
Showing posts from October, 2013

Fuel poverty

We had to turn the heating on in Tower Hamlets. It was cold .

TV camera's in court

We have to be careful that allowing TV camera's in court does not make a mockery of the system .

Sochi 2014

After London it is time for Sochi to host the Olympics .


Today is cold in Tower Hamlets. It is now winter.

Solar in East Africa

The Christian Science Monitor has an article about the benefits of solar energy in East Africa .

Advertisers on East End Lies

People and companies who advertise on that rubbish from Tower Hamlets should be ashamed.

Event for youths

Good to see the Young Mayor of Tower Hamlets organising an event for the local youth .

Labour big hitters

John Biggs must be be getting desperate to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets by bringing back Morris who has been virtually out of politics for years .

Poplar HARCA wins

I don't know much about them. They can't be as bad as Tower Hamlets .

The future is solar

I have not covered SolarAid for sometime but this article has some good news on it and the future of development .

Athens like TH

Athens is like Tower Hamlets in that the Greek government wants to build a mosque even though it does not have enough money. Hold on a minute Tower Hamlets does not have money but spends it on faith building projects .

Shipping people out

Tower Hamlets has a rather sad approach to housing shortages .

E-Car club

This is a good idea by Tower Hamlets Council and Poplar HARCA .

TH uni grants now closed

A scheme created by the Mayor of Tower Hamlets for local teens to get grants for university has received a lot more applications than there are grants .

Free Kindle books

Hi as Tower Hamlets libraries don't have them on offer and I don't want to spend money I have found a way around it. What you do is you go to Amazon and type in Free Kindle books and what you want for example Free Kindle books India and you get free books on India. You have to make sure that you are not been charged. Do it whilst searching on the Kindle Store.

US student attacked in TH for not been local

It is a disgraceful thing done by the thugs in Tower Hamlets. They must have their work cut out with all the none local people moving into the new luxury apartments in Tower Hamlets .

TH terrorist calls for jihad

A terrorist from Tower Hamlets has called for a jihad .

TH and Newham spat

Tower Hamlets and Newham Council's are having a bit of a spat about budgets .

TH funding faith

Tower Hamlets is wasting public money on funding repairs to faith buildings again. They should fund community buildings instead .

Robinson to face trial over TH march

Tommy Robinson the former leader of the EDL is to go on trial over a banned march in Tower Hamlets .

TH accounts

I would not trust the accounts of Tower Hamlets Council .

Ice-skating by TH kids

Let's hope that Tower Hamlets children don't have too many accidents. It is a generous move by local businesses .

Worthless pledge

Tower Hamlets Council discriminates against people on the grounds of disability .

Prison converts

The comments are worth a read .

My Kindle

It is better than the Sony Reader I had. I enjoy it very much. The money was worth it .

Vile on TH payout

The Daily Vile has got a article on the payout by Tower Hamlets but it does make a error by saying that it is in North London when it is East London .

New Kindle

I have got a new Kindle but I can't borrow books from Tower Hamlets on it.

TH payout

Tower Hamlets knows how to pay people out .

Peston TH debate

Considering his background he should be able to give Tower Hamlets school kids a few pointers .

Neglected youth

I already covered this story about Tower Hamlets .

Teachers strike

Schools in Tower Hamlets are to close. It will achieve nothing though .

Overpaid by TH

One place where Tower Hamlets could save money .

ELL late

ELL are late as usual on Tower Hamlets sex clubs .

Only two

Tower Hamlets must have a lot more terror suspects .

NEET failings

Tower Hamlets and 11 authorities in England been warned .

Good baby

This is not a baby but she is a good child and a credit to Tower Hamlets .

KPMG helping TH

Good to see KPMG helping Tower Hamlets school kids .

Right call

Tower Hamlets has made the right call. We do not live in Saudi .

Can't think of any

I can't think of any landmarks in Tower Hamlets that are worthy .

Islam the great taboo

This maybe an old article but it is interesting. You can be critical of Christianity but not of Islam. In Tower Hamlets you can't say anything against Islam. It is part of local politics .

Failing housing association

Just like so much of Tower Hamlets .

Olympic disappointment for TH

Tower Hamlets better get used to disappointments .

TH Facebook group

I have set up a Facebook group for Tower Hamlets called Tower Hamlets Chat .

Seasonal advice

This time from the Tower Hamlets Metropolitan Police Commander .

Growing up in TH

This talk about growing up in Tower Hamlets should be interesting .

Robinson departure welcome

Politicians in Tower Hamlets have welcomed the fact that Robinson has left the EDL .

Good or bad TH jobs fare?

I am not sure if 160 is good or bad for a Tower Hamlets jobs fare ?

Nash get's balls

Get to see that Lord Nash has got some balls and is now warning the Islamic School in Derby that it faces closure . There are other schools including one in Tower Hamlets which action should be taken against even though they are private schools .

Misleading headline

It is not a poll Tower Hamlets is consulting people .

Local woman accused

A local woman from Tower Hamlets has been accused of causing the death of a baby .

Good man

Nick gave up a good job to look for treatment for his sons. Good luck to him .

Council Tax benefit future TH

Tower Hamlets Council has to decide next year the future of a scheme which has supported people in Tower Hamlets who have been impacted by benefit changes .

Learn about Palestine

I used to post about Palestine but I have not done so for sometime. One of the best resources is Electronic Intifada .

Political bias in East End Lies

To be honest no one with any intelligence would take East End Lies seriously but than Tower Hamlets is the place where Respect had their first MP . It is a bit rich of Labour to complain when they did not get rid of East End Lies whilst in power .

Good pick?

The reason I have a question mark is that I don't know much about this Tower Hamlets doctor .

Khat workshop in TH

There was a workshop been held on Khat in Tower Hamlets attended by the great and the good .

Late on TH Fairness Commission

ELL is a few days late after the Guardian and the Advertiser covered the Tower Hamlets Fairness Commission .

War comedy TH

A black comedy about the Vietnam war has opened in Tower Hamlets .

One Housing support young TH

It is good to see that One Housing Group is supporting the young in Tower Hamlets .

Lloyds doing good in TH

It seems that community groups in Tower Hamlets could benefit from Lloyds funding opportunities .

TH fairness report

No one in Tower Hamlets except the Mayor gives a toss about it .

TH smokers challenged

Tower Hamlets smokers are been challenged to give up smoking .