
Showing posts from November, 2011


There are some very few decent people in Tower Hamlets .

Strike impact

There does not seem to be much of an impact according to the East London Advertiser in Tower Hamlets.

Training costs

This from Tower Hamlets PCT makes interesting reading .

Good lawyers

Good to see that those dumb GPs have been told to work rather than go on strike .

Old fashioned

I thought that outdoor advertising like this had finished but not in Tower Hamlets .

Mayor's education award

It seems that the deadline is soon maybe it is a cheap promise by the good old Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Drop the bill

I got the following website from Tower Hamlets Labour website which does not have much on the strike coming up on Wednesday . The Drop the bill site does not mention Labour much on the front page.

Fuel duty

I am upset by it . He should increase not freeze.

Trial by Jeory

Ted Jeory is wroth reading as Andrew Gilligan quotes him on Tower Hamlets plus he he used to be deputy editor of the Advertiser .

Agency spend

Someone has made a excellent FOI request to Tower Hamlets Council .

London Bangla in court

It is good to see that people can still be charged for what they do in Tower Hamlets politics .

End of lap dancing

The religious nut jobs in Tower Hamlets are going to enjoy it .

No point

Everything in Shadwell is a shit hole .

Data breaches

Dealing with Tower Hamlets I am not surprised it is at the top of the list .

Victoria Park Olympic venue

I wonder what the locals are going to think? There will be complaints to Tower Hamlets .

Strikers miss the point

Good to see that the head of Tower Hamlets Unison missing the point. The pension is meant to be all public employees and some live longer than others . Mind you mos of the unions got a low turn out. People opt in to join unions unlike elections.

Good old Tower Hamlets

Charging people for things which are not their fault is the Tower Hamlets way .

London Freecycle Cafe

I found it but the Tower Hamlets one has gone .

GP's strike

Good to see that overpaid and under worked GPs going on strike. They earn more than £100,000 a year .


On balance Michael Gove did the right thing and Tower Hamlets Council should not be using it's reserves but instead wait for the new system to kick in .

Religion at the Barts and the London

Let's see how much god there is in there .

Silver divorce

I know a lot of elderly people who should get divorced .


It seems that with the E-table a lot of places will no longer need as many waiting staff as before. I think it can be used in places like McDonald's to get rid of the McSlaves who work there and also in council offices to sell advertising whilst people are waiting.

Ken did not vote Labour

To be fair he has encouraged people to vote against Labour in the first place in Tower Hamlets . I hate him even more.

City boost

Jim Fitzpatrick should not bother with making Tower Hamlets a city .

Council tax freeze

John Moses has a very interesting comment which all Labour supporters in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere in London should read .

Council tax freeze

Tower Hamlets Council is freezing council tax and coming up with ways of saving money. Hopefully more job losses .

Northern Rock sold

It has been sold to the ultimate hippy .

School run banks

This could be a good or bad idea .

Unemployment rise

Figures show that it has gone up in Tower Hamlets .

Well done

Good to hear that this Tower Hamlets charity has been around for 30 years .

Border checks

Brody Clark is having a right go at Mrs May .

Civil service strike

I picked an article from the Financial Times on the civil service strike .


Tower Hamlets have been offering this for a long time .

Dagong chair talks to Al Jazeera

I have just seen this on Al Jazeera and it is interesting . He should rate Tower Hamlets Council.

Ken biogrpahy

I saw a biography of Ken Livingstone at the Idea Store but did not pick it up. I wonder if the Mayor read it.


I have been to 2 events so far it is really good value for money but Tower Hamlets should have got a sponsor rather than paying for it.

Disability equality

This has been taken too far .

Honda robot

Honda has created a robot which could steal jobs .

Ken on EMA

I don't believe that Ken will bring it back. Tower Hamlets has wasted £1.7m on it's version .

Interesting question

There are sadly no easy answers to this .

Waste of money

Good to see that people are exposing it .

Police perspective

The acting borough commander of Tower Hamlets shares his views .

Joining up data

I thought that Tower Hamlets was more interested in creating it than using it.

No idea

I had no idea that bonfire night was such a big deal in Tower Hamlets .

Good energy

Good to see that Tower Hamlets and Southwark have approved this .

UEL helpful

UEL have been very helpful .

Obsolete jobs

Technology is making them obsolete .

Olympic torch

It is going to get a Tower Hamlets welcome .

Greenwald on drone attacks

Glenn Greenwald has a link to the Clive Stafford Smith article as well as a number of others giving a good picture of the reason why they are counter productive and he challenges the ignorant beliefs as well .

Ken interviewed

London Loves Business has interview that waste of space .

Writeidea reading festival

I am not sure if I covered this before but it has been going for a few years by Tower Hamlets and this will be my first year attending it .

Naked capitalism

I read a book by the woman behind this site. She has rather interesting views. We do live between the City of London and Canary Wharf in Tower Hamlets so it is interesting and worth reading .

Lots of problem

Just one part of Tower Hamlets has a lot of problems .


There is a new book on it .

Flu in Tower Hamlets

It seems that flu hits Tower Hamlets early .

British Gas energy waste

It is not as it appears to be according to the comments .

Tower Hamlets to ban lap dancing

People can still get stuff online .

Playground cuts Tower Hamlets

Good to see that the Mayor is protecting services .

GCSE outstanding

The reality is that students are been taught to the test and they are not learning much .

EMA replacement

Tower Hamlets will pay with £1.7 m of it's own money .