
Showing posts from February, 2014

Free school meals

Tower Hamlets does not have enough money for this .

Beyond the pale

This Tower Hamlets Councilor is beyond the pale one day making a complaint against Biggs to the CEHR and this against Jackson. It is disgusting .

About time

The Conservative Party in Tower Hamlets have got a lot of ground to make up. Let's hope Chris can do it .

Racism cheap shot

Biggs has learned this is what happens in Tower Hamlets when you raise a valid point .

Bangladeshi health research

I don't understand reading this which part of the research will take place in Tower Hamlets and which if any in Bangladesh .


Tonight is budget night in Tower Hamlets .

Decline teenage breeding

Good to see that the teenage pregnancy rate has fallen in Tower Hamlets .

Stupid voters

A lot of people in Tower Hamlets are too stupid to vote as they don't know anything.

A good cause

You should consider supporting Child Brain Research .

Fire Hamlets

It seems that people in Tower Hamlets like to burn things .

Online storage

I have no idea what the best online storage service for documents is. I have been looking for one. I don't understand things like Dropbox and Sendspace.

News shortage

There seems to be a shortage of news in Tower Hamlets.

Feeding voters

I have heard that one Labour candidate for Tower Hamlets Council (not the Mayor) has given people free food.

Google and solar

Some excellent news from Google on solar energy .

Construction site safety

In Tower Hamlets there are a lot of construction sites and safety does not seem to be a priority.

GP surgery

There must be a lot of lazy people in Tower Hamlets as there is a warning if you miss 3 appointments you will be removed from the list.

TH Mayors backer jailed

I covered this before but it is interesting to see the kind of people who support the Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Living wage

Tower Hamlets ahead .

Three free schools

Tower Hamlets is going to have three more free schools .

TH budget anger

People in Tower Hamlets should be angry .

Good judge of character

It appears that the Mayor of Tower Hamlets is a good judge of character .

East London flooding

Bad news for Tower Hamlets as we have the docks here .


I am dead tired today.

Lack of English

As I was on the bus today coming towards Tower Hamlets very few people spoke English.

Flood warnings

This is interesting .

Paying school fees

Private schools have found a new way to pay school fees .

Improved weather

The weather has improved in Tower Hamlets.

London storm

Tower Hamlets was dangerous last night but at least no one got killed .

Misses the point

This article about Tower Hamlets is a joke .

London flooding

Tower Hamlets will be impacted badly .

Not news

This is not really news about Tower Hamlets .

Extreme weather

None in Tower Hamlets yet.


Nothing new in Tower Hamlets .


Going to Tower Hamlets schools would be more of a punishment .

Funding for TH athletes

Tower Hamlets athletes can apply for funding from GLL .

Living wage

Tower Hamlets is playing it's part in it .

2014 Mayor election

I can't even find a full list on Wikipedia. It's like candidates don't care about been Tower Hamlets Mayor .

Cash to run services

I would like to see a breakdown of the groups which got funding from Tower Hamlets .

Croydon floods

I hope that the floods don't move to East London from Croydon and come to Tower Hamlets .

Cold Hamlets

Tower Hamlets is cold and there is a lot of wind as well.

Foodbanks and heating

I saw a brief mention of this on London Tonight. I wonder how much of this is happening in Tower Hamlets ?

Business helping out

It is good to see businesses in Tower Hamlets helping out the local schools .


Maybe the residents of Tower Hamlets can't afford food .

Sports and college

I am not a big fan of Tower Hamlets College but this seems a good idea .

Homeless Hamlets

The numbers have gone up in Tower Hamlets .


I always knew it was too good to be true from the Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Tube strike

Bob Crow the man who is running the strike was born in Tower Hamlets .

TH youth

Tower Hamlets youth are doing a good job at it .

Youth games

It is good to see that children in Tower Hamlets can achieve something .

Clean Tower Hamlets

That is a very good idea. Tower Hamlets needs to be cleaned .

Die earlier in TH

Tower Hamlets has the lowest life expectancy in London according to Public Health England .

Right decision

Tower Hamlets should allow them to finish the course before cancelling it .

Shafiq come here

If Shafiq came to Tower Hamlets he would be right at home .

Landlords fined

Tower Hamlets has done something right by taking this couple to court .

Gaza women

Instead of covering Tower Hamlets as there is not much news I thought that I would cover the women's trip to Gaza been organised by CODEPINK .

Bengali media

Someone read me an article from a Bengali newspaper about Tower Hamlets politics. It was a joke in support of the Mayor