
Showing posts from 2012
Happy 2013 everyone.
Good news for Africa .
This poor student he should leave the Islamic Society as they are all clearly parasites. Been gay is normal .
This is a good project been developed in South Africa using solar .
CNN has a report on Solar Sisters this is a good idea but I can't easily find the product list. I was looking for solar mobile chargers .
Local honours from the Queen .
Those poor people suffering for having their courage to use their brains and stop believing in god. It is good to see that writers like Russell also work on Muslim people and turn them away from god .
Some dreams do come through .
It is amazing to see Tower Hamlets employees doing something good .
Recruiting temps is a waste of money .
Hopefully things will be getting back to normal tomorrow.
In China single woman can't get sperm whilst in the west it is no longer a big deal .
This long article is worth reading for the email exchange between a councilor and a senior officer. However there are other important points in it for the residents of Tower Hamlets .
There is a link tot this article from Gilligan about an article about Doncaster. Stupid people of Tower Hamlets will never learn. I am proud of the Conservative group .
It was fairly quite on the streets today.
The future of food in Qatar .
Tower Hamlets wasting money on a potential court case .
Bromley putting it on display seems to be a good idea . I don't think this was posted yesterday. 
Tower Hamlets could do with the government taking it over .
The best thing to do is to give Old Flo to Bromley and sell a few council buildings .
The council has never functioned properly. The whole thing is a joke and this is worse than a third world country .
Good to see that Tower Hamlets is well run .
Good to see that the Mayor is been challenged and people are willing to stand up for art. Tower Hamlets needs art and he could sell off one of the council buildings .
It seems that another council now owns Old Flo .
It seems that he maybe an innocent victim of this. The council has a good reputation for wasting money .
More on Grameen Shakti .
I am not a big fan but I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to him .
Tower Hamlets Fairness Commission is a joke and also a waste of money .
Andrew Gilligan is exposing the truth about Tower Hamlets compared to Newham. Sir Robin is doing a wonderful job .
Grameen Shakti breaks a good record .
The NUJ is now no longer needed as bloggers like me are not members and we get on perfectly fine .
The founder of Sunfunder has wrtten a very strong case for solar with links to articles .
I have discussed this in an article but this is too important not to discuss. Food banks are sadly needed .
A must read article on solar .
I almost feel sorry for them .
This was bound to happen sooner or later .
This is too good to be true .
Those cuts are too drastic .
Some good news for the locals .
The Wharf has a report on our local food bank .
Census results have been published .
Tower Hamlets is ready for the snow .
The Indy has a story on the sale of public art .
Boris Johnson is making difficult choices .
VC grave story .
What a waste of life this is .
Solaraid is the market leader .
They have no case and no legal leg to stand on .
For once they took the right decision .
ELL reports on the police christmas cards .
It is amazing what you can find in a grave yard .
I would never cycle around that area. It is too dangerous .
Merry Christmas from the local police .
Follow up on the story which I discussed yesterday .
My friend knows this 22 year old who died .
It is chilly here.
The FT has a very good article on things like fruit which does not look perfect been sold. It is good news .
The Advertiser is a bit late with this .
I covered this on Posterous but there is nothing else to say really. Hope for John .
What happened to this idea ?
Palestine is moving in the right direction .
Scotsman is covering our local dispute .
Can't wait for the lawsuit to happen .
A legal challenge to the Mayor .
Culture Minister is holding peace talks between the council and other interested parties .
It is official that Tower Hamlets will sell the Moore Statue .
Tomorrow is going to be exciting with the media inquiry report and Palestine vote
Local students and their achievements .
The farce in Tower Hamlets goes on .
Good to see that Labour is taking an interest even though the locals don't vote for it like they used to .
Oh dear me this is terrible news .
The sale of Henry Moore by Tower Hamlets compared .
Until a few days ago I could search for any story within the last 24 hours on Google News but now that feature can't be found.
If anyone has any Tower Hamlets related stories please contact me.
Gove is standing up for common sense at last .
I never knew about Brick Lane beer .
10 things to do in the borough .
Good to see that the NSS is taking this on .
They do have money to waste on planting trees .
As I have said and I will say the Mayor should put money into it. There is enough money for useless projects .
Golds is talking sense as ever .
People will just ignore it .
They maybe the fifth biggest but I have only been there once .
I hate the markets in Tower Hamlets .
New chair for Tower Hamlets Homes .
Another tax courtesy of Tower Hamlets Council .
I love the Idea of great railway journeys .
This theatre group is a good cause .
The Mayor should spend his £2m for places of worship on things like this which benefit the community .
The East London Mosque collects enough money
The people who support this development should start their own petition .
Another day another broken promise .
The Mayor is a fool .
Joint action on tunnel runs .
Good to see Tower Hamlets topping the list . I will go back to using the internet and posting twice from tomorrow.
Just like to say that this is the end of new on Twitter I have had enough of their password change system.
I normally don't approve of unions but .
You can't make this up .
This story is a bit late .
Henry Moore has been estimated at £20m bit could be lower according to the Telegraph .
Money to waste on god .
The Ofqal affair goes on and on .
Solar in a power cut .
This is a important debate .
He got what he deserved .
Councils should be able to sell off their art but they should not vanish .
Where Tower Hamlets leads others follow .
We have a lot of public art in London .
It has been decided so we can move onto somthing serious now .
You can donate to Londonmet just type alumni .
Good to see local MPs taking action .
The Wharf has a report on it. Frankly I am getting bored of it now .
It will be a talking shop coming up with a report that everyone will ignore .
New Statesman on Henry Moore .
He is not going to listen to them .
Henry Moore the debate and protests go on and on .
Danny Boyle now wants to save Henry Moore .
Moore has been in Yorkshire for sometime now .
The best thing to do is to sell it to someone who will put it on public display .
People here have not faced reality in a long time .
There has been a wealth divide for a very long time .
Sensible planning .
Good old Jim taking a stand .
I did not know there was going to be any fire cuts .
Street drinking declines .
Trick or treat anyone ?
Tower Hamlets if you they miss your bin collection they will lie to you.
This seems like a good idea .
Stansfeld discusses Robin Hood Gardens a part of Tower Hamlets which has been a key area of discussion .
Those cuts are neccessar y.
This child benefit thing is a tricky issue .
The EDL should be allowed to protest anywhere as this is a democratic society. People should not take their rights away .
Local schools going to court .
I thought we lived in a democratic society .
We live in a democratic society and those marches should have happened .
Boris bikes the good news continues .
March should go ahead as we live in a democratic society .
Bengali darma festival in Tower Hamlets .
It should be banned everywhere .
They may oppose cuts but what do they support ?
Locla kids have done some good .
Action against End End Lie s.
Consider supporting Epilepsy Action .
People have a right to decide whether they should wear them or not .
This article actually says next to nothing as what it shows is that some Muslims are angry and they want to vent their fury . As the protests have shown a very few people in terms of numbers of Muslims protested and most people just went on with their lives.
Far right in Britain .
Dumb people protesting .
Another fine waste of money .
I want to join a pro cuts march .
Only a few students .
Tell them to get back to work .
They must be desperate .
The Olympics and j obs .
In the nick of time .
This is bad form .
It's too late now .
Sounds like a good idea .
This is a good idea .
Haaretz on the mural painting in Shoreditch .
When are they going to knock down 60 Commercial Road?
Best garden .
Good to see a Pro Boris article .
A reasonable policy at times like this .
Good to see them making use of empty space .
Sorry Dan but Boris did the right thing .
Boris has made the right choice .
I say redevelop the whole area .
Homes not so decent after all .
Good news as we need more developments like this .
I feel sick .
60 Commercial Road since the closure of the Jobcentre has become a place for people to hang around in. It's a annoyance to the residents and passers by.
Wasting our money is what they do best at the council .
I discussed this arrticle on Twitter but here I can do it in a greater length. The irony is that we are discussing Islam even though some of the people who contacted Channel 4 and Ofcom would rather we did not. There are many interesting articles on Islam and the media and this is one of the best .
The perks of running this awful council .
What is wrong with people in the Labour Party? They allowed Ken back now they want him back .
Standards must have been low .
This mural has to be removed .
Lots of people around here do need this .
All talk no solar .
The Guardian has come to this a bit late .
On the sale of the Henry Moore sculpure .
This is another fine mess that the council has got itself into .
Another way that Boris is supporting London children .
Water meters are a good idea .
Tower Hamlets has done something good .
This is a good idea .
Solaraid have started this excellent scheme. You have to read it to fully understand it .
Thank goodness winter is finally here .
Graduate employment the facts .
As I have said it seems like a good idea .
It's a shame that it has to come to this .
Wasting money as usual .
This is the kind of good stuff they should be doing .
The ES has got an article on the benefits of apprenticeship s.
Good to see that this special constable is off the streets .
I hope that the riot squad are out .
How much is this going to cost us ?
There is plenty more where he came from .
Amazing that the mayor and the paper are on the same page .
Solar at the White House .
Get over it you are making a fool of yourself .
They are going to miss their Iphones .
That is wonderful news for atheists .
The parks in Tower Hamlets need a good clean .
After the Olympic Games we have a new planning authority .
Drug factories been closed .
Things could get interesting at Tower Hamlets Council . I thinkg Clir Golds is doing a good job.
I am not a fan of the couoncil but this is actually a good idea .
Labour are doing something useful at last in Tower Hamlets .
The Olypic Games have actually increased unemployment .
Pubs closing is a fact of life .
It is good to see the locals doing something productive .
That is amazing. I thought Tower Hamlets would have a lot of it .
Good advice for the charity sector .
This saga could go on and on .
Living in Brussels they can watch the European project fail Emma .
Don't know what to make of this .
I am not a big fan of the UCU or Tower Hamlets College but for once they are right .
Another example of world class health care .
As I have said on Twitter I believe that the Muslim Brotherhood tomorrow will be playing a dangerous game by letting the mob out. It can't control the mob as it has been winding them up .
Until recently Labour used to run Tower Hamlets. What did they do about school places ?
Plans been exposed by Tower Hamlets Council .
The council knows how to save money .
Good to see that people are putting the blame onto the UKBA and the parasites who work there rather than the innocent London Metropolitan University students . I will donate £10 when the Londonmet fundraising office opens this term. I urge you to do the same.
City farm enjoyes investment .
This book was inspired by Why I am not a Christian .
Poverty is one of the things that makes Tower Hamlets what it is .
This Eid is a bit too late .
It is a shame that the Paralympics are finishing today. I have enjoyed them very much.
Today is far too hot.
As an alumni of London Metropolitan University I fully support the work that Malcolm Gillies is doing and what the UKBA is doing is disgusting. I will donate my own money when the fundraising office starts up.
This could be a hot weekend.
The poeple of Tower Hamlets are having too many babies .
If those places close down than we can clean up the area .
Will this Tower Hamlets soap opera ever end ?
For once I am in agreement with the Mayor Tower Hamlets Council should sell off as much of the assets it owns as it can .
Buildings with no useful purpose should be easy to find as Tower Hamlets has plenty of them .
This story has been around for sometime .
A view on free schools .
Good aid from New Zealand.
Tower Hamlets Labour no one really cares .
Solar benefiting poor .
This Telegraph story is well worth reading to see how Tower Hamlets wastes money. Jo Williams at Merton is also another disgraceful waste of public money .
The future is solar .
In places like Tower Hamlets you can make a lot of money .
Shame on the NUJ for defending council lies. East End Lies is not a proper paper .
It's amazing no one tried to steal it .
What ladies should wear to work .
Images of the Games .
I can't wait .
Gay Inspector forced out .
Journalism has no future
The comments are wroth reading. People should not write things in such a biased manner .
Olympic legacy .
It seems to be quite in Tower Hamlets but it will get lively.
More Scouts in Tower Hamlets .
It is not going to work .
People on the extreme right have a right to march .
I find this hard to believe .
Girls and GCSEs .
I don't really care for neighbours .
This girls must be using their brains .
East End Lies makes me sicker by the day .
What a sad day .
They pay after they graduate. The Socilaist Worker is a utter disgrace .
Sack staff and save money .
Locals will destroy it .
The first picture looks too posh to be Tower Hamlets .
I am a really big fan of the articles they publish .
No business like god business .
EU and local government .
A sad day for London planning .
Evening Standard should have been more careful .
Stop breeding .
Stop moaning London needs more housing .
How long before this one get's closed down like the walk in centre ?
Robin Hood Gardens is taking forever .
Dirty streets cause problems .
Naughty twins .
Good to see that the torch will be coming here .
Daivs is a rising star in the Labour Party .
Olympic legacy in East London .
It is good to see the CIH and public spending probed .
Sir Roger Bannister has written an article for the Mail .
The area is poor but not poverty stricken .
There is a lot of bad places to eat in Tower Hamlets .
There are a lot of ugly places where I live .
I believe in the big society .
There are only ladies and gentleman in local politics .
An article from the Russian perspective .
What a welcoming place .
Good to see that local kids are learning tennis .
Labour did so much for the young .
The council responds to goverment welfare cuts .
Our beloved Mayor has a plan to deal with government benefit cuts .
Good to see them welcoming lcoal students .
I have not had interesting stuff to post about Tower Hamlets for a few days.
The riots and the Olympics .
I am not sure about Boris as PM .
Trade in local pubs .
Services it seems are running just fine with the Olympic Games .
It is a shame really but than things like this do happen .
The cost of this inquest has become a major issue .
I did not know that about local school kids .
That is a joke as they don't do much work .
Three years is not long enough .
Tower Hamlets will use any reason to waste money .
They could get rid of all the market traders .
Since Ms Gilbert left there has ot been much improvement in Ofsted .
I am sure the Minister has got more important things to do .
The protest has very little support and it has not even been on local TV .
Not many people attended .
Those people need to get over themselves .
It seems that life has now returned to normal.
Like they would listen to the local people .
Today is going to be a nightmare getting around.
There will be a huge impact on services during the Olympics .
It is not a cheap place to live in .
This is terrible what they are going to do with the money . It will fail just like most of the things Tower Hamlets comes up with .
Are you good enough for M and S bank?
Where can you watch the Olympics .
It is really hot.
Not sure what it means. It reads like a council notice .
They should learn proper English .
Yuo can see the torch near where I live .
A lot of people in London are not native Londoners .
The torch is the big story around here .
Good to see locals been treated decently .
I sent a tweet to the Labour Party pointing out that there was rubbish under them. They lost East End Lies so they now go to twitter .
It is not just Pickles who wants some answers .
What's new there .
It seems reasonnable that they pay for showers if they have an alternative .
I am no fan of the council but this seems logical .
They have taken all the losers out of the figures .
The one thing council employees can't do is work .
They have cleaned up the Labour Party so it is only right they clean up the rest of Tower Hamlets .
Breeding is one of the few things locals are good at .
Local man charged with sex offenses .
The Olympics will leave a good leagcy in Tower Hamlets .
They have been serving local men in Tower Hamlets and they will continue to serve them .
He is as exciting as Richard Dawkins if not more .
I am looking forward to a cashless society.
The locals might be too violent for this game .
We have a thriving private college sector in London .
No chance they will listen .
Local resdients lose rightly .
They can believe anything they want to .
Evening Standard reported this a few days  ago .
They should be ashamed of themselves .
Gilligan on the odd goings in the London Labor Party .
My heart bleeds a lot .
There is no point really .
Police have been given extra time to question Newham brothers suspected of terrorism.
Boris is making difficult choices and they just moan .
Good luck as a lot of people in this area are in denial .
Golds sticks his neck out on citizenship .
What a sad story .
It is a bit late and Tower Hamlets Labour is taking it's time. They should have been expelled a long time ago .
Tower Hamelts is really making a fool of itself .
Good to see Eric taking action against East End Lies .
Dumb Respect .
I would make tourists go to the undesireable areas to see the real London .
They have no idea what they let themselves in for .
Our local dispute is now covered in India .
Those locals should get a life .
Those poeple don't understand anything .
Good to see Biggs reporting back to the people who elected him .
New young mayor needed .
I say good for them .
The power of solar .
I saw sometime ago on TV that a lot of people in areas like this are in denial about drugs .
All I have to say is that it is them rather than me .
Children here love chicken joints .
Tower Hamlets has got to pay a lot. To be fair justice should not be cheap .
Channel S should be shut down .
The Mayor of London will now act as the planning authority over Spittalfields development .
I have been living in the historical East End of London and I did not know we had a film festival .
Good to see Radio 1 doing something for the local community .
That is very expensive .
It's not going to work though .
Where are they going to be put ?
Don't they have somewhere else to go ?
Poverty and junk food .
Been in charge of Tower Hamlets is a good job .
Another day another court case .
People in the public sector have their say about the Olympic Games .
The Mayor has responded to the articles which I discussed yesterday .
They are going to find a lot more in the curry houses .
The Telegraph has a follow up to the Daily Vile story .
This ban is a outrage and it shows the kind of fools who run education in London .
An Indian paper is covering this stupid lawsuit .
I quite like the Shard .
The Evening Standard has got the story on Victoria. Park .
I am no fan of Tower Hamlets Council but this fool is taking the piss .
I can't wait to see people comaplin about bells rining. Get a life .
Good to seee that the Mayor is using hsi powers in a professional way .
This is hte last BSF school .
As I have said there is a one on a bigger scale shown on ITV Tonigh t.
Good to see that a locallly made bell will be staring the Olympics .
This could go on for sometime .
Cool East End is a joke .
They tried it at a bigger scale on ITV .
It is amazing that Tower Hamlets parks have wi-fi.
They should just let them redevelop the whole thing. the area is a damp .
I will believe it when I see it .
Tower Hamlets is looking as ugly as ever for the Olympic games.
Typing does take a lot effort to be fair .
Good to see that they are making use of land .
As soon as the Olympics are over the jobs will be gone .
It is a shame that the council blocked this as the area needs a lot of work done .
I would personally ban all cars if I could .
They might as well do some good work as they have been robbing us blind. No them personally but the banks .
An alternative but interesting view on the Jubilee .
A story about bling and local residents .
They were looking for too many .
Local residents got a right royal knees up .
Danish culture for the Olympics .
They will be overpriced and not eaten by locals .
That is a though question over 60 years .
I had no idea that shopfronts from 1988 looked so ugly .
What more does she want ?
There will be more Homes n Wapping .
Spend the money on  housing .
Tower Hamlets workers should not complain about been lied to .
Local boy does good .
Those poor people in most cases have no choice .
Jubilee Street parties in Tower Hamlets.
The Huggington Post article linked to in the body has got interesting comments .
I wonder how much this scheme of the beloved Mayor is costing us ?
Good to see schoolchildren learning useful skills .
Those people disgust me .
People in local government talk about equality but the staff discriminate against people on a regular  basis .
That is life in this  shit hole
OSCE called into investigate electoral fraud .
Morning Star is on about Olympics and racism .
I fully support austerity. No pain no gain .
Excellent news that Labour supporting donkey has left his job .
The local borough commander has been moved .
Good on him for educating the local children .
God to see that the local kids will be occupied .
I agree with the comments that Brick Lane is a slum .
Good to see that MPs are visiting .
I am no big fan of the Mayor but there is no evidence for what the head teacher is  saying .
The Guardian has got a review of the Olympic Park .
Old shop fronts brought back to life .
It will be cheap and nasty which will have no viewers . .
This pub will be having an Olympic boost .
Part of the problem is that the local people have no personal hygiene take a look at them on the buses .
Released on bail .
Local politics gets another mention in the Telegraph for the wrong reasons .
This is just pathetic .
They will never practice serious politics .
Jim Fitzpatrick is right and the man from the company is just plain greedy .
Going need a lot of luck in this post .
They have no interest in our views .
Under Rahman we have value for money .
The FT has got an article on Canary Wharf .
I have been told by a friend that Tower Hamlets is going to be cleaned up for the Olympic Games. I can't wait to see it.
This article on Indonesian atheists has a number of good  links .
Sex workers and the Olympics .
I like the Clergy Project .
Fire Chief warms home owners not to put lives at risk .
Good to see that children have been introduced to proper culture .
People will have stagger their  journeys .
I have been looking at the East London Mosque Wikipedia page. No mention of Gilligan .
That is a lot of food given by the local residents .
Local government can use new technology to sack the parasites that work there and save money .
Roman Road is a damp maybe people like going to the shopping centre instead .
I totally disagree with the headline. It is reasonable what they are doing .
I love the comment that we should put Tower hamlets in charge of counting the votes next time .
This is an old story .
As Gilligan has argued in Tower Hamlets we do have power to the people but not in the way the article  says .
Not much talk of voting fraud.
At least Boris won. I am sad that the Tories could not win  more .
Good to see that solar is been used in Afghanistan .
I did not know we had a by-election  toda y.
Democracy is alive and well in Tower Hamlets .
On Twitter I have called for the sacking of Isabella Freeman. The woman should go not because of the comments about Muslim voters which are disgusting but for a whole host of reasons. I am no fan of Tower Hamlets and the way it treats the residents.
Stealing votes is a disgrace .
The Indy is dead right on this .
Ms Freeman must be the dumbest lawyer in the United Kingdom. The people of Tower Hamlets know how to sign their names .
Tower Hamlets is good for electoral fraud and denials .
Good to see the Met are probing .
Good to see that London is going to be well protected during the games .
ELL is as ever late with those stories .
Those people are overreacting over nothing really .
Ken and his supporters are now playing the religion card as they have lost the  argument .
New Labour new electoral fraud .
Tower Hamlets food bank are collecting food outside a rather posh place .
The BBC are a bit late as the ES have covered this already .
The police are finally investigating voting fraud .
I am sure with more money GPs will do anything .
Backward Imams .
What I have suspected .
Tower Hamlets Council could use this .
It is amazing how ignorant some of those people are. No wonder they voted for Galloway .
Another excellent article from Andrew  Gilligan .
Some Labour people are so desperate to win . I feel sorry for Ed as he is not involved in this.
Leasing solar is a interesting idea .
The East London Mosque is very progressive .