
Showing posts from May, 2012
Spend the money on  housing .
Tower Hamlets workers should not complain about been lied to .
Local boy does good .
Those poor people in most cases have no choice .
Jubilee Street parties in Tower Hamlets.
The Huggington Post article linked to in the body has got interesting comments .
I wonder how much this scheme of the beloved Mayor is costing us ?
Good to see schoolchildren learning useful skills .
Those people disgust me .
People in local government talk about equality but the staff discriminate against people on a regular  basis .
That is life in this  shit hole
OSCE called into investigate electoral fraud .
Morning Star is on about Olympics and racism .
I fully support austerity. No pain no gain .
Excellent news that Labour supporting donkey has left his job .
The local borough commander has been moved .
Good on him for educating the local children .
God to see that the local kids will be occupied .
I agree with the comments that Brick Lane is a slum .
Good to see that MPs are visiting .
I am no big fan of the Mayor but there is no evidence for what the head teacher is  saying .
The Guardian has got a review of the Olympic Park .
Old shop fronts brought back to life .
It will be cheap and nasty which will have no viewers . .
This pub will be having an Olympic boost .
Part of the problem is that the local people have no personal hygiene take a look at them on the buses .
Released on bail .
Local politics gets another mention in the Telegraph for the wrong reasons .
This is just pathetic .
They will never practice serious politics .
Jim Fitzpatrick is right and the man from the company is just plain greedy .
Going need a lot of luck in this post .
They have no interest in our views .
Under Rahman we have value for money .
The FT has got an article on Canary Wharf .
I have been told by a friend that Tower Hamlets is going to be cleaned up for the Olympic Games. I can't wait to see it.
This article on Indonesian atheists has a number of good  links .
Sex workers and the Olympics .
I like the Clergy Project .
Fire Chief warms home owners not to put lives at risk .
Good to see that children have been introduced to proper culture .
People will have stagger their  journeys .
I have been looking at the East London Mosque Wikipedia page. No mention of Gilligan .
That is a lot of food given by the local residents .
Local government can use new technology to sack the parasites that work there and save money .
Roman Road is a damp maybe people like going to the shopping centre instead .
I totally disagree with the headline. It is reasonable what they are doing .
I love the comment that we should put Tower hamlets in charge of counting the votes next time .
This is an old story .
As Gilligan has argued in Tower Hamlets we do have power to the people but not in the way the article  says .
Not much talk of voting fraud.
At least Boris won. I am sad that the Tories could not win  more .
Good to see that solar is been used in Afghanistan .
I did not know we had a by-election  toda y.
Democracy is alive and well in Tower Hamlets .
On Twitter I have called for the sacking of Isabella Freeman. The woman should go not because of the comments about Muslim voters which are disgusting but for a whole host of reasons. I am no fan of Tower Hamlets and the way it treats the residents.
Stealing votes is a disgrace .
The Indy is dead right on this .
Ms Freeman must be the dumbest lawyer in the United Kingdom. The people of Tower Hamlets know how to sign their names .
Tower Hamlets is good for electoral fraud and denials .