
Showing posts from November, 2013

Payday loans Lewisham

This is a story about Lewisham which follows on from the last one about Tower Hamlets. I did not know that Lewisham topped the list. Tower Hamlets does not top the list on everything poverty related .

Gesture politics on payday loans

This is nothing but gesture politics from Tower Hamlets Council. Payday loan companies can't use council property or advertise on council publications or anything else related to the council. Those companies advertise on things like television and the internet which the council has no control over.

TH woman Tube assault

A Tower Hamlets woman has been assaulted on a Tube platform .

Love Wapping on TH voter fraud

I only came across Love Wapping due to a article which I saw on East London Advertiser website. It is a good website and Tower Hamlets better be on it's best behaviour .

Good banking

Charity Bank made a donation to SolarAid as I have requested they do that from my interest. Even with the donation the account is good as I get good interest .

Praised by government

This is very rare for Tower Hamlets Council .

Local smuggler jailed

He is from Tower Hamlets. It is amazing that he was caught .

Wrong crime figures

The Evening Standard is discussing Tower Hamlets crime figures .

TH £50m contract

That is a lot of money for Tower Hamlets .

TH archives open

I wonder what deep dark secrets Tower Hamlets archives have in store ?

Rubbish dispute

I can tell from personal experience that sometimes Tower Hamlets does not collect bins but it could be just a minor problem .

Crime mix up

The Metropolitan Police published the wrong figures for Tower Hamlets and London .

Private schools in developing countries

This is a very interesting article published by the Guardian. Private schools do serve a need and even in socialist Tower Hamlets they should not be forgotten .

HIV testing

Good idea a lot of people in Tower Hamlets need it considering they marry young girls in Bangladesh .

Support clean energy

There are 5 very good suggestions here like using less energy .


This is one of the few ironies about Tower Hamlets which never ceases to amaze me .


It turns out that Tower Hamlets is a hotspot for bedbugs .

TH Mayor's Champions

I got an email about this from Tower Hamlets Council. I can't find much about this on the net .

End domestic violence in Tower Hamlets

Good luck with that. It is not taken seriously as during the last mayoral elections there were allegations about it .

TH money for worthy projects

Tower Hamlets and a lot of people including me disagree on what a worthy project is. I don't think that the faith buildings funding is a worthy use of public money .

Good for TH

Having a plague for him would be good for Tower Hamlets .

Who can vote

I can't see any mention of the fact that dead people can vote in Tower Hamlets. It must have been an error .


It takes a lot of time and energy to make sure that my computer is working in good condition.


There is no snow but it is freezing. Hopefully the local losers in Tower Hamlets will stay home.

Good TH nurse

This Tower Hamlets nurse is a credit to the profession .

Automation at Barclays

I have dealt with Barclays branch staff and machines can do a better job .

SolarAid paper on aid agencies

This paper from SolarAid is worth reading. I have not read it as I don't have the time to do so .

Cold and dark

When I woke up at 7AM or so it was cold and dark in Tower Hamlets.

TH Conservative candidate

Does anyone know when the Conservative candidate for Mayor of Tower Hamlets is going to be announced?

Poor Economist article

I am a fan of the Economist but this article comparing Newham to Tower Hamlets is a joke. I was not aware that the Mayor of Tower Hamlets had a political philosophy and fans .

Tower block TH

Tower Hamlets is to get a new residential luxury tower block the Hertsmere Tower which will overshadow Canary Wharf .

Housing outrage

Tower Hamlets does have a housing shortage for people. I suspect that nothing will really be done about it .

Best docs in TH and Hackney

According to NICE Tower Hamlets and Hackney have amongst the best doctors in the UK .

Energy con

A lot of energy companies are playing this game. The tax cuts have not been announced yet. They are jumping the gun .

Children in Need TH

The Advertiser is keen to hear about events for Children in Need in Tower Hamlets .

Art censorship in TH

Good to see that there is artistic freedom in Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets did not have the decency to comment .

Tower Hamlets Energy

I have no idea how this works. Does anyone know how it works? We are not going for it. We are going with British Gas .

Armistice in TH

It is good to see that some people took part in the Armistice processions in Tower Hamlets .

TH private school

Is this private school in Tower Hamlets any good ?

Muslim funerals in TH

Religion is big business in Tower Hamlets .

Breaking the Set

Breaking the Set is worth watching. It is a shame that we don't have someone like Abby Martin in Tower Hamlets .

TH Remembrance attendance

It would be interesting to see how many people attended the Remembrance Day services in Tower Hamlets .

Remembrance Day

ELL has an article about Remembrance Day in Tower Hamlets and other London Boroughs .

Energy fixed

Got the letter from British Gas to say that we have got 1 year fixed energy.


Hi if anyone has stories about Tower Hamlets or anything else please contact me.

Dark and gloomy

It is dark and gloomy in Tower Hamlets.

Cutting energy bills

ITV has got some really good ideas on it. I saw it tonight .

Public voting

It is good to see that Tower Hamlets is letting people have their say on how to spend the money rather than on it's pet projects .

Cycle deaths

4 cycle deaths is too many for Tower Hamlets .

Air pollution

Boris Johnson has been criticised over the level of air pollution in Tower Hamlets .

TH mouth cancer

Most of the people in Tower Hamlets are going to ignore this campaign .

TH schools catchment areas

I am not sure how widening the catchment areas is going to solve the school shortage problems in Tower Hamlets ?

TH selling Old Flo

Tower Hamlets is determined to sell Old Flo. So much for culture .

Lost lectures

This sounds like an interesting concept. Tower Hamlets could do with some culture .

Free fireworks

Tower Hamlets does free fireworks but I have been told that they cost £7 in Wandsworth.

Halloween pictures

East London Advertiser has pictures of Tower Hamlets children celebrating Halloween .

Important TH

This is important for Tower Hamlets but I have no idea .

Switching energy suppliers

Does anyone have any advice they can offer on that point?

Censorship in Canada

In Tower Hamlets it is the Muslim community who are practising this .

TH terrorist revealed

The identity of a terrorist from Tower Hamlets has been revealed .