
Showing posts from November, 2016


I did not know it had anything to do with Tower Hamlets .

Can't be any worse

After all Tower Hamlets is run very badly .

Any in Tower Hamlets?

Has any woman in Tower Hamlets taken this route ?

How many?

How many in Tower Hamlets will take part in this ?

Catering bill question

Let's see if Tower Hamlets has a good answer for Moynul Islam .

Copying Tower Hamlets

It is disappointing to see that Hackney are copying Tower Hamlets .

Student higher education data

I have been talking to a few unhappy students and I have had an idea. The problem is that a lot of the things are not easy to understand or they are not asking the questions that students are interested in.  What we need is data like. How many contact hours do you get? How many people are in your lecture? Is the person giving the lecture a PhD student or a full time member of staff? What additional support do you get? This is a very rough idea. The problem is that in Tower Hamlets we have got so many higher education establishments but we lack data on them. This is a big problem.  Tower Hamlets is only one area with a lot of higher education. 

Another historic story

Tower Hamlets has a lot of history which people don't know .

Coffee charge

Wonderful idea as it will reduce waste in places like Tower Hamlets and raise money for charity. I have emailed my MP asking to support it .

The good days

Before Tower Hamlets was created we had a great newspaper .


I amazed that the London centred media overlooked this. I can't see many councils like Tower Hamlets carrying it out though .

Waste of money

£600 a day is too much. Tower Hamlets should be paying less to manage the parks .

I am ready

As a resident of Whitechapel I am ready to elect someone honest to be a councilor in Tower Hamlets .

By-election next week

I can't wait. Tower Hamlets has seen the back of Shahed Ali .

Jack the Ripper

I live in the Whitechapel area. It along with the rest of Tower Hamlets is very different now .

Trigger ballot

The trigger ballot seems to be a big problem for John Biggs and Labour in Tower Hamlets .

Free speech under attack

Living in Tower Hamlets and seeing what the regressive left can do for Lutfur Rahman I am worried .

Not easy

In Tower Hamlets they build anything anywhere .

Any point?

It is well known that staff in Tower Hamlets are not active in cleaning streets where there has been fly tipping .

What a joke

Some in Tower Hamlets treat FOI's like they are a joke .

Safeguarding again

I am not entirely happy with the answers from Tower Hamlets .

Justice for Mark

I was living in Tower Hamlets than. I don't know very much about this case .

Disgraceful Biggs

Children should not be doing it. It should be done by Tower Hamlets .

Proper care of trees

Shame that Tower Hamlets did not do that when that girl died .

Irish press

Amazed that a accident in Tower Hamlets made the Irish press .

No shared spaces

If this kind of thing happens than Tower Hamlets does not need shared spaces

Vote rigging allegations

Tower Hamlets Labour are in trouble over the trigger ballot for John Biggs .

Brexit wish list

No one in Tower Hamlets cares. Our member for City and East is useless .

Fitz is right

I am no big fan of Jim Fitzpatrick or the Tower Hamlets Labour Party but he is only pointing out what everyone knows to be true .

Dream on councils

Remember in the case of Tower Hamlets we have Trial by Jeory, Love Wapping and other things like Conservative Home. Tower Hamlets Council will not get a easy ride .

Once a great paper

The Advertiser was once a great paper but for some years it has not served the people of Tower Hamlets will .

Tower Hamlets school death

It is tragic for all concerned. It is very rare to have a death in Tower Hamlets schools .

Royal visit

Thanks Prince Edward for coming to Tower Hamlets .


This is very risky for Tower Hamlets as it could backfire .

Providence Wharf

I live in Tower Hamlets and I don't know anything about this development .

Christmas planning

It has started in Tower Hamlets. I love Christmas .

Hate group

If you ask me they are more of a hate group. Remember in Tower Hamlets it was thanks to Ted Jeory than at the Express and Andrew Gilligan of the Telegraph that we got justice .

Bangladeshis in Newham

Don't know much about Bangladeshis in Newham. I know a lot about them in Tower Hamlets .

Local plan

This one is unsustainable for Tower Hamlets .

Like Tower Hamlets

Vote rigging seems to be acceptable now .

Voting reform and Maine

I could have discussed vote rigging by the Republicans but that would be too much like Tower Hamlets. What happened in Maine is very important .

Pride of Britain

I am very proud of them living in Tower Hamlets .

Worth joining

I am a member of a number of Tower Hamlets related groups. This is not Tower Hamlets related but it is about helping charities for free .


You have the very rich and poor living side by side in Tower Hamlets .


I am not a fan of the senior police officers in Tower Hamlets. Officers risk their lives to serve the community .

Melanie Clay

There are a lot of interesting facts about Tower Hamlets Monitoring Officer .


Once places like Bow were the nicer part of Tower Hamlets .

A lot more

Her association with Shahed Ali is one of a very long list of reasons why Rabina Khan is unfit to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets. Vile woman .

The arts

It is a shame that Tower Hamlets schools neglect the arts .

Speaker suspended

I hope that many more are suspended in Tower Hamlets .

Needs updating

Tower Hamlets Labour website does not have any news on the trigger ballot or the candidate for Whitechapel .

Dementia in Tower Hamlets

Good to see that Tower Hamlets doctors are leading the way in dementia .

Child funerals

Funerals are very expensive in places like Tower Hamlets. If the worst happens they can help .

Unfit for public office

It seems that in this country we have a lot of people unfit for public office not just in Tower Hamlets. No reply to my email from spineless Biggs .

Andrew Gilligan and social media

You can read the tweets of Andrew Gilligan which also links to his blog. He has done a lot of good for Tower Hamlets .

Rotten to the core

Shame on Tower Hamlets Labour. Even thinking about allowing Rabina Khan in. It is all politics of race and religion. The Curry King is a fake alcohol seller .

Good decision

We can't trust Tower Hamlets with something this important .

Brick Lane festival

Tower Hamlets wasting money again .

No point

We need better teachers in Tower Hamlets and not gimmicks .

Golds on Ali

Excellent article on Shahed Ali and the corruption in Tower Hamlets .