
Showing posts from September, 2015

Not good for poor

The poor can't afford to live in places like Tower Hamlets anymore .

Tower Hamlets fire

Surprised the fire did not spread through the whole of Tower Hamlets as it is one big building site .

Rich Mix

I can't see any serious questions been asked about Rich Mix and Tower Hamlets . I have asked serious questions and they want to talk to me .

Tesco to benefit Tower Hamlets

Tesco grants could benefit Tower Hamlets.

Ripper museum shut down

I can tell you one thing long after they have gone the museum will still be in Tower Hamlet s.

Drone concern

London City Airport is in a busy part of London. I can hear the planes from my part of Tower Hamlets .

Meaningless award

A lot of those awards have become meangingless after all Rabina Khan won hero of the year. Also Tower Hamlets Homes is very gay friendly to it's staff but it has unhappy residents .

Bangladeshi blogger murders

This episode of Our World did not mention Tower Hamlets or East London Mosque .

John S. Williams pay reduction

I have had some dealings with John S. Williams and by Tower Hamlets standard for a senior manager he seems to be decent. I have alwayls felt that he should have resigned the post of Returning Officer. Tower Hamlets is a rotten borough and many more should take pay cuts. I will mention a few including the legal team. The useless communications team which had the sole job of promoting Lutfur Rahman and later Rabina Khan. The staff who counted the votes. I could go on but you get the message .

Share unwanted food

This app allows you to share unwanted food. There is a lot of that in Tower Hamlets but also poor people who need food .

Local play

Good to see a play based on a disabled Tower Hamlets resident .

Rich Mix and 106 money

Can someone please tell me what is section 106 money? It is odd that Tower Hamlets are giving money than taking back money .

Food waste

Some people live in poverty in Tower Hamlets this seems like a good idea to give food to people who need it .

Fast car

We have enough trouble with fast cars in Tower Hamlets .

Biggs on police cuts

I would like to hear the Mayor of Tower Hamlets on rubbish, fraud and lazy staff at Tower Hamlets .

Rich Mix and Tower Hamlets

As I have published before Jane Earl CEO of Rich Mix is happy to speak to me but they are not happy to discuss things on Twitter. Tower Hamlets Council and Mayor Biggs have ignored my tweets so I have filed an FoI request .

Inside Ripper museum

Everyone has a view on the new museum in Whitechapel including Tower Hamlets Mayor but few have been inside it. It is expensive though . 

Chapman for GLA

It is good that they have chosen a Tower Hamlets Clir. Tower Hamlets has a very good Conservative team .


Places like Tower Hamlets will become really expensive .

Tower Hamlets EMA to continue

It is a waste of money and the money could be spent on things like cleaning the streets of Tower Hamlets .

Life in Dhaka

It is interesting to compare life in Dhaka and Tower Hamlets. Most of the Bengali people in Tower Hamlets are from Sylhet and not Dhaka .

Poplar bridge fall

I was not aware of this happening in Tower Hamlets .

Local one

I can't find my local practice in Tower Hamlets to donate to .

Bring Old Flo home

Good idea but a lot of people in Tower Hamlets will not appreciate it for example Lutfur Rahman .

Hidden gems

If Tower Hamlets owned them Lutfur would have sold them to his friends .

More refugees

Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs wants more refugees but he has not thought of the problems they would cause .

Biggs and Ripper Museum

The Mayor of Tower Hamlets and the museum have had a falling out. The idea of the museum closing down is daft .

A British export

It seems that besides electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets there is another problem with the British Bangladeshi community .

Indian fashion brand

It's coming to Tower Hamlets .

East End Lies not good enough

East End Lies (everyone calls it that) should be shut down totally. No one in Tower Hamlets reads this rubbish .

Good on Andy

Good on Andy for starting this. People in Tower Hamlets have many questions which have not been answered .

"Faith healer" killed

I don't know much about this in Tower Hamlets .

Rich Mix email

I have a very intersting email from Jane Earl at Rich Mix. Before reading the email you may want to read this article . Dear Mr Hai Thanks for getting in touch and apologies for the slow reply but I've been out of the country for the weekend Denise Jones is a member of our Board in a personal capacity. We have two Councillors who are formally nominated by LBTH each year but as Denise is not one of those two we don't style her in that way I'd be delighted to talk further to you on the phone if helpful - my best number is 07766602725 - or to meet you over a coffee as I'm always keen to get feedback from local residents Do hope this is helpful, and that I will have the chance to meet you soon With best wishes Jane Earl Sent from my iPhone

Plaque for Island Gardens founder

He deserves a plaque. Hopefully Tower Hamlets will never give one to Lutfur Rahman .

Neighbourhood policing

I know that we have them in Tower Hamlets but I have never seen one .

Shared ownership

I hope that this is good for Tower Hamlets .

Knife in park

I would have expected a lot more in Tower Hamlets .

Corbyn wins

The big question for the people of Tower Hamlets is what happens to Lutfur Rahman and his associates in Tower Hamlets now. Do they rejoin Labour ?

Rich Mix

Mayor John Biggs and Tower Hamlets Council have some serious questions to answer about Rich Mix .

Rabina Khan election leaflets

Tower Hamlets Homes were kind enough to provide me with a response .

Pointless public meeting

The Green Party have got to reaslise that Barts have financial problems and they are sitting on a fortune. They will sell it to the highest bidder and that bidder will add more apartments which the people of Tower Hamlets can't afford .

More refugees

John Biggs wants more refugees but places like Tower Hamlets are full .

Robbani expenses

Let's see what Tower Hamlets did with this corruptly elected Clir .

Victims association

I live in Tower Hamlets and I never heard of them .

Greenwich fraud

Chances are the fraud in Greenwich is nothing compared to Tower Hamlets .

Hate crime

I agree with everything the Mayor of Tower Hamlets has to say. What about hate crimes by Lutfur Rahman and his supporters in Tower Hamlets and further afield .

Good neighbour

We still have some good neighbours in Tower Hamlets .

One Housing and openness

It is a disgrace the way that One Housing is acting and well done to Peter Golds for exposing. He is the voice of reason in Tower Hamlets .

Guardian on Biggs election

I may have missed this whilst covering the Tower Hamlets Mayoral election .

Missing in Essex

This Tower Hamlets woman could be missing in Essex .

Yacht race

I had no idea that this was happening in Tower Hamlets .

Island Gardens 120 years

Mayor John Biggs will be there. Personally I think it should be Peter Golds he has done a lot for the community. One of the finest politicans in Tower Hamlets .

Oceam redevelopment

Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs visits it. What does he do all day ?

Further election court

Conrad Catalan is asking more difficult questions of Tower Hamlets Council. Good on him .

Hajj and camels

Tower Hamlets wasting money on this .

Bow sex attack

Not the part of Tower Hamlets I would expect this to happen in broad daylight .

The Koran and Prophet Mohamed

There is a lot of anger about this according to RT. If you were to try and discuss things like this in Tower Hamlets you will get a lot of anger from the people. However things like this need to be discussed .

Flood warning

Large parts of Tower Hamlets could have been flooded .

Officer injured

This happend in the Limehouse area of Tower Hamlets. I was in that area around 1PM. I wonder when it happened ?

Raju Miah and election court

Tower Hamlets have actually answered my request and did not use any excemptions to get out of answering. It is interesting. Well done Tower Hamlets .