
Showing posts from April, 2014

Maxwell on Golds

This is the kind of thing that Tower Hamlets politics has become now .

Tower Hamlets legal fees

It is good to know that Tower Hamlets Council is spending taxpayers money in this manner considering the state of the borough .

Interesting facts

This article about Tower Hamlets upcoming elections has a number of interesting facts for example that the number of councilors will decrease but the number of wards will increase .

Work stopping

Because of the RMT Union and their strike action I am not working much as I could be this week.

"Trojan Horse" more background

Andrew Gilligan offers more background on "Trojan Horse" plot it is amazing. It seems that Park View is suspending students for just holding hands .

Good news for atheists

A book written for atheists by a science teacher is been sent to every secondary school in Tower Hamlets .

Solar energy

I have seen some ads for solar energy products on television. Tower Hamlets could do with solar energy. Does anyone know is it worth it? I would like to have some solar to save money. 

Mayorial candidates

Ted Jeory has got the list of the Mayoral candidates in Tower Hamlets including a possible Bengali vote splitter .

Where your money goes

I have not had an opportunity to look at it yet but it seems interesting. Residents in Tower Hamlets should know where their money goes .

Gilligan upsets another Council

Andrew Gilligan must be doing something right because after upsetting Tower Hamlets Council he is now upsetting Birmingham City Council. We need more Andrew Gilligan's .

Firefighters strike

Firefighters in Tower Hamlets are to go on strike over pensions .

Poor vote in Tower Hamlets

Poor people do not usually vote but Tower Hamlets defies the data .

Biggs on ELL

East London Lines talks to John Biggs the Mayoral candidate for the Labour Party in Tower Hamlets .

Wharf on Mayor election

The Wharf has asked the candidates their views. It is good to see that the UKIP and Lib Dem candidates are still around but nothing has been heard from them for sometime. Chris Wilford is punching above his weight but sadly he will never be Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets Mayoral election

Some people are very confident that Rahman is going to win the election but it is all up in the air as none of the votes have been cast and there is still a month or so left for the Mayoral election. Second choice votes will play a major part in who becomes next Mayor of Tower Hamlets.

Biggs might beat Rahman

According to this article John Biggs could beat Lutfer Rahman to become the Mayor of Tower Hamlets. A number of Rahman supporters seem to think that he has already won .

Biggs manifesto

John Biggs launches his manifesto to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Biggs on Somaliland

According to this article John Biggs if elected Mayor of Tower Hamlets will recognise Somaliland .

Twitter art

This piece of hi-tech art which interacts with Twitter shows what art can do with modern technology and the interaction between art and technology .

Beyond "Trojan Horse"

It seems that "Trojan Horse" could be the tip of an ice berg. You will have to read the story to see some of the things that go on with public money .

Trojan Horse scandal

Andrew Gilligan and the Telegraph have done a wonderful job in exposing the Trojan Horse scandal. In the first article Gilligan talks about what is going on at the ground level. It is amazing the things he says about Birmingham Council . In the following article Gilligan discusses the leaked inspectors report and provides examples of the way that the schools were run . I have covered this on Twitter but I feel I need to comment a bit more.

The death of local papers

The death of local papers is something that is going to happen. I live in Tower Hamlets. I read the Advertiser online but I have not brought a copy in years. The government should allow notices to be published online rather than in print. No one reads those notices anyway .

Dunkin' Donuts Aldgate

I wonder when the Donkin' Donuts Aldgate branch is going to open? I was talking to a friend of mine and she is as excited as I am. Tower Hamlets needs a good place like Dunkin' Donuts. At the moment Tower Hamlets has too many chicken shops .

Another Ware letter

This time John Ware responds to Ken Livingstone and other supporters of the Mayor of Tower Hamlets who have written a letter in support of the Mayor. This whole thing could go on for years it seems like .

Bengali press

I read the English section of one of the free Bengali newspapers and I was not impressed. It seemed to be Tower Hamlets centred and no critical analysis of any sorts really.

The game is up for East End Lies

East End Life commonly called East End Lies by the people in Tower Hamlets may have had it's day if Eric Pickles has his way. Just ignore the comments section as it is just abuse .

Tower Hamlets fraud

I am not going to say very much about this story except that as a resident of Tower Hamlets it shocks me. Not the fraud but the way that senior officers at Tower Hamlets allegedly behave. I had to read it more than once to fully comprehend it .

Foodbank use soar

The Wharf has some data which shows the extent of the food crisis in Tower Hamlets .

Wharf on TH fraud

The Wharf says that there has been no fraud uncovered at Tower Hamlets Council .

Not all clear

According to Gilligan Tower Hamlets CID are looking into one case of possible fraud .

Trojan hourse

I have been meaning to cover this about Birmingham. This is a battle we must win to keep extremists out of schools .

Local runners

Good to see that Tower Hamlets people taking part in the London Marathon .

Bedroom tax on Tower Hamlets

This is an article about the bedroom tax or spare room subsidy and it's impact on Tower Hamlets. They have spent £3M protecting families .

Another investigation

It appears that there maybe another investigation into Tower Hamlets Council. This time it appears that the Prime Minister has interest in it. You can't make this stuff up .

Tower Hamlets First leaflet

I got a leaflet from Tower Hamlets First. I was told to burn it by someone but that is a fire risk.

Ware responds

John Ware responds to the Mayor of Tower Hamlets and defends his investigation .

Tower Hamlets complaints

Once they used to knowledge my complaints at Tower Hamlets Council but now they are ignoring them. Here is their procedure. It has been more than 48 hours .

Tower Hamlets First website

Tower Hamlets First does have a website but directs me to the website for Mayor Rahman. No point in buying a domain name really .

Toothless standards

This is what Tower Hamlets is highlighting. It is good that it has been brought to the fore .

Marathon road closures

I had to tweet this to Tower Hamlets. They don't have this kind of information on their twitter feed .

Baby death

I did not know about this baby death in Tower Hamlets .

South Quay Plaza

Plans have been lodged with Tower Hamlets. Let's see what happens .

Livingstone backs Biggs

It seems that Ken Livingstone has decided to back John Biggs for Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Blame the cuts

If you read the article you can see that a lot of the problems in Tower Hamlets are not to do with government cuts but culture .

Gilligan wins again

Andrew Gilligan has won against Tell Mama. I can't wait for his next article on Tower Hamlets .

Another view on Mayor rally

There is another view on the rally that took place on Saturday which Ted Joery turned up to. Payne says that there was not a single women there and there was a lot of men hugging. Typical Tower Hamlets .

Difficult Mayoral choice

I am not sure if I should vote for Biggs as my first choice rather than Chris Wilford. I don't want Tower Hamlets to be ruled by Rahman.

Social media law

It is good to see that the top lawyers in Lambeth and Tower Hamlets can discuss television on social media as well as other things .

A interesting day

Ted Joery has an interesting day out near Sir John Cass School. I have learned a lot about Tower Hamlets politics from reading it. I love the advice he is giving to Tower Hamlets Labour .

Gilligan on Rahman and Muslim groups

I have linked to Gilligan's blog on Twitter but I have chosen one article to discuss here. There are other articles including by Joery but this I feel is important. Andrew Gilligan makes a number of points about funding of Muslim faith groups in Tower Hamlets. This includes for example that the East London Mosque which has significant reserves got funding under the faith buildings program. The statistics that Gilligan gives shows a picture of Tower Hamlets which is shocking to me as a resident. I will wait to see what the Mayor has to say .

Hill on Tower Hamlets voters

Dave Hill asks what will the voters think? Hill forgets that a lot of the voters in Tower Hamlets are people who can't read or speak English and are only told what to think by Channel S and other Bengali channels and the Imam at the Mosque .

Ken backs Rahman

Ken Livngstone is breaking Labour Party rules in Tower Hamlets by not supporting John Biggs who is the official Labour Mayoral candidate. Than Ken is no stranger to breaking rules .

Welcoming investigation

It is good to see that Tower Hamlets is welcoming the investigation launched by Pickles. If they have done nothing wrong than they got nothing to hide .

Rahman fraud investigation

The Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has sent a file to the Metropolitan Police about Tower Hamlets and the way that Mayor Rahman manages it financially .

Council defends Rahman on Twitter

It is good to see that Tower Hamlets official Twitter account giving useful information. They don't collect rubbish when you call them but they know how to write it .


Golds is a democratically elected Tower Hamlets member and an official of the authority makes a false allegation against him. This is the Tower Hamlets way .

BBC Rahman leak

The BBC, Tower Hamlets and data protection plot thickens .

Dangers of elected mayors

Payne uses Rahman in Tower Hamlets to argue about the dangers of directly elected mayors but he could have used Sir Robin Wales in Newham to argue the benefits or Boris Johnson in London .

Hill defends Rahman

The only journalist in the mainstream media as I can tell who defends the Mayor of Tower Hamlets.

Indy on Rahman

It has a good article on what is going on in Tower Hamlets. The comments are well worth a read .