
Showing posts from June, 2016

Hasley leaves Tower Hamlets

Stephen Hasley is leaving Tower Hamlets. Will Tuckley will take over his job until a new appointment is made. It is a mistake we need people like him in Tower Hamlets .

Idea Store for rent

Tower Hamlets should offer it at a commercial market rate. It should make sure that the Idea Store benefits and that money is put back into it after the cuts by Tower Hamlets .

News in brief

No one reads Tower Hamlets Council press releases .

Student painter

Tower Hamlets has a big art department. Surprised she is not studying art there. Then there is the Cass at London Metropolitan University .

Development pulled

It was pulled before Tower Hamlets Council could reject it .


Racism has been happening in Tower Hamlets for years. Remember Alibor ?

EMA future

As a resident of Tower Hamlets and supporter of leaving the EU I am not really bothered about this .

Biggs disappointed

He should have campaigned harder and tried to convince the people of Tower Hamlets. One useless Mayor .

Brexit in Tower Hamlets

Interesting perspective. I agree with her a lot even though I voted to leave .

Bee paintings

A future star in the Tower Hamlets art scene .

John Seekings

Can't Tower Hamlets find a replacement for that clown Takki ?

EU results update

It seems that turnout was lower in Tower Hamlets than other parts of London and the country .

Biggs shocked

John Biggs should be running Tower Hamlets rather than worrying about things like the EU. He has done a very bad job so far .

Tower Hamlets to remain

It is amazing that they counted the votes in less than 24 hours. I met someone who was handing out Stronger In stickers in Whitechapel. I asked where leave were. He said been racist somewhere else .

Another farce

It seems that no one in Tower Hamlets has learned anything from the days of Lutfur Rahman. Will Tuckley needs to step up .

Tower Hamlets vote counting

Well done Tower Hamlets for doing it again. Will Tuckley has serious questions to answer .

Corruption wins

It seems that corruption wins in Tower Hamlets .

QMW Islamic Society

Let's see what action was taken against them. I wonder what connection they have with Tower Hamlets?

East End Trades Guild

Another group working in Tower Hamlets which I have never heard of .

One of their own

She may be from Yorkshire but she was true Tower Hamlets river resident .

Good defence

This is a good defence by the school .

Log books

I hope that Tower Hamlets is making a wise investment choice .

Don't resign

The man has served his time in jail and he is trying to integrate back into Tower Hamlets society .


If you want to advertise on this blog just email me and I will email back the payment details. The advert should be an article. It can be as short as I write them or even longer. It will stay up as a post on the blog but it will be marked as an advert.

Local jobs

One of the ironies is that Tower Hamlets has a cabinet member whose main brief is bringing jobs to Tower Hamlets .

Jo Cox

People should not forget that when she was in London she was a resident of Tower Hamlets .

Not the people

Despite what John Biggs and his supporters say the people of Tower Hamlets have not seen any benefit from his time in office. To be fair some have like Denise Jones .

Social media board saga

I am not entirely happy with the last 2 answers I got from Tower Hamlets .

Immigrants rights party

Sorry but he has missed the bus. Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets failed by using this kind of politics .

Well done

I asked Tower Hamlets what the prize was and they did not tell me. Well done to her .

Ancient history

To most people in Tower Hamlets now this would be ancient history .

Not funny

Corruption in Tower Hamlets is not funny even though it feels like it .

Well deserved

Her husband has been known to turn people in Tower Hamlets away from Labour .

Well done Tower Hamlets

You can't make this stuff up. In Tower Hamlets truth is stranger than fiction .

Not got mine

Tower Hamlets Council and it's contractors have not sent me one yet .

Growing too fast

We need to control the growth of Tower Hamlets. It is out of control .

War history

Tower Hamlets suffered a lot from Hitler .

Misuse of computer action

Shame the same thing did not happen to Tower Hamlets Homes .

Cass Summer Show

A very nice day out for anyone in the Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets .

Good luck

I wish them all the luck but I fear they will not be able to do much because of Tower Hamlets Council and it's planning system .

Ethical care charter

We have too many Eastern Europeans coming into places like Tower Hamlets and lowering wages .

Bethnal Green assault

Surely we have more news in Tower Hamlets ?

Not "Our East End"

It is not ours. It is the East End of Tower Hamlets Council .

Solving housing crisis

We need new ideas to solve the housing crisis in places like Tower Hamlets .

Politically restricted posts

I am looking forward to seeing which posts in Tower Hamlets are politically restricted .

Control cyclists

Places like Tower Hamlets are becoming dangerous. Those mothers are right ,

Well done Andy

Well done Andy Erlam. The residents of Tower Hamlets deserve justice .

Undoing Labour damage

Tower Hamlets Labour is trying to undo it's own damage .

Fair point

I live in Whitechapel and this part of Tower Hamlets is only known for one thing not even the Whitecchapel Gallery .

Medical history

Tower Hamlets has a lot of medical history .

Worrying figures

Everyone in Tower Hamlets should register to vote .

Tom Holland in Tower Hamlets

Ironically he did come to Tower Hamlets for the Idea Store book festival after writing things like this .

Ex-Muslims on Twitter

A lot of people in places like Tower Hamlets will not like this but there is another side to Islam which has been ignored .

Lewisham NHS choir at Glastonbury

Do we have a NHS choir for Tower Hamlets or would the IFE object?

Councilor pay

It is a good idea if it was reasonable and not done as a way of keeping Tower Hamlets Labour on side by B iggs .

Serious questions

Once again the residents of Tower Hamlets have been failed .

Catching up with Love Wapping

East End Citizen is catching up with the investigation into Tower Hamlets by Love Wapping .

Quick response

It is good to see them taking action after all they did nothing in Tower Hamlets .

Thanks NatWest

Thank you for supporting young people in Tower Hamlets .

Terror suspect fights for citizenship

Another typical day in Tower Hamlets. I hope that May wins and sends a clear message .

Permission rejected

Tower Hamlets would have rejected permission in the first place if they knew it was a Ripper museum .