
Showing posts from February, 2012
Some of those kids are the dangers on the road .
It is sad to see him turning against the  government .
I agree that Boris bikes are value for money .
Tower Hamlets GPs revolting but this time not over their pensions .
I covered this safe playgrounds story a few days ago .
This is welcome news from the Mayor .
Jakarta Globe on TB in London .
I thought that TS has been in Tower Hamlets for a long time .
Some good news from Tower Hamlets .
Good to see that parents in Tower Hamlets are taking action .
Dave Hill doing his good job for Labour .
Tower Hamlets refutes the claims from the Evening Standard about voter  fraud .
it seems that the Tower Hamlets Labour Party is willing to work with the Mayor. This is good as both sides have got something .
Now Ms Ali and Mr Fitzpatrick along with the Labour Leader of Tower Hamlets and the local London Assembly member have asked for the interim Chief Executive to launch a probe into the potential abuses of the electoral system in Tower Hamlets .
Grant Shapps is calling for an investigation into the electoral roll in Tower Hamlets .
It seems due to the ES report about Tower Hamlets yesterday there are worries that the London election could end up in court .
It is good to see that Tower Hamlets does not operate that many CCTV cameras but we don't know the true figure as there is more than one public sector operator and multiple private operators like supermarkets .
The Evening Standard has got a story on another potential voting farud in Tower Hamlets .
Something must be wrong with the education system .
Tower Hamlets should pay towards this wonderful  scheme .
My bank is a wonderful idea as it gives financial seduction to children .
If we use Rahman than we can beat Ken.
Chris Bryant on unemployment .
I have always known that we are broken .
The competition must be pretty low this year if one of Rahman's lot has a chance of winning .
Good to see that Conservative Home is now reporting on the scandal in Tower Hamlets .
Reading this article makes me proud to be a Conservative supporter and ashamed to live in Tower Hamlet s.
Tower Hamlets and the way it wastes public money continues to amaze me .
It seems the good Baroness will not return unless she coughs up .
It is good to see the children of Tower Hamlets learning poetry .
The people of Tower Hamlets have not got very much else to do .
Le'ts hope the locals don't steal the Boris bikes .
I wonder if the Mayor will cave in like he did over the One Stop Shop ?
When it comes to brick Lane I agree with Mike in London . 
I would demolish Brick Lane and rebuild it as it is a awful area .
Boris bikes are not an Olympic stunt. How dare they suggest such a thing .
I am a member of Tower Hamlets Credit Union but would not run my main account from there .
This Tower Hamlets women will be running the marathon third time in a row .
Hackney and Tower Hamlets are close to NHS reform .
It is wonderful that Boris bikes are going to be rolled out all over Tower Hamlets .
This is truly pathetic as a bunch of socialists and people who cannot accept progress have blocked a reasonable idea to close down the one stop shop .
They are not providing value for money. Tower Hamlets despite the league tables has a lot of bad schools . .
Tower Hamlets is getting a lot of government  money .
Socialists have lost all touch with reality .
This article to be fair to Tower Hamlets. I am not often fair to them is misleading as there is due process .
I always knew that they did not have much support as 500 people are all they could muster .
It seems that one of the Mayor's supports will no longer be in office .
The roads in Tower Hamlets were well maintained.
With Bob Crow supporting Ken Livingstone we should automate the tube and sack the scum .
The Chair of Respect in Tower Hamlets will be appealing .
I am a defender of libraries but maybe they need to change like the No Idea Stores .
I know someone who had mental health problems dealing with Tower Hamlets .
I did not know that Canary Wharf had a sports personalty of the year .
I wish those kids luck in going to Jersey .
Tower Hamlets is not a good place for gay rights .
It seems that Respect members can show respect to other people .
Knowing Tower Hamlets it is not worth making any suggestions .
It should be noted that a lot of private schools no longer do GCSE;s so we should not applaud Tower Hamlets .