
Showing posts from August, 2018


This is the kind of ethical company we should be supporting in Tower Hamlets. After Brexit we can .

Planning trouble

Nothing new in Tower Hamlets .

Festival dangers

All those festivals must pose some risk for parks in Tower Hamlets ?

Good news

This will split the Labour vote in other parts of London but not much in Tower Hamlets .

Rabina joins Lib Dems

This is beyond sick even by Tower Hamlets standards and I will never ever support this woman or any party she joins .

Jewish Saudi

Muslims in places like Tower Hamlets know so little Islamic history .

Local children

Many of them in Tower Hamlets don't visit the gallery .

Not OK

A lot of things in Tower Hamlets are not OK .

Taken for a ride

There are many like Rabina Khan in Tower Hamlets .

Ongoing problem

People in Tower Hamlets have been complaining about this for ages .

FixMyStreet Pro

This is the kind of thing that Tower Hamlets Council should be doing .

Newham now

A lot of people from Tower Hamlets are buried in Newham now .

Right of access to data

In Tower Hamlets it is not easy to get access from some organisations which shall remain nameless. What we need is something like whatdotheyknow for data requests. This is a very rough idea please feel free to comment and ask questions. 

Not many locals

What has been overlooked is the lack of local people from Tower Hamlets going there .

Make More

Can't see many in Tower Hamlets going to this .

Waste of time and money

That is Will Tuckley and his reign in Tower Hamlets .

Recycling glasses

You can recycle them in Tower Hamlets as well .

Good on them

People need to stand up to Tower Hamlets .


A lot of people in Tower Hamlets need them .

Bad shops

We have a lot of them in Tower Hamlets .

At what cost?

At what cost have those pupils in Tower Hamlets done well ?

Misleading headline

Tower Hamlets Council does not build homes .

Good job Bromley

Maybe Tower Hamlets can copy them .


This is the kind of that happens in other places besides Tower Hamlets .

Cult infighting

I have got the following email from a source who I will not name. If you have any information about Tower Hamlets than get in touch. Hi, I thought this story may interest you, as tower hamlets momentum has multiple councillors as members, and could have a real influence on the selection of the next local MPs.  Two of the executive members, the Joseph the treasurer, and Alena the social media officer seem to having a public spat about brexit. Alena recently wrote this article for the guardian which seems to have been directly attacked by this There seems to be a split in momentum, as I know the secretary is very publicly pro brexit, while many other members are against. Best,

Exam results

Article published before pupils in Tower Hamlets got their results .


I have so far asked Tower Hamlets and Hackney I will ask more later on but will need help .

Fat chance

In that part of Tower Hamlets you are more likley to get the police .

Whitechapel History Fest

Good idea but many in Tower Hamlets would be put off by that wanker Ajmal Masroor .

Good decision

It would be even better for the people of Tower Hamlets if they lost everything .

Fear of crime

Too much of it in Tower Hamlets .

No jail

No one in Tower Hamlets has ended up in jail over this sadly .

History of Poplar

One of the areas that has been overlooked with the creation of Tower Hamlets .

Good cause

People like Lutfur in Tower Hamlets don't care about things like this .

Human error

There is a lot of that in Tower Hamlets .

Planting trees

In Tower Hamlets this might be the only way .

Fat chance

The staff in Tower Hamlets are too lazy .

Wasting money again

Services like this already exist .

Cup Club

We could do with this in Tower Hamlets .

No big deal

I along with everyone else in Tower Hamlets have not heard of this .

A sad end

Very few people in Tower Hamlets have noticed this .

Only one

Is that the only one who has been caught after attending Tower Hamlets classes ?

East African art

Good to see that Tower Hamlets has some culture. Hopefully Amina Ali is not involved in this .

Audit Tower Hamlets

I would love to do that to Tower Hamlets .

Wasting money

The one thing that Tower Hamlets are good at .

Is this wise?

Have Tower Hamlets CCG made the right call ?

Lord Rahman

This clown might as well be former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman .

Rich Mix

It is a waste of money and Tower Hamlets should not give them a single penny .

NHS funding

Why is Tower Hamlets Council providing funding to a NHS service ?


Biggs is going after the Tower Hamlets muslim vote .

Very pleased

I am very pleased with this. Shame it was not a Tower Hamlets FOI .

Labour should

After all Rahman was a creation of Tower Hamlets Labour .

Please donate

Their services help me keep Tower Hamlets accountable .

Dangerous game

Tower Hamlets Council is playing a dangerous game here .

Good idea

The streets of Tower Hamlets are dangerous .

Summer school

Good idea but a lot of councilors and staff in Tower Hamlets need it .

Labour state media

This kind of thing can only happen in Tower Hamlets .

Case for Brexit

Tower Hamlets are actually making the case for Brexit .

Good cause

We need more green space in Tower Hamlets .

What a joke

This is not funny as the number of complaints should be a lot higher against the useless Tower Hamlets Council .

Local offers

I wonder how often the website is updated by Tower Hamlets and it's lazy communications staff ?

Another good idea

This is the sort of bottles we need in Tower Hamlets .