than car parks. One of the few things that the council have got right .

River trade

 Very imporatnt to Tower Hamlets until recently .

Digital maps

 Andrew Wood has pointed out that there are some of Tower Hamlets there .

Only the start

 We need to go a whole lot further in Tower Hamlets .

Social housing waiting list

 This is a major problem for Tower Hamlets along with whether Aspana Begum jumped the list or not .

Massive cuts

 The staff in Tower Hamlets Communications Service ean huge salaries and behave like this. Sack the lot of them .

Life after failure

 Debbie Jones has proved no matter how bad you do your job in Tower Hamlets you still have a future .

Tower Hamlets Rotary Club

I came across it by accident as Twitter suggested I should follow it . 

DHSC waste on consultants

 There is no way that they can justify this. Mind you Tower Hamlets try to justify paying staff very high salaries way above the market rate e.g. Senior Communications Officer for not much results .


 This may help in exposing rotten charities in places like Tower Hamlets .

New COVID game

 I wonder if Tower Hamlets Labour councilors will get much rice ?

Latest data on Tower Hamlets

 This article is from 2016. Does anyone have the latest rental income data along with property sales as well as crowdfunding ?

Community lottery

 Does Tower Hamlets need one ?

Tower Hamlets housing

 This thread is well worth a read. Better than stuff from the council .

Not reasonable

 i have nothing against Tower Hamlets charging a reasonable fee but this is not it .

Lockdown fanatics

 She like Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs is a lockdown fanatic and this has gone too far .

Tower Hamlets 2020 pay data

 Makes interesting reading. I can't provide a link to the actual data as it is a Word document .

Fitness licences

 I put this request to Tower Hamlets on behalf of a friend .

New property exchange

 This will do very will in Tower Hamlets considering the number of properties we have .

Tower Hamlets car data

 We need to take action to limit car use in Tower Hamlets .

Who cares?

 No one in Tower Hamlets is listening to Biggs .

School Streets

Only the start. We have other places like colleges and universities in Tower Hamlets .

Take a look at Tower Hamlets

 A lot of the things about Charlie Hebdo in this article could have been written about Tower Hamlets .


 Considering what Tower Hamlets staff and councilors got up to during lockdown .

Tower Hamlets lockdown

 This is what in effect John Biggs has ordered. I hope it applies to Labour councilors .

Better Streets Tower Hamlets

 This is a wonderful site which explains a lot of things like Liveable Streets .

Black History Month

 Many of the woke in Tower Hamlets would enjoy it .

BAME discrimination

 There is a lot of racist BAME people in Tower Hamlets .

FOI changes needed

 Tower Hamlets are experts in using the law to avoid giving information .

Islamic hate tracker

 I can't wait to see Tower Hamlets on that list .

Save The Whitechapel Bell Foundry

 This maybe a  few years old but it is still useful today and it is not too late to save Tower Hamlets hitory .

Whitechapel Bell Foundry alert

 Many poeple value the culture and history that we have in Tower Hamlets and want to save it.  People need to be careful what they sign as this site is run by the developers and some peopole have been misled.

Foreign policy

 Nothing to do with Tower Hamlets Council .

FOI extension

 Plenty of rotten charities in Tower Hamlets .

Returning Officer insurance

 It must be very expensive in Tower Hamlets ?


 Members are not all good services in Tower Hamlets .

Biggs mystery

 In my many years of Tower Hamlets politics I have never figured out anything about him .

COVID communication

 Tower Hamlets has so many staff working in communications and public health but they can't get across simple messages .

Galloway is back

 To be fair even after what he did in Tower Hamlets and Bradford he never went away .

COVID and Underground

 We have a number of stations in Tower Hamlets .

Bus lanes

 None in Tower Hamlets should be used by cars .

COVID policy

 Harry Roberts is a school in Tower Hamlets .

Good music charity

 We lack music in schools in Tower Hamlets .


 They are based very close to me in Tower Hamlets .

Bad planning decision

 Most Labour councilors in Tower Hamlets are just stupid .

Organised crime

 We don't know the full extend of it in Tower Hamlets .

Another choice

 We have poor quality schools in Tower Hamlets .

COVID regulations

 Tower Hamlets need to get their act together .

The real racists

 In Tower Hamlets they are Lutfur Rahman and his Bangladeshi supporters .

Another success

 Tower Hamlets are good at failing .

Atheist Church

 In Tower Hamlets we need an Atheist Mosque .

Charity pay

How much are people working in charities in Tower Hamlets paid ?

New COVID test centre

 No point as they will start sending people from Tower Hamlets to Scotland or Wales .

Online schools regulations

 Even without regulations some are bound to be better than the schools in Tower Hamlets .

Support music

 We need music in Tower Hamlets .

Pension assets

 Tower Hamlets spend our money on pensions for staff who don't do any work .


 We might have to crowdfund for them in Tower Hamlets .

Good resource

 There are far too many cars on the streets of Tower Hamlets we need roads for cyclists and p eople .

Good start

 Plenty more schools in Tower Hamlets .

Plenty of good ideas

 We could use some of them in Tower Hamlets .

Keep the cycle lane

 Long after COVID is over Tower Hamlets will still need this cycle lane .

Planning Aid for London

 If only people in Tower Hamlets knew about them .

Pedal Me

 Many in Tower Hamlets would benefit from their services .

Blue Badge fraud

 How big an issue is it in Tower Hamlets ?

Teaching music

 Better at homes than schools in Tower Hamlets .

Blue Badge fraud

 I did not FOI Tower Hamlets this time .

Dangerous riding

 Tower Hamlets is becoming a dangerous place now .

Typical Labour

 I live in the Labour heartland of Tower Hamlets .

Pointless article

 This is the kind of pointless rubbish that someone in Tower Hamlets Council would write . 

Getting worse

 It appears that Tower Hamlets maybe getting worse .

EU facts

We are getting nothing but EU lies from Tower Hamlets . 


 Sadiq Khan has done something right for Tower Hamlets .

Actual COVID cases

 We will never know the real figure in Tower Hamlets due to things like illegal immigrants .

Ian Cross

 He can always come and work in Tower Hamlets .

Mo on Labour

 Everyone in Tower Hamlets should read this .

Lying unions

 Used to them in Tower Hamlets .

New museum

 Tower Hamlets has a few but none as far as I know to be Somali .


 Needs a lot of work. Better range than in Tower Hamlets libraries .

Tower Hamlets accounts

 I bet they make interesting reading .


 Some in Tower Hamlets either don't understand or lie about it .

Project website

 It works and we need it in Tower Hamlets .

Good idea

 I know one child in Tower Hamlets whose Kindle has died .

Waste like Tower Hamlets

 Like the BBC Tower Hamlets has a lot of spin doctors at huge salaries and they are all stupid .


 Plenty of opportunities in Tower Hamlets .

Recycling bags

 Tower Hamlets can't even do this right .

Ward panels

 We have a number of them in Tower Hamlets but I can't find an email address for any of them .

Thanks Sun

 Supporting a good cause in Tower Hamlets rather than Rich Mix .

Westferry again

 Like Lutfur Rahman this will go on and on for Tower Hamlets .


 Just like Tower Hamlets giving into the mob .

Major contract

 Good news for Tower Hamlets company .

Still in demand

 Nothing really changes for Tower Hamlets .

Sharing showers

 This is not good. Tower Hamlets need to do something .

Green roads

 Councils like Tower Hamlets have not thought of the consequences .

Ancient Greek

 Many in Tower Hamlets don't have an opportunity to learn it .

National story

 On the face of it is a tragic local story in Tower Hamlets .

Lutfur Rahman article

 The artilce has improved greatly since the last time I checked and has a lot of information on what he did in Tower Hamlets .

Some of the story

 The real story about Rich Mix and Tower Hamlets is more than about money. It is about Labour .

Brick Lane anger

 People are getting fed up with Tower Hamlets like me .

No chance

 Her family and the rest of Tower Hamlets will have to wait ages .

Historic building

 I don't know anything about historic buildings in Tower Hamlets .

Aspana and social housing

 This is not just a Tower Hamlets story but a major story for Labour .

Tower blocks

 We have a lot in Tower Hamlets .

Rubbish data

 The response from Tower Hamlets would be interesting .

Sylheti languaage

 Many in Tower Hamlets would not understand this .

People power

 Councils like Tower Hamlets do anything they like .

Supporting libraries

 It is a shame that councils like Tower Hamlets are not doing this .

Life after Tower Hamlets

The police have a number of questions to answer about Lutfur Ali .

Zoom tutors

 We could use this in Tower Hamlets .

Tesco degree

 Tower Hamlets is one of the areas it is been launched in .

Online schooling

 Seems to be better than ones in Tower Hamlets .

Dinah Glover

 One of the few to serve Tower Hamlets very well .

Nothing changes

 This is from 4 years ago but I doubt anything has changed in Tower Hamlets .

Just like Tower Hamlets

 I forced Nathan Akehurst out of Tower Hamlets for breaking political restrictions but sadly Chris Humphreys is still working there. Lewis would like him .

New buildings

 Plenty of them in Tower Hamlets .

A good start

 If anything goes wrong Tower Hamlets will say they have not enough resources .

Cookies and GDPR

 This is not the kind you can eat. Everyone including as far as I know Tower Hamlets use it .

Blocking roads

 So much for winning public support in Tower Hamlets .


 Tower Hamlets could benefit from some of their services .

What is the point?

 We already have other services in Tower Hamlets doing this .

Cord cutting

 Many people in Tower Hamlets could save a lot of money .

A bit odd

 Considering that cyclists with no connection to Tower Hamlets can comment .

All useless

 The workers along with the Mayor are useless and no one in Tower Hamlets would miss them .

No data or context

 The last I heard that Tower Hamlets have failed to provide any data to Andrew Wood. Also they have failed to show any context to this. This is just PR rubbish. I have FOI in on this .

The Tower Hamlets veiw

 Tuckley does have good things to say .


 I know nothing about him and Tower Hamlets .


 This is the kind of thing we should use in Tower Hamlets .

Not from Tower Hamlets

I have only looked at some of the names and they are not from Tower Hamlets but from places like Hillingdon .

Helping the homeless

 There is still far too many in Tower Hamlets .

Abuse of democratic process

 What else do you expect from Tower Hamlets Labour ?

Very good article on Islam

 People in Tower Hamlets should read this to gain a better understanding of Islam .

Good rents

 You can get a good return in Tower Hamlets .

More online courses

 Way better than the ones offered in Tower Hamlets .

COVID black hole

 Let's see some facts before we believe Tower Hamlets .

A bit rich

 Considering that the left have a liking for some of the racists in Tower Hamlets on the BAME side .

COVID money

 Tower Hamlets have a lot of questions to answer it seems .

Plenty of courses

 Oxford offer a better range of courses than you can get in Tower Hamlets Idea Stores .

Another good idea

 It will fail like some I worked in on Tower Hamlets .

Protecting children

 Tower Hamlets are not good at this .

5 years

 It has teken 5 years for the clowns in Tower Hamlets to plead guilty .


Andrew Wood has asked Tower Hamlets 4 times .

Sustainable clothes

Afll the news from Tower Hamlets seems to be from the ELA which I am no fan of .

Pointless strikes

No one in Tower Hamlets besides them knows about the strikes .

No jail

Sadly no one in Tower Hamlets will end up in jail .

A failed good idea

I used to work for a third sector organisation in Tower Hamlets which had plenty of good ideas but becasue they did not have publicity or support like this they failed .

Guilty plea

This is about time considering the amount of suffering her poor mother had at the hands of Tower Hamlets .

Last days of Brick Lane

Many people in Tower Hamlets including me would be very happy .

Arabic problems

Not going to discuss this at mosques in Tower Hamlets .

Charity walk

It is dangerous and surprised they did not get assaulted in that part of Tower Hamlets .

Secure email

Some in Tower Hamlets need it .

FOI in Tower Hamlets

Good to see that others besides me are taking Tower Hamlets to task .


She has no relatives in Tower Hamlets giving her money .

40 mosques

That many in Tower Hamlets .

Final decision

She should never come back to Tower Hamlets .

About time

Rents are too high in places like Tower Hamlets .


Language learning is more interesting than the rubbish that is going on in Tower Hamlets .

No help

Those people have ruined Brick Lane and Tower Hamlets .

Liveable Streets again

They have angered many in Tower Hamlets .

World languages

Many children and adults in Tower Hamlets will benefit from this. Does it cover ancient languages like Prakrit ?

No need for this

The East London Mosque already have staff for this. Even Tower Hamlets would not do this .

TRA list

This is the best I could find for Tower Hamlets. A lot of them are missing .


They just like killing people in Tower Hamlets .

Sylhet Nagri script

Many people in Tower Hamlets who can trace their families back to Sylhet in Bangladesh have not heard of this .


Tower Hamlets go on about it but there are very few facts about it .

Golds again

One of the few along with Andrew Wood who is worth a read in Tower Hamlets politics .

Pavement changes

Can someone explain what are Tower Hamlets up to ?

Beyond comedy

Those jokers are important people in Tower Hamlets .

Going too far

Just like Tower Hamlets when they do anything they want to do .

More questions

Wood is not letting Tower Hamlets off the hook .

The silent majority

When Tower Hamlets removed Robert Milligan they did not listen to the majority just a mob .

High politics

Once again Tower Hamlets is at the centre of high politics .

The saga continues

He had a right go at Tower Hamlets today .

Island Advice Centre

Even though I live in Tower Hamlets I don't know much about them .

Well said

The current monitoring officer in Tower Hamlets is useless and needs to be sacked .

The lost boys

Tower Hamlets don't care about white working class boys .


I hope that many in Tower Hamlets learn about this language. I am reading his book and it is a great read .


I knew a bit about them but I did not know that they were in what is now Tower Hamlets .

Office economics

Offices are a major part of business in Tower Hamlets now .

Local experts

Once they would have been in Tower Hamlets .

Useless survey

I have taken part in one conducted by Tower Hamlets .

Action needed

Getting out of hand in Tower Hamlets .

Out of control

I see at least one of those clowns in my area of Tower Hamlets almost everyday .

Bow Arts

This is a odd case even by the standards of Tower Hamlets .

New offices

Risky from Canary Wharf but than they did take a risk in the first place in Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets support

The remarkable thing is that the so called Tower Hamlets Muslim community have not supported Maajid on this issue .

Protecting local history

Andrew Wood is one of the few in Tower Hamlets who cares .

The other side

Some in Tower Hamlets support Liveable Streets .

Man charged

How many murders in Tower Hamlets this year ?

Mature democracy

Tower Hamlets Labour are one big joke .

Pollution control

How can Tower Hamlets forget this ?

SRA payments

I can't think of a single Labour member who should get it in Tower Hamlets .

First Tower Hamlets

Than it went to Londonmet and City .

Secure email

Useful in places like Tower Hamlets and Hong Kong .

Horrible company

I thought that Tower Hamlets Council were bad. They are worse and you should avoid them .

Well worth a read

Anything Peter Golds has to say after all this time in Tower Hamlets politics is worth a read .

Safety first

That is not likely in Tower Hamlets .


A lot of things on offer in the Tower Hamlets group .

Bow crane

I hope that Tower Hamlets checked everything .

About time

It is about time that someone stood up against those people. Take a look at Tower Hamlets .

The council view

I am no fan of Tower Hamlets Council but it would be nice to have their view rather than this socialist crap .

The unions view

Does anyone know what are the views of Tower Hamlets Council ?

Tower Rewards

We don't know the basics about Tower Rewards .

Strikers arrested

I still have no idea what this Tower Hamlets strike is about .

Tower Hamlets strike

Hard to get anything of quality on this for example what the issues are ?

Lost Stock

I hope that many in Tower Hamlets use it to avoid waste. I hope that it continues after COVID .

NHS fact

This will not be known or discussed by any in Tower Hamlets Labour or Council .

What a joke

Biggs and Tuckley have turned Tower Hamlets into one big joke .

More police

Khan is making a mistake as places like Tower Hamlets need more police and not less police .

Abbas is right

Tower Hamlets is rotten to the core .

Labour revolt

Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs should have never trusted Haque .

Look at Tower Hamlets

They are avoiding answering questions about this .

Greedy Labour

Just like in Tower Hamlets they have no money except when it comes to themselves .

BLM education

Some Labour Councilors in Tower Hamlets will object to this .

Very true

People are asking serious questions of Tower Hamlets and GLA . 

Tower Hamlets strike

It has now got national coverage though most people in Tower Hamlets have no idea about it .

Free laptops and broadband

If Tower Hamlets cancelled Our East End more money could have been spent on this .

Tower Hamlets flood

Is that the new palace that Lutfur Rahman was creating ?

Cass and the mob

Rather than it been Tower Hamlets it is the City of London after 3 parents contacted them .

Democracy is dead

To be fair it is only local democracy in Tower Hamlets .

Direct messages

Tower Hamlets seem to just ignore them .

Legacy cash

Groups in Tower Hamlets will benefit .

Plenty more

There will be others in Tower Hamlets and City Hall .

The other side

I wonder what Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs has to say about this ?

Milligan again

Unlike Tower Hamlets they are very helpful at Canal and River Trust when it comes to FOI requests .

More than food

The people of Tower Hamlets should take a look at Haque .

Staff sackings

What is going on in Tower Hamlets in regards to this ?

In 8 tweets

Tower Hamlets Councilor Andrew Wood has done more than 8 .

Student art

Once the show was in Tower Hamlets very near my house .

More rent

Tower Hamlets should not treat people like this .

Council strike

Tower Hamlets will not pay the salaries of staff on strike days .

Guess who pays?

That's right the Tower Hamlets and London taxpayer pays .

Like Lutfur Rahman

Sadiq Khan in many ways is as vain as Lutfur Rahman but he is more stupid than the former Tower Hamlets Mayor .

Beyond stupid

He is like many in Tower Hamlets Labour .

Good point on BAME

It is a  a political thing. Lutfur Rahman supporters in Tower Hamlets would not want to be in BAME .

Be careful

Many on the left in Tower Hamlets with a history of racism should learn something from this article .

Digital food festival

Tower Hamlets need to be more digital and move with the times .

Doyle on culture wars

In Tower Hamlets we have that joker Haque .

Assault on history

First it was Bristol followed by Tower Hamlets where no one really cared before and now it is Bank of England .

Make Some Noise

Many charities in Tower Hamlets could benefit from this .

Grants scheme

In Tower Hamlets they always cause problems .

Setting an example

I can't see the greedy Labour councilors and Mayor in Tower Hamlets following Khan .

Strikes called

No one in Tower Hamlets cares about lazy staff .

Some background

Hopefully many in Tower Hamlets would find this interesting .

The forgotten

A lot of BAME people in places like Tower Hamlets will be upset. We need to do something about white working class boys .

Golds on Milligan

A very different story from what many others in Tower Hamlets are telling .


He walked out before Tower Hamlets Council members voted on IHRA .

Strange JR

Can someone explain this to me? It seems to be mainly Bengali groups in Tower Hamlets .

Like Tower Hamlets

City Hall pays people a lot of money for failure .

Important questions

We have a school named after Sir John Cass in Tower Hamlets .

Rabina Khan and Milligan

She tried to become Mayor of Tower Hamlets by using the race card .

No police action

Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets did far worse things .

The Cass

When it was in Tower Hamlets and I was a student at Londonmet no one in Tower Hamlets or any student complained about John Cass. Sadly now the mob have got their way. Next move burning books .

Milligan again

The people of Tower Hamlets need to hear the truth .

Robert Milligan statue

It is strange and the decision by Tower Hamlets is suspect .

Senior salaries

Tower Hamlets wasting our money as usual .

The strange case of Robert Milligan

Even I am finding it difficult to believe this but the source is very good .

A warning about Sadiq Khan

It is a shame that staff and councilors in Tower Hamlets don't read this or other excellent articles .

What next?

Are the IFE going to go around Tower Hamlets burning books which they don't approve of ?

Lewis on history

A certain councilor in Tower Hamlets should read this article .

Plastic pollution

Far too much in the water in Tower Hamlets .

Staff contracts

I hope that Tower Hamlets get rid of those spin doctors .


Orgnaisations like Tower Hamlets spend a fortune on Microsoft .

Prison pay

This kind of thing can only happen in Tower Hamlets .

We need this

Considering the level of corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Gallery chief

No one in Tower Hamlets knows who she is .

What about Laobur?

Considering all the corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Commercial buyers

Some interesting data on Tower Hamlets .


There are a lot of complaints about toilets in Tower Hamlets .

Why this?

In Tower Hamlets the Poplar Papers are the bigger scandal which no one is picking up .


For some reason not a big story in Tower Hamlets .

Non-religious Chaplains

Good to see them been trained. They will not be welcomed in Tower Hamlets.

Police investigation

Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets did far worse things and nothing ever happened to him .

James Tooley

I agree with him on education unlike many of the teachers in Tower Hamlets .

A lot worse

A lot worse goes on in Tower Hamlets .

A very long time

This Tower Hamlets investigation into Aspana Begum could go on for ages .

Student theatre

Sadly The Cass is no longer based in Tower Hamlets .

Investigation calls

Meanwhile no update from Tower Hamlets on Aspana Begum alleged housing fraud. What a joke that she has called for him to resign .

Islam and dogs

I have heard of a case where a assistance dog for a deaf person was abused in Tower Hamlets by a Muslim family but nothing was done.

Chicken feed

Compared to corruption in Tower Hamlets and yet Biggs has not been called onto resign .

Bigger scandal

The Poplar Papers are the bigger scandal in Tower Hamlets not this .


Many in Tower Hamlets lack knowledge about the ancient world .

Big contract

Let's hope that Tower Hamlets are not wasting our money .

Disgraceful behaviour

I would expect this from Tower Hamlets Labour and not the Housing Secretary .

Music For All

We don't have quality music education in Tower Hamlets .

Planning bias

Not sure who in Tower Hamlets won in the long run .

Ugly racism

Far too much in Tower Hamlets .

COVID victims

This is very important historic website for the future. How many in Tower Hamlets ?

New form of racism

In Tower Hamlets we had Lutfur Rahman and his ilk .

More than Plato

I hope that people in Tower Hamlets use this wonderful resource .

Celebrity visit

Unlike some who come to Tower Hamlets he was actually helping .

Isle of Dogs history

This part of Tower Hamlets has more than Canary Wharf .

The East End

A lot of good stuff about Tower Hamlets .

Good decision

For once I agree with Tower Hamlets .


Can't help with Tower Hamlets as it does not cover council tax .

Secret meeting

Action needs to be taken against Tower Hamlets Council .

Fault of Tower Hamlets

They caused this when they appoined the new Director of Children's and Culture or whatever it is called .

Bad news

Canary Wharf brings in a lot of money to Tower Hamlets .

Comedy gold

Considering how he and his donkeys are running Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets youth

Some of them fight in the local car park where I live .

Accounting error

In Tower Hamlets the officers and councilors make mistakes and residents end up paying .

Khan showing concern

Many in Tower Hamlets including me don't trust the new Rabina Khan .

FOI and complaints

The whole system is rotten to the core in Tower Hamlets .

Council accounts

Could this be another scandal for Tower Hamlets ?

Charity changes

Not many charities in Tower Hamlets have made any changes as far as I know .

Jack the ripper

Many in Tower Hamlets don't know much about him .

Helping children

A lot of children in Tower Hamlets need plenty of help .

Black nurses

There were some in Tower Hamlets before 1900 .

Vatican suffering

This is wonderful news. If anyone has any stuff on mosques sufferng in Tower Hamlets let me know the good news .

Second peak

This would be a disaster for somewhere like Tower Hamlets .

Not in Tower Hamlets

If those people come to Tower Hamlets the religious nutters will kill them .

Richard House

Hospice for children including in Tower Hamlets .

Local hospice

Better than giving money to greedy mosques in Tower Hamlets .

Trees for NHS

We have The Royal London Hospital and Mile End Hospital in Tower Hamlets .

Golds should know

After all he is a councilor in the rotten borough of Tower Hamlets .

Even worse

I had no idea that Tower Hamlets was so bad and still is .


Many people in Tower Hamlets will turn to them now .

Medical history

Tower Hamlets plays an important part in it .

The Persians

Can't find much on Tower Hamlets so I am posting stuff which people would find useful and of benefit .

Ancient History

This is wonderful. Children in places like Tower Hamlets can learn it properly .

The case for Ecosia

Sadly not many people in Tower Hamlets use it .

Jewish hospital

This is indeed a lost hospital in Tower Hamlets .

Another COVID danger

I have not heard anything about this from public health in Tower Hamlets. To be fair they don't say much .

School library service

I know nothing about this service from Tower Hamlets .

Spin operation

Tower Hamlets have a spin operation to do with the Poplar Papers but it is not effective .


I wonder if public health in places like Tower Hamlets have any plans for this ?

Residents approve

That is usually a good start in Tower Hamlets .

Support local charity

In Tower Hamlets and the wider East End .

Mosques suffering

We have far too many in Tower Hamlets and some are places of hate. This is wonderful news .

COVID data

Huge amounts of data on COVID. Sadly none on Tower Hamlets .

A bit late

We have pased the peak in London and Tower Hamlets hopefully will not offer them any grants .

I was wrong

We have a third city farm in Tower Hamlets .

Careful with data

I don't trust any from Tower Hamlets .

Still expanding

Some good news for business in Tower Hamlets .

Helping others

Many in Tower Hamlets need help including the lying bastards at mosques .

Poplar Papers

I hope that many staff in Tower Hamlets enjoy reading this .

London deaths

The figure for Tower Hamlets is somewhere .

Good news

I hope that many Mosques in Tower Hamlets suffer .

The other one

Tower Hamlets has two city farms .

City farm

This is one of the two that I am aware of in Tower Hamlets .

ASU degrees

You can study them from Tower Hamlets via the internet .

School blunder

Tower Hamlets are good at things like this .

Poplar stabbing

Sadiq Khan and his clown Biggs failing the people of Tower Hamlets .

Poplar Papers

I have only read some of them about the biggest scandal in Tower Hamlets .

Shamina Begum

The people of Tower Hamlets need to know the truth .

Nightingale Museum

We have little gems like this in Tower Hamlets .

Good work

He has not sold his soul to Tower Hamlets unlike Chris Humphreys .