
Showing posts from 2016


The amazing contempt shown by Tower Hamlets Council towards residents .

Recycling in Tower Hamlets

The whole thing in Tower Hamlets is rubbish .

Private universities

This is a fair assessment. We need a fair one for the private colleges in Tower Hamlets .

Not going

One place in Tower Hamlets I am not going to in 2017 .

Golds on election fraud

People should listen to Peter Golds very carefully after what he saw in Tower Hamlets .

Saving money

I thought that Tower Hamlets Council liked wasting money .

Important work

There is important scientific work going on in Tower Hamlets .

Shame on Tower Hamlets

Four decent people stood up against Lutfur Rahman and now they face ruin .

Ex-Muslims of North America

Everyone in Tower Hamlets should check this out. Mind you the East London Mosque won't like it .

About time

Hopefully this will reduce electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets .

House prices

This is a major problem in Tower Hamlets .

Sleeping policemen

Those two policemen are a disgrace to the police in Tower Hamlets .

Robots sorting rubbish

Anything is bound to be an improvement on the current mess in Tower Hamlets .

Calm London

I live in a very busy part of Tower Hamlets between the City of London and Canary Wharf .

Canary Wharf bombing

I don't remember much. I was living in Tower Hamlets but still in school than .

Faith in Health

In Tower Hamlets we should keep East London Mosque out of anything to do with things like health .

Missed so much

They have missed a lot of Tower Hamlets history .

Follow up

Follow up the Calders Wharf FOI. I can't wait for Tower Hamlets reply .

Controversial issue

Calders Wharf has been a controversial issue in Tower Hamlets .


Too many people and not enough jobs. She also lacks the social network .


That is a lot by Tower Hamlets .

Exciting times

This is the time when the corrupt and rotten borough of Tower Hamlets was created .

Not acceptable

They are adding so many things to Tower Hamlets but lack the funds to support them. We need planning control .

Not Channel S

As far as I can see he has no connection to Channel S or Lutfur Rahman .


Shame that no one in Tower Hamlets will understand this when they go to the East London Mosque .

Slough connection

I have heard about the Slough connection before to Tower Hamlets but did not think much about it .

Library foundation

Tower Hamlets could do with one like Washington DC .

Vote rigging

Let's see what Tuckley and Tower Hamlets have done about this ?

Bangladesh genocide

I know next to know about the Bangladesh genocide. It is ironic that in Tower Hamlets they promote mother tongue classes but don't teach things like this .

East London Mosque

Let's see what the Metropolitan Police know about it .

Not funny

As a resident of Tower Hamlets I don't find this funny at all .

Great reporting

Shame that we don't get this anymore in Tower Hamlets .


I find it shocking that Tower Hamlets don't keep data in a easy to find way .

Wrong baby

I wonder how many of them are there in Tower Hamlets ?


Everyone in Tower Hamlets should read this and draw their own conclusions .

Good work

I am critical of Ms Ali my local MP but she is doing something right for the residence of Tower Hamlets for once .

Local views

No one cares what local people in Tower Hamlets think .

Swanlea Christmas

It is very nice of them. There are a lot of poor people in Tower Hamlets .

Wartime reporting

Wartime was very difficult for people in Tower Hamlets .

Emin withdraws

People of Tower Hamlets are saved from bad art .

Rejected by Tower Hamlets

I am not surprised that it was rejected by Tower Hamlets .

New apprentices

I wish them the best of luck working for Tower Hamlets .


Tower Hamlets suffered badly in the blitz .

Battle of Cable Street

Sadly in Tower Hamlets we now have people like Lutfur Rahman and Rabina Khan .

New political party

Even by Tower Hamlets standards this is getting to be beyond a joke .

Stephen Hasley

Sadly Tower Hamlets will not answer this .


Another amazing story about Tower Hamlets .

Magic Breakfast

It started off in Tower Hamlets .

Like Tower Hamlets

It is amazing that this could happen in Richmond. It seems that Tower Hamlets is not the only place .

Not surprised

To be honest I am expecting a lot more like this in Tower Hamlets .

Ali out of prison

One of the most unpleasant politicians in Tower Hamlets is now out of prison .

Basic training

I am a bit disappointed that Tower Hamlets provides such basic training .

Casey review

The amazing thing is that Louise Casey did not mention Tower Hamlets .

Something odd happened

There is something not quite right about the result. Tower Hamlets could have gone back to the bad old days .

Tower Hamlets and hate

In my experience a lot of the hate is by one community in Tower Hamlets .

Wrong decision

Still too much corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Overlooked basic fact

It is amazing that everyone in Tower Hamlets has overlooked this basic fact. It took me less than half an hour after I got the information to piece it all together .

East London Mosque

Tower Hamlets Council has an unhealthy relationship with the East London Mosque .

Bad idea

The changes in Tower Hamlets are only cosmetic. It is a rotten as ever. Nothing has really changed .

Labour failure

Tower Hamlets should be a Labour stronghold .

Staff and trade unions

Tower Hamlets Council should rename this. It is very important financial detail .

Whitechapel hope

It would be amazing if Labour lost and the Conservatives won. We need more Tories in Tower Hamlets .


I did not know it had anything to do with Tower Hamlets .

Can't be any worse

After all Tower Hamlets is run very badly .

Any in Tower Hamlets?

Has any woman in Tower Hamlets taken this route ?

How many?

How many in Tower Hamlets will take part in this ?

Catering bill question

Let's see if Tower Hamlets has a good answer for Moynul Islam .

Copying Tower Hamlets

It is disappointing to see that Hackney are copying Tower Hamlets .

Student higher education data

I have been talking to a few unhappy students and I have had an idea. The problem is that a lot of the things are not easy to understand or they are not asking the questions that students are interested in.  What we need is data like. How many contact hours do you get? How many people are in your lecture? Is the person giving the lecture a PhD student or a full time member of staff? What additional support do you get? This is a very rough idea. The problem is that in Tower Hamlets we have got so many higher education establishments but we lack data on them. This is a big problem.  Tower Hamlets is only one area with a lot of higher education. 

Another historic story

Tower Hamlets has a lot of history which people don't know .

Coffee charge

Wonderful idea as it will reduce waste in places like Tower Hamlets and raise money for charity. I have emailed my MP asking to support it .

The good days

Before Tower Hamlets was created we had a great newspaper .


I amazed that the London centred media overlooked this. I can't see many councils like Tower Hamlets carrying it out though .

Waste of money

£600 a day is too much. Tower Hamlets should be paying less to manage the parks .

I am ready

As a resident of Whitechapel I am ready to elect someone honest to be a councilor in Tower Hamlets .

By-election next week

I can't wait. Tower Hamlets has seen the back of Shahed Ali .

Jack the Ripper

I live in the Whitechapel area. It along with the rest of Tower Hamlets is very different now .

Trigger ballot

The trigger ballot seems to be a big problem for John Biggs and Labour in Tower Hamlets .

Free speech under attack

Living in Tower Hamlets and seeing what the regressive left can do for Lutfur Rahman I am worried .

Not easy

In Tower Hamlets they build anything anywhere .

Any point?

It is well known that staff in Tower Hamlets are not active in cleaning streets where there has been fly tipping .

What a joke

Some in Tower Hamlets treat FOI's like they are a joke .

Safeguarding again

I am not entirely happy with the answers from Tower Hamlets .

Justice for Mark

I was living in Tower Hamlets than. I don't know very much about this case .

Disgraceful Biggs

Children should not be doing it. It should be done by Tower Hamlets .

Proper care of trees

Shame that Tower Hamlets did not do that when that girl died .

Irish press

Amazed that a accident in Tower Hamlets made the Irish press .

No shared spaces

If this kind of thing happens than Tower Hamlets does not need shared spaces

Vote rigging allegations

Tower Hamlets Labour are in trouble over the trigger ballot for John Biggs .

Brexit wish list

No one in Tower Hamlets cares. Our member for City and East is useless .

Fitz is right

I am no big fan of Jim Fitzpatrick or the Tower Hamlets Labour Party but he is only pointing out what everyone knows to be true .

Dream on councils

Remember in the case of Tower Hamlets we have Trial by Jeory, Love Wapping and other things like Conservative Home. Tower Hamlets Council will not get a easy ride .

Once a great paper

The Advertiser was once a great paper but for some years it has not served the people of Tower Hamlets will .

Tower Hamlets school death

It is tragic for all concerned. It is very rare to have a death in Tower Hamlets schools .

Royal visit

Thanks Prince Edward for coming to Tower Hamlets .


This is very risky for Tower Hamlets as it could backfire .

Providence Wharf

I live in Tower Hamlets and I don't know anything about this development .

Christmas planning

It has started in Tower Hamlets. I love Christmas .

Hate group

If you ask me they are more of a hate group. Remember in Tower Hamlets it was thanks to Ted Jeory than at the Express and Andrew Gilligan of the Telegraph that we got justice .

Bangladeshis in Newham

Don't know much about Bangladeshis in Newham. I know a lot about them in Tower Hamlets .

Local plan

This one is unsustainable for Tower Hamlets .

Like Tower Hamlets

Vote rigging seems to be acceptable now .

Voting reform and Maine

I could have discussed vote rigging by the Republicans but that would be too much like Tower Hamlets. What happened in Maine is very important .

Pride of Britain

I am very proud of them living in Tower Hamlets .

Worth joining

I am a member of a number of Tower Hamlets related groups. This is not Tower Hamlets related but it is about helping charities for free .


You have the very rich and poor living side by side in Tower Hamlets .


I am not a fan of the senior police officers in Tower Hamlets. Officers risk their lives to serve the community .

Melanie Clay

There are a lot of interesting facts about Tower Hamlets Monitoring Officer .


Once places like Bow were the nicer part of Tower Hamlets .

A lot more

Her association with Shahed Ali is one of a very long list of reasons why Rabina Khan is unfit to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets. Vile woman .

The arts

It is a shame that Tower Hamlets schools neglect the arts .

Speaker suspended

I hope that many more are suspended in Tower Hamlets .

Needs updating

Tower Hamlets Labour website does not have any news on the trigger ballot or the candidate for Whitechapel .

Dementia in Tower Hamlets

Good to see that Tower Hamlets doctors are leading the way in dementia .

Child funerals

Funerals are very expensive in places like Tower Hamlets. If the worst happens they can help .

Unfit for public office

It seems that in this country we have a lot of people unfit for public office not just in Tower Hamlets. No reply to my email from spineless Biggs .

Andrew Gilligan and social media

You can read the tweets of Andrew Gilligan which also links to his blog. He has done a lot of good for Tower Hamlets .

Rotten to the core

Shame on Tower Hamlets Labour. Even thinking about allowing Rabina Khan in. It is all politics of race and religion. The Curry King is a fake alcohol seller .

Good decision

We can't trust Tower Hamlets with something this important .

Brick Lane festival

Tower Hamlets wasting money again .

No point

We need better teachers in Tower Hamlets and not gimmicks .

Golds on Ali

Excellent article on Shahed Ali and the corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Islamic scholars

No one should take them seriously. However in places like Tower Hamlets they are treated like gods .


Former Tower Hamlets Councilor Shahed Ali could pay up to £60K fine .

Spreading rebellion

The rebellion is spreading. I got a email about this in Tower Hamlets. I am not a Labour member .

No shame

Shahed Ali is no longer a Councilor in Tower Hamlets. However the other 3 are still holding elected office in T ower Hamlets .

Standard on Ali

This is The Standard take on Shahed Ali. As a a resident of Tower Hamlets I am glad he is gone .

By-election date

I have been told that it is going to be December 1st. It is not official from Tower Hamlets yet.

Crowdfunding funeral

Good to see the generous nature of some in Tower Hamlets unlike Shahed Ali .

Shahed Ali

With him gone Tower Hamlets is a better place .


Some justice for the people of Tower Hamlets at long last .

Secret world

Lutfur Rahman and his associates in Tower Hamlets are not in it .

Not Tower Hamlets

This group is in Newham. It is like some of the groups in Tower Hamlets .

Ancient office

I can't think of anyone better in Tower Hamlets for this ancient office than David .

Island Gardens cafe

This is a part of Tower Hamlets which I know very little about .

Old chest hospital

No one cares just build some flats for Tower Hamlets .

Safeguarding Mosques and Islamic Schools

I have contacted the Tower Hamlets Children's Safeguarding Board to see have they taken any action or not .


It is wonderful and it does not mention Tower Hamlets as far as I know but many of it's articles could be about it .

Mark Seddon

The people of Tower Hamlets will never forget him .

Hospital party

That was nice of them. We have a very good hospital in Tower Hamlets .

More like Maajid

We need more people like Maajid Nawaz. One of the reasons why Lutfur was allowed to get away was we lacked people like him in Tower Hamlets .


I have not gone through any of the information from Tower Hamlets Council .

Spot on

The reason why things happen in places like Tower Hamlets is that we let groups like the MCB or in the case of Tower Hamlets the IFE do anything they want to. We need to put a stop to this .

School fines

For most people in Tower Hamlets it is still cheaper to pay the fine than go on holiday in the school holidays .

Thank you

Thank you Tower Hamlets Commissioners you are absolutely right .


The bit about the website shows the failings of Tower Hamlets Council .

Police complaint

Tower Hamlets Metropolitan Police need to look into this very seriously .

Toynbee Hall on Rahman

It seems that he has tricked Toynbee Hall like he tricked some of the people of Tower Hamlets .

Well done

A Tower Hamlets school has done something right .

No shame

Those people have no shame. The people of Tower Hamlets have been badly let down by them. They are finished .

Night Tube noise

If you want a quite life don't live in Tower Hamlets. There are other things that make noise as well .


This kind of thing should not happen in Tower Hamlets .

Flu protection

Shame there is nothing that can protect the people of Tower Hamlets from corruption .

Language problem

How many pensioners in Tower Hamlets can speak English ?

Use the internet

You can save a fortune in places like Tower Hamlets .

New secondary school

All round confusion in Tower Hamlets .

Medical history

We have a lot of it in Tower Hamlets .

No Tower Hamlets links

As far as I could tell there appears to be no Tower Hamlets links .

Never heard of them

Another Tower Hamlets art group which I have never heard of .

A good question

Let's see what those vehicles were up to and who in Tower Hamlets signed them out .

Police brutality claims

This is Tower Hamlets and not the United States .

What might turn up?

Knowing Tower Hamlets anything could turn up in the chart .

Leaking information

It is a shame that they have not done anything on Tower Hamlets yet .

Modern day slum

We have one in Tower Hamlets with all the rubbish outside on the streets .

A bit late

Everyone in Tower Hamlets already knows about this .

Youth services again

It seems that Tower Hamlets youth services are a hotbed of corruption .

Why not Tower Hamlets?

Tower Hamlets has a very rich history. A lot of it has been destroyed recently .

Anti racist protest

Those people weren't here when Lutfur was running Tower Hamlets. They are all mainly white.

Very little mention

£800K fraud in Tower Hamlets and none of the mainstream media is mentioning it .

Very important

Everyone in Tower Hamlets should remember that day .

BPCA fraud

£800K is a lot even by the standard of fraud in Tower Hamlets .

Hotel bugs

Glad to see that Tower Hamlets Council does not have any problems with it .

None yet

John Biggs was very keen on Tower Hamlets taking some .

Muslim children safeguarding

There is still a lot of questions which Tower Hamlets needs to answer about this team .

White working class

Whilst I don't agree with Paul Mason entirely. I am concerned living in Tower Hamlets that the white working class are been ignored. In many cases they have very bad life chances. No one is doing anything about it. They are the real underclass. I have never heard them discussed in Tower Hamlets .

Muslim safeguarding

Why do we need a Muslim children safeguarding team in Tower Hamlets? What is wrong with the regular one ?


I am disgusted and speechless beyond belief. This is a joke. Tower Hamlets is a utter disgrace .

Thanks Peter

Golds is always right when it comes to Tower Hamlets and I love his take on Shahed Ali .

Boycott him

I hope that everyone in Tower Hamlets boycotts his shop. Just because he is a Muslim does not mean he can do anything he wants to .

Park user groups

I don't know much about them in Tower Hamlets .

QMW bumblebee study

Instead of studying bumblebees they should be studying extremism in Tower Hamlets .

DBS costs

Even if I asked a school in Tower Hamlets the results would be the same .

Football and dementia

Good to see that this Tower Hamlets football coach is doing something good about dementia .

Book police

At least Tower Hamlets are wasting public money and making fools of themselves .

Good article

This raises points which I as a keen watcher of Tower Hamlets did not know .

Gutless Biggs

Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs does not have the guts to say anything on Labour leadership .

House prices could fall

House prices in Tower Hamlets could fall because of oversupply and Brexit .

What about Whitechapel?

Whitechapel is one of the most dangerous places in Tower Hamlets due to the cycle highway .

Lutfur Ali

I don't remember much about him. This was before I became active in Tower Hamlets politics .

Battle of Cable Street

Those brave people stood up to racism but in modern Tower Hamlets we allow racists in .

Paying for religion

We have too many of those church schools in Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets please

Can this be used in Tower Hamlets ?

Shahed Ali pleads guilty

We have finally got some justice in Tower Hamlets. He is a unpleasant man. I am delighted with this .

Disgraceful behaviour

Watch some disgraceful behaviour by some Tower Hamlets Councilors .

London prep schools

No mention of Tower Hamlets on the blog even though we have a few here .

Historic walk

We had leading political figures in Tower Hamlets. Now we have people like Lutfur Rahman .

Great place

Wellington Way is a great place and a credit to the NHS in Tower Hamlets .

Clean candidates

There a lot of dirty ones in Tower Hamlets including Rabina Khan .

Buy in Tower Hamlets

A good way to buy property in Tower Hamlets. No way you can buy it on your own .

Recycling in Tower Hamlets

There seems to be a long discussion about this. I am not the only one in Tower Hamlets with problems .

George Cross

Let's hope the kids in Tower Hamlets are inspired by this .

Wrong man

Zac Goldsmith would have made a better Mayor for places like Tower Hamlets .

Schools advertising

Schools in Tower Hamlets must be spending a fortune on advertising ?

Youth Service follow up

Love Wapping is really asking the hard questions and seeing how Tower Hamlets reacts .

Rahman problem

Now Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters know how the people of Tower Hamlets feel about Lutfur Rahman .

Disgraceful waste of money

Well done to Love Wapping for writing about this disgraceful use of public money by Tower Hamlets Council employees .

Hill is right

I have not agreed with everything he had to say about Tower Hamlets but for once he is right .

Oldest canal

I did not know that we had the oldest canal in London in Tower Hamlets .

Racing in Canary Wharf

We have too much racing in Tower Hamlets .


Lots of people in Tower Hamlets need jobs .

Only way to buy a home

In places like Tower Hamlets this could be the only way to buy a home . Note this is the kind of sponsored content that I would like for this blog.

Not likely

I can't see Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs really fighting for anything .

Plenty more

Plenty more places like this in Tower Hamlets .

Studio Schools

Not sure if any in Tower Hamlets as I can't really use the site. It needs work done to it .

New school

The crowded Tower Hamlets marketplace will get a new school .

Unhappy Circle tenants

Tower Hamlets Clir Joshua Peck has to waste a lot of time dealing with Circle over minor issues .

Yemen war

If the war in Yemen spreads to Saudi Arabia a lot of people from Tower Hamlets will be in trouble .

Good private school

Tower Hamlets should have more private schools like this rather than those Islamic ones.

What improvement?

I see very few signs of improvement in Tower Hamlets since Lutfur Rahman left .

Seat changes

Good, Bethnal Green and Bow has been where a lot of the problems in Tower Hamlets started .

Bagshaw on trips

It ought to be interesting to see how much money has been wasted by Tower Hamlets .

River danger

It is easy to forget that Tower Hamlets has a lot of river .

Eid crime

Tomorrow is Eid so we are bound to see certain crimes like reckless driving going up in Tower Hamlets.

Jog success

Jogging in Tower Hamlets can be a bit dangerous .


I am enjoying the Rio Paralympics. It is a shame that there is not much happening in Tower Hamlets around it .

Growing season

As a resident of Tower Hamlets I don't think I have been there before .

More like "cover up team"

As a long suffering resident of Tower Hamlets I have very little hope that anything will change. Andy is right and is asking all the right questions .

900 families

I was expecting a lot more in Tower Hamlets .

Good on him

We need to do more for children leaving care in places like Tower Hamlets .

It can be done

After a lot of trying I have helped in getting rid of Nathan Akehurst from Tower Hamlets Council.

Commons debate

A lot of people in Tower Hamlets will be happy .

Support them

They risked everything to get rid of Lutfur Rahman as Mayor of Tower Hamlets. Now they need your help .

Extremist jailed

We have far too many extremists in Tower Hamlets .

Muslim school closed

Very good news for people in Tower Hamlets. A lot of people said this would never happen .

Biggs Twitter

Why is his private account been used for Tower Hamlets business ?

Disability sport

We could do with more of it in Tower Hamlets .

US FOI website

 I have made a number of FOI requests to UK public bodies including Tower Hamlets Council. It is very much like that in the US except that they don't have a easy to use website like we do . Maybe someone should create one.

Lost at sea

I wonder how many from Tower Hamlets have been lost at sea ?

Love this

Not sure if I covered this before. A lot of people in Tower Hamlets will hate it but I love it. It is a very good use of Twitter to spread the message .

ASB in Tower Hamlets

This is a big problem in Tower Hamlets and we need rapid fast action .

Muslim school closes

This is the start in Tower Hamlets. Thank god the judge saw sense .

Greater enforcement

That has been my main concern. Some people drive like they are crazy on the streets of Tower Hamlets .

Jewish East End

People tend to forget that places like Tower Hamlets were mainly Jewish areas once .

Fire theft

Firefighters in Tower Hamlets and London do a lot of good .

Report fraud to Tower Hamlets

You can report any kind of fraud to Tower Hamlets Council via this fraud line. I would say do it by email so they can't lose the proof .

Creative capital

Even though the Cass is moving out of Tower Hamlets .


The 5p levy is a very good idea and it has reduced waste in places like Tower Hamlets. It should apply to all businesses with 10 or more employees rather than the current 250 .

Colin O'Brien

He must be important to Tower Hamlets as the Gentle Author covered him some days ago .

Interesting article

This is a interesting article about private schools in China. I don't think we have many of them in Tower Hamlets .

Business waste

This is a big problem in Tower Hamlets as businesses are dumping their rubbish with domestic rubbish .

Please add

I have added a number of schools in Tower Hamlets to the site. Abdul, Many thanks for the help you've already given us with running our site. As you know (as you've used it!) we have a form for suggesting new bodies at: You can suggest public bodies using that form if they're subject to FOI or not, if they're not subject to any access to information legislation but we think they should be we'll add them. Do explain in the notes field what you understand the body's position is in relation to access to information law eg. if you think it's subject to the Environmental Information Regulations but not FOI, and what you think the position should be. Some of the reasons we might take into account when considering if a body really is a public body which should be subject to access to information laws include if it: * makes public appointments * receives substantial public funding * controls public assets * has a regula...

GCSE results

Well done to everyone in Tower Hamlets .

Fat chance

Biggs can't even stop the fraud and corruption right in front of him in Tower Hamlets .

Less than Tower Hamlets

I think that New Zealand has less private colleges than Tower Hamlets .

Erlam backs Golds

Please note I have not included the emails of all the people who got this email. However it is a press release and the people of Tower Hamlets have a right to know. Sent: Friday, 26 August 2016, 17:56 Subject: Election Petitioner backs Gold. Press Release. Dear Peter, I have read your detailed letter and attachments. I agree entirely with all of the comments and assertions.    Personally, I now have absolutely no confidence in the Metropolitan police in anything to do with Tower Ham.  Xaxsxaxsmore.  And there is also an extremely serious London-wide policing problem. It was clear before, during and after the Election Court that the Met and the Electoral Commission were both primarily concerned with managing their own reputations and actually in undermining the case rather dealing with their deficiencies and doing their duty enforcing the law impartially, without fear or favour. It is an appalling situation! When the    Enquiry Team was appo...

Morpeth school

A school in the Bethnal Green part of Tower Hamlets in the news for not sending girls to Syria .

Dangerous roads

I thought the roads of Tower Hamlets would be safer .

Good example

New Zealand should serve as a good example to the private Islamic schools in Tower Hamlets .

Well done Moynul

Moynul Islam has got so much information from Tower Hamlets .

Tragic death

It is a tragic death for a woman who has done so much for Tower Hamlets .

Dementia in Tower Hamlets

I thought the services would be pretty good in Tower Hamlets .

Night racing

It doesn't only happen in Wapping. It happens all over Tower Hamlets .

Not an easy promise

I find it hard to write about Tower Hamlets. The Gentle Author is writing about one part of Tower Hamlets everyday. How does he get all the stories ?

Tower Hamlets history

There is more to Tower Hamlets than racist Rahman .

The end of Respect

It will create problems in places like Tower Hamlets and Bradford. Galloway was once popular but now the people in those places can't stand him. If Labour allows in people like Galloway it will cause problems .

Night Tube

It goes through Tower Hamlets .

Foreign aid and private schools

There is nothing really new happening in Tower Hamlets so I thought that I would blog on a topic that interested me .

Globe Town Mural

It looks nice. Than again in places like Tower Hamlets they want everything to be the same .

Community assets

Council should consider selling them to use money for vital services in Tower Hamlets .

DCLG report

The report is a missed opportunity as a lot has not changed in Tower Hamlets .


Students should be lucky now that caps have been scrapped. I was pleased to leave Tower Hamlets College but did not go through clearing .

Stages of Half Moon

It is a overlooked theatre in Tower Hamlets. I have been passed it many times .

Tower Hamlets extremist

Even though I live in Whitechapel the part of Tower Hamlets Mohammed Rahman lived in I have never heard of him .

Justice at last

Could the residents of Tower Hamlets be getting some justice at last against Lutfur Rahman ?

Like Lutfur Rahman

Like Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets he got away with it. He seemed untouchable .

Peter Golds is right

Peter Golds knows a lot about election fraud from his experience in Tower Hamlets .

Wasting money

The only thing that Tower Hamlets knows how to do properly .

Third arrest

Good to see that Tower Hamlets police are doing something right .

Isis and fashion

This could only happen in Tower Hamlets .

Police failure

The Metropolitan Police have failed the people of Tower Hamlets big time .

Action needed

We need action in Tower Hamlets and people like Eric Pickles have done a lot to expose this .

Won't be missed

As a resident of Tower Hamlets I won't miss her .

Crowd Justice

Not sure how to spell it to be honest. It can be useful in places like Tower Hamlets in raising money to stop things like corruption .

Pickles report

As a resident of Tower Hamlets I can tell you that I did not find anything in this report surprising. Here is the Love Wapping take on it .

Youth service spending

Tower Hamlets Council have provided a lot of detail to Moynul Islam. I hope someone looks at it all .

Disgrace to Tower Hamlets

This woman is a disgrace to Tower Hamlets and a trustee of the Lutfur Rahman legal fund .

Bagshaw on plastic bags

Has interesting things to say about plastic bags and Tower Hamlets .

Rise Bakery

I have not heard of it before but it is doing good work in Tower Hamlets just like Social Bite in Scotland . 

New market

Let's hope that this market is managed better than the other markets in Tower Hamlets .

News in brief

Some of the things mentioned in this article got full articles in other publications .

Good on Peter Golds

Peter Golds has done a lot for the people of Tower Hamlets and continues to do so. It is a shame he was not elected as Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Shame on Tower Hamlets

This kind of thing brings nothing but shame on Tower Hamlets. I have been telling people about this kind of thing for years and no one takes me seriously .

Great idea

This is the kind of thing we need to reduce waste in places like Tower Hamlets. Shame it is not done by a charity or social enterprise .

Whitechapel theatre

I had no idea about the theatre in Whitechapel .

Block it

Tower Hamlets should do the right thing and block this planning application .

Staff salaries

Tower Hamlets gave this out on 05/08/2016. They refused to give me this information. Thank you Moynul Islam. Editor (LPO7) £46,624 - £49,620 Senior Advertising Sales x 2 (PO2) £33,915 - £36, 549 Advertising Production Controller (P02) £33,915 - £36, 549 Sales Distribution Manager & Finance (PO2) £33,915 - £36, 549

East End Life foward planning

According to this FOI Tower Hamlets have not yet worked out changes to the communications service . However John McDermott and Helen Watson were supposed to work something out in April 2015. Tower Hamlets really should get it's act together .

Robin Hood Gardens

There is a campaign to save it but not sure how much support it has received from Tower Hamlets Councilors .

Getting justice

The cost of justice is going up and up. This could be a brilliant idea in places like Tower Hamlets .

Olympic legacy

This is not what Olympic boroughs like Tower Hamlets and Hackney were promised .

Oh dear me

I can see the excuses from Tower Hamlets Council already .

IFE part 2

Very useful for people in Tower Hamlets. More should know the t ruth .

Good news

There is far too many staff in Tower Hamlets Council Communications Service .

Mela without Lutfur

It was organised by Tower Hamlets Council and not the cronies of Lutfur Rahman .

Out to make a profit

Developers are out to make a profit. They don't care about the residents of places like Tower Hamlets .

Feminist Dissent

Feminist Dissent will be published by Warwick University but is been launched in Tower Hamlets .

Tree specialist

I asked for some information and because I was provided with the information I can ask Tower Hamlets the question. It is a disgrace that they are spending so much and that poor girl had to die in the first place .

Waste of funds contact me

If you have any information on waste of funds by Tower Hamlets please contact me. I am interested in the head of parks paying someone £750 a day to manage trees. I have not got enough details to file FOI.

Finding information

Tower Hamlets refused to disclose the salaries of staff in the communications service so I did a Google search and found a old job advert. Don't give up there are other ways to find things out .

Man stabbed to death

It is amazing that it happened in a busy part of Tower Hamlets .

Female voice conference

I bet that a lot of the extremists in Tower Hamlets are not happy ?

Ban foreign-funded mosques

The LBC presenter Iain Dale said something similar once. It would be bad news for a number of mosques in Tower Hamlets .

ICT contract

It seems that the Tower Hamlets ICT contract is hundreds of pages long. Has anyone in Tower Hamlets actually read i t ?

Poor children

I hope that Tower Hamlets Council are ashamed of themselves .

Failed youths

John Biggs should have taken other action against corruption in Tower Hamlets rather than closing youth centres .

No respect for art

It is about time that Tower Hamlets had respect for art and culture .

IFE explained

A very detailed explanation of the IFE. What Love Wapping does not say is that some in Tower Hamlets actually supported this takeover . 

Worse in Tower Hamlets

From what I hear far worse things happen in Tower Hamlets .

Frost at Walton's

Good to see a big star in the historic Walton's Music Hall in Tower Hamlets .

Work experience

Some could be cruel and say he has been on it since becoming Mayor of Tower Hamlets and has not learned a t hing .

Lutfur Rahman loans

It is coming up to a year since this FOI was made and no action has been taken against the backers of the former Tower Hamlets Mayor .

Fairytale art

She is a local artist from Hackney but her fairytale art exhibition will be in the Museum of Childhood which is in Tower Hamlets .

Need information

One of the things I need is information on all the goings on in Tower Hamlets. I will not reveal your details but I will use the information. For example I have contacted the media about Tower Hamlets Council spin doctor Nathan Akehurst as well as updating a FOI request by adding comments .

Very odd

The link I posted last night to a article by Nathan Akehurst no longer works. Also another odd thing about Akehurst who works in Tower Hamlets Council's unprofessional communications service. His account is protected. What kind of journalist protects his or her Twitter account ?

What a clown

He is a press officer in Tower Hamlets and not a political editor or journalist. He is a spin doctor .

Support Love Wapping

It is the best way to stop corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Oona King to join YouTube

Many in Tower Hamlets including me and wider afield thought that Oona King would go far. After she lost to George Galloway she disappeared from Tower Hamlets politics and went to the Lords .

Bad days are back

According to two very reliable Conservative Councilors Chris Chapman and Julia (don't know her last name) something happened at Tower Hamlets Council meeting and people started leaving. Contact me with details.

Action needed

Tower Hamlets is considering taking action. It is a clear case and they should take action. Also some senior mangers in Tower Hamlets should be given the sack .

Ali votes for Trident

The reason could be that most people in Tower Hamlets don't understand what it is and she has not got Rabina khan to worry about .

Noise complaints

Many people in Tower Hamlets believe that noise complaints are not taken seriously by Tower Hamlets Council .

Award winning City Farm

It is good to see Stepney City Farm winning this award when looking at the environmental problems in Tower Hamlets .

Gender gap

This is something that every politician in Tower Hamlets should be concerned about .

Hackney Foodbank

I hope the same thing does not happen to charities in Tower Hamlets .

Award winning

The question is that as Tower Hamlets becomes ever more developed will buildings like this be around for long ?

Good woman

We should have more like her in Tower Hamlets .

Museum appointment

Let's hope he is not as bad as his former Goldsmith's colleague and former Tower Hamlets Labour leader Professor Micheal Keith .

Taking advantage of Brexit

The people in places like Tower Hamlets who were complaining about Brexit are now taking advantage of it. I am not sure if the man in the article was one of them or not .

Justice delayed

Hopefully the residents of Tower Hamlets will get justice sooner for what Lutfur Rahman has done .

Tower Hamlets failures

Her mother should get legal aid as there are serious failings by Tower Hamlets and it is in the public interest .

A bit rich

This is a bit rich from the Mayor of Tower Hamlets who has not stopped corruption. He has failed to deliver on his promises .

Lutfur returns

He came back with some bad news for Rabina Khan the Tower Hamlets taxi queen. Also Alam seems to have started a fight .

Healthy living

I thought the kids in Tower Hamlets would be eating fast food all day long .

Coward goes to jail

That is one criminal off the streets of Tower Hamlet s.

Private landlords survey

I have heard of people in Tower Hamlets having problems with private landlords .

Noise pollution

In Tower Hamlets it is noise pollution that is the problem .

Going strong

Some in Tower Hamlets think that he does not have a heart. It seems that he does have one and it is going strong .

Italians in London

No interviews with Bengali Italians committing housing benefit fraud in Tower Hamlets and Redbridge .

Heathrow support

I thought that I would ask Harrow instead of Tower Hamlets to see the reaction I would get .

Tower Hamlets support for Heathrow

It seems that Tower Hamlets Council (or the Labour people in it) have supported the need for a third runway at Heathrow Airport. As far as I know there has not been a vote of the council or a cabinet decision .


Haymaking is not very useful in Tower Hamlets .


I like it as it is short and to the point with interesting facts about Tower Hamlets .

Bagshaw on Chilcot

Elaine Bagshaw is one of the rising stars of Tower Hamlets politics but her problem is that she is a Liberal Democrat .

Bow art show

I have not heard of it. It is hard to keep track of what is going on in Tower Hamlets .

Little people win

Even the little people can win against the planning system in Tower Hamlets .


This is ironic about religious leaders uniting at the East London Mosque considering it's place in dividing Tower Hamlets for example it's support for Lutfur Rahman .

Poor education

Classic example of poor education that some in Tower Hamlets have .

New trains

We need a lot more trains in Tower Hamlets .

Wishful thinking

This is wishful thinking on the part of some in Tower Hamlets .

New deacon's for East London

I am sure that the extremists and religious nutters in Tower Hamlets will be happy with women priests .

Lady Vendredi

She is coming to Rich Mix. I bet you the local religious nutters in Tower Hamlets won't be happy .


I know nothing about offal and Tower Hamlets .

Making money

What can I do to make money from this blog?

Brave people

The streets of Tower Hamlets are dangerous with broken pavements and rubbish all over the place .

Fish Island

As a resident of Tower Hamlets I have never heard of Fish Island .

Rich Mix thief

By Tower Hamlets standard this was well planned . 


Hopefully this may answer a few questions about the Tower Hamlets Homes data breach .

More powers

Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs might get more powers thanks to Brexit .

Leaving under a cloud

Hasley could be leaving Tower Hamlets under a cloud .

Hasley leaves Tower Hamlets

Stephen Hasley is leaving Tower Hamlets. Will Tuckley will take over his job until a new appointment is made. It is a mistake we need people like him in Tower Hamlets .

Idea Store for rent

Tower Hamlets should offer it at a commercial market rate. It should make sure that the Idea Store benefits and that money is put back into it after the cuts by Tower Hamlets .

News in brief

No one reads Tower Hamlets Council press releases .

Student painter

Tower Hamlets has a big art department. Surprised she is not studying art there. Then there is the Cass at London Metropolitan University .

Development pulled

It was pulled before Tower Hamlets Council could reject it .


Racism has been happening in Tower Hamlets for years. Remember Alibor ?

EMA future

As a resident of Tower Hamlets and supporter of leaving the EU I am not really bothered about this .

Biggs disappointed

He should have campaigned harder and tried to convince the people of Tower Hamlets. One useless Mayor .

Brexit in Tower Hamlets

Interesting perspective. I agree with her a lot even though I voted to leave .

Bee paintings

A future star in the Tower Hamlets art scene .

John Seekings

Can't Tower Hamlets find a replacement for that clown Takki ?

EU results update

It seems that turnout was lower in Tower Hamlets than other parts of London and the country .

Biggs shocked

John Biggs should be running Tower Hamlets rather than worrying about things like the EU. He has done a very bad job so far .

Tower Hamlets to remain

It is amazing that they counted the votes in less than 24 hours. I met someone who was handing out Stronger In stickers in Whitechapel. I asked where leave were. He said been racist somewhere else .

Another farce

It seems that no one in Tower Hamlets has learned anything from the days of Lutfur Rahman. Will Tuckley needs to step up .

Tower Hamlets vote counting

Well done Tower Hamlets for doing it again. Will Tuckley has serious questions to answer .

Corruption wins

It seems that corruption wins in Tower Hamlets .

QMW Islamic Society

Let's see what action was taken against them. I wonder what connection they have with Tower Hamlets?

East End Trades Guild

Another group working in Tower Hamlets which I have never heard of .

One of their own

She may be from Yorkshire but she was true Tower Hamlets river resident .

Good defence

This is a good defence by the school .

Log books

I hope that Tower Hamlets is making a wise investment choice .

Don't resign

The man has served his time in jail and he is trying to integrate back into Tower Hamlets society .


If you want to advertise on this blog just email me and I will email back the payment details. The advert should be an article. It can be as short as I write them or even longer. It will stay up as a post on the blog but it will be marked as an advert.

Local jobs

One of the ironies is that Tower Hamlets has a cabinet member whose main brief is bringing jobs to Tower Hamlets .

Jo Cox

People should not forget that when she was in London she was a resident of Tower Hamlets .

Not the people

Despite what John Biggs and his supporters say the people of Tower Hamlets have not seen any benefit from his time in office. To be fair some have like Denise Jones .

Social media board saga

I am not entirely happy with the last 2 answers I got from Tower Hamlets .

Immigrants rights party

Sorry but he has missed the bus. Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets failed by using this kind of politics .

Well done

I asked Tower Hamlets what the prize was and they did not tell me. Well done to her .

Ancient history

To most people in Tower Hamlets now this would be ancient history .

Not funny

Corruption in Tower Hamlets is not funny even though it feels like it .

Well deserved

Her husband has been known to turn people in Tower Hamlets away from Labour .

Well done Tower Hamlets

You can't make this stuff up. In Tower Hamlets truth is stranger than fiction .

Not got mine

Tower Hamlets Council and it's contractors have not sent me one yet .

Growing too fast

We need to control the growth of Tower Hamlets. It is out of control .

War history

Tower Hamlets suffered a lot from Hitler .

Misuse of computer action

Shame the same thing did not happen to Tower Hamlets Homes .

Cass Summer Show

A very nice day out for anyone in the Whitechapel area of Tower Hamlets .

Good luck

I wish them all the luck but I fear they will not be able to do much because of Tower Hamlets Council and it's planning system .

Ethical care charter

We have too many Eastern Europeans coming into places like Tower Hamlets and lowering wages .

Bethnal Green assault

Surely we have more news in Tower Hamlets ?

Not "Our East End"

It is not ours. It is the East End of Tower Hamlets Council .

Solving housing crisis

We need new ideas to solve the housing crisis in places like Tower Hamlets .

Politically restricted posts

I am looking forward to seeing which posts in Tower Hamlets are politically restricted .

Control cyclists

Places like Tower Hamlets are becoming dangerous. Those mothers are right ,

Well done Andy

Well done Andy Erlam. The residents of Tower Hamlets deserve justice .

Undoing Labour damage

Tower Hamlets Labour is trying to undo it's own damage .

Fair point

I live in Whitechapel and this part of Tower Hamlets is only known for one thing not even the Whitecchapel Gallery .

Medical history

Tower Hamlets has a lot of medical history .

Worrying figures

Everyone in Tower Hamlets should register to vote .

Tom Holland in Tower Hamlets

Ironically he did come to Tower Hamlets for the Idea Store book festival after writing things like this .

Ex-Muslims on Twitter

A lot of people in places like Tower Hamlets will not like this but there is another side to Islam which has been ignored .

Lewisham NHS choir at Glastonbury

Do we have a NHS choir for Tower Hamlets or would the IFE object?

Councilor pay

It is a good idea if it was reasonable and not done as a way of keeping Tower Hamlets Labour on side by B iggs .

Serious questions

Once again the residents of Tower Hamlets have been failed .

Catching up with Love Wapping

East End Citizen is catching up with the investigation into Tower Hamlets by Love Wapping .

Quick response

It is good to see them taking action after all they did nothing in Tower Hamlets .

Thanks NatWest

Thank you for supporting young people in Tower Hamlets .

Terror suspect fights for citizenship

Another typical day in Tower Hamlets. I hope that May wins and sends a clear message .

Permission rejected

Tower Hamlets would have rejected permission in the first place if they knew it was a Ripper museum .

Historic shortcomings

Tower Hamlets are calling 75 investigations into youth services historic shortcomings. This is a massive understatement .

"Old Flo" safe place

At least Lutfur and his friends in Tower Hamlets First are not involved in this .

Not Tower Hamlets

People in Tower Hamlets must be pleased it is not them doing something stupid .

Celebrating powerful women in Tower Hamlets

They are not all horrible women like Rabina Khan. Tower Hamlets does have nice ones .

More publicity

Because of this the event will get more publicity .

Amazing fact

I live in Tower Hamlets and I had no idea about Bow and the women's rights movement .

Stupid thugs

Once criminals in Tower Hamlets were bright. Now they are just stupid .

Speed limit enforcement

Some people reckon that the new 20mph is not enforced in Tower Hamlets .

Chapman is right

It is disgraceful that a failed Tower Hamlets politician like Denise Jones is getting £7000 a year extra for nothing .


This is the kind of thing I don't remember East End Life the mouthpiece of Tower Hamlets covering .

River jobs

Hopefully people in Tower Hamlets can benefit from them .

Out of control growth

The growth in Tower Hamlets is out of control .

Burger and Lobster

They are coming to Tower Hamlets and I don't know a thing about them .

Support Love Wapping

He needs the money to stop corruption in Tower Hamlets .

Woods on development

Andrew Woods is a rising star in the Tower Hamlets Conservative Party .

Plastic rubbish

I have not seen a single campaign by Tower Hamlets on plastic rubbish. It is out of control .

Serious questions for East London Mosque

The East London Mosque has to answer some serious questions about it's association with Lutfur Rahman, IFE and corruption in Tower Hamlets .

QMW award

Good to see the hard working students of QMW winning this award. They can serve as an example to the community in  Tower Hamlets .

Good computers

I am not a big fan of Tower Hamlets but one thing they have got right is their computers .

Hidden air pollution

Under new London Mayor Sadiq Khan we are going to have more pollution in Tower Hamlets .