
Showing posts from January, 2013
Another day another talking shop .
We don't even know the real extent of it .
It was a bad decision .
It is really windy here in L ondon.
They have been made too easy .
Fariness Commission is a joke .
Gilligan sets the Guardian right .
Andrew Gilligan has shwon what a great place the East London Mosque really is .
Andrew Gilligan has got a lot of new posts on his blog discussing the goings on in Tower Hamlets Council and the East London Mosque. I have selected this one but I could have selected any .
Olympic legacy in Tower Hamlets .
The sun is a good thing .
They are arguing over river crossings .
Police and fire cuts in Tower Hamlets .
Tower Hamlets is a freak show .
Good to see that this has been taken seriously as a resident of Tower Hamlets I am concerned about those freaks. They can go to Saudia Arabia and live there .
Tower Hamlets is taking the cowards way .
Tower Hamlets is not a Muslim area .
The farce in Tower Hamlets continues .
Boris has to make difficult choices unlike Mr Biggs .
Why doesn't Ken go away from Tower Hamlets?
Child poverty been high in Tower Hamlets is not news it is fact .
Biggs wants to be Tower Hamlets Mayor .
There is a lot of snow in Tower Hamlets today .
There is a lot of snow where I am.
Stanford students and the solar home .
Tour de France to visit Tower Hamlets .
I did not know that we had air cadets here in Tower Hamlets .
Mr Fitzpatrick is doing good for bees .
Those are serious allegiations against Ms Freeman and I look forward to her reply .
Tower Hamlets has money to spare on useless things .
Huge boost to Tower Hamlets housing budget .
Local police need this .
Another day another waste of money by Tower Hamlets this time it makes me laugh .
Teachers in Tower Hamlets can't handle the kids .
Those spin doctors are value for money for the Tower Hamlets taxpayer .
3 year budget plan for Tower Hamlets .
This is a wonderful project providing renewable energy to people in the Occupied Terrorities of Palestine .
As I have said before the majority of people in Tower Hamlets will have no idea. I did not until I started blogging about it .
They are going to need them in the local streets .
Most of the people in Tower Hamlets don't even know about it .
Fire cuts in Tower Hamlets .
This is a good networking event .
Tower Hamlets residents pay a lot in rent. This story has a lot of links .
We could get winter in London.
Those drastic cuts are needed in this current economic climate .
There must be a lot of Muslims gambling .
Hasn't our beloved leader got anything better to do for the residents of Tower Hamlets ?
It seems like a good idea but the devil is in the detail .
I did not know Tower Hamlets lost so many police .
Thanks for the trees Boris .
People in Tower Hamlets could learn how to recycle better .
A carbon tax is a good idea .
I did not know that the Royal London had friends .
The future is online .
Everthing will be back to normal next week.
The farce contuines. All those traitors are not enough for him .
I live in Tower Hamlets and I have seen a lot of construction work going on .
It is a sad fact but when I am out on my travels this does not appear to be the case .
No news found doing Google search for Tower Hamlets today.
It is a dark gloomy day in Tower Hamlets.
It is amazing that there have been very few stories about Tower Hamlets in the last few days.
I can't think of anything else so I thought I would post a link for Lafora here .