
Showing posts from August, 2011

Rahman reacts to Power

Lutfer Rahman reacts to the article by Nina Power . I have not read it but other people should for balance. I don't believe anything he says.

EDL still coming

It seems that May's ban has not done much .

Let the EDL march

This is a good article from the left leaning Guardian newspaper which argues that with the ban of marches for 30 days other marches are affected like gay pride east London .

City backs city

The City of London backs city status for Tower Hamlets .

Article in defense of private HE

This article only mentions the College of Law but there are many others which it does not mention .

Free speech

I have argued that there is no longer free speech in Tower Hamlets but hate speech is acceptable from certain groups. It is my view that we must challenge it be from a Imam or a white racist.

Abortion politics

This is a disgraceful and it is good to see that fellow Conservative MPs see it as such. Of course she does not want women to have a choice .

The decline of history

It is sad but this uncultured state education system is sadly destroying history whilst it is taught in private schools . We really have a substandard education system.

DVD sales slump

It seems that today I am blogging on new trends first it was the death of the bank branch but now it is the death of the DVD .

Banks closing branches

It is about time as not many people really use them and are not going to notice. You will always get a few people moaning .

Police state Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets has become a police state now. The Home Secretary should have allowed the march to go ahead and the local people do have a right to peacefully oppose it. It seems there is one rule for white racists and another one for bigoted Muslim clerics .

Don't ban the EDL

It is good to see that someone shares my views. Tower Hamlets cannot decide to ban one group of fanatics and let another one operate in public. Very few besides Gilligan have challenged the Islamic fanatics in Tower Hamlets .

JC on Ken

The Jewish Chronicle has got a article on Ken and the Mela. Ken is a fool and does not deserve to be Mayor .

Free speech dead in Tower Hamlets

I am not been fair it is alive and so is free speech but you have to be hate filled Muslim cleric .

Television Imam

I have heard some shocking news that one Imam has raised £100,000 from his television lectures. Good to know that people still listen to that rubbish.

Donating to Somalia

It is better than donating to the religious lower forms on TV who collect money .

Ken must be stopped

Ken Livingstone has to be stopped as he supports Rahman who has been exposed by Gilligan and also he is a back stabber who back stabbed the Labour Party and worked for Iranian TV.

ES on Channel S

It is good to see that the Evening Standard is reporting on the serious breach of Ofcom rule by Channel S which is a Rahman mouthpiece. I am impressed by Golds and the Tower Hamlets Conservative Party .

Channel S breach report

I have looked at the Ofcom website and did a Google search but I could not find anything on the breach by Channel S. Gilligan one of the best experts on Tower Hamlets has not updated his blog yet.

Channel S breached OIcom rules

Good to see that Chanel S has been reprimanded for breaching Ofcom rules. The excuse from Channel S could have come out of the Tower Hamlets Council book of excuses .


I thought that I would tackle this very interesting and at times a technical topic. What it boils down to is people who are under employed for example someone wanting a full time job doing a part time or doing casual contract work rather than a long term job .

Rioters not locals

It is not surprising considering that London has a excellent transport system and in some parts of London like Tower Hamlets it is easy to come and cause a riot .

No uni place go private

The Independent has a balanced and fair article on private colleges and clearing. Some of them will be cheaper than £9000 so go for it .

Grant Museum of Zoology

As part of my job I travel all over London not just Tower Hamlets but it may feel like it. I have been to many tourist attractions from the Wellcome Trust to the Whitechapel Art Gallery and the British Museum and the Imperial War Museum. The most unique one I have come across is the Grant Museum of Zoology as it does not have a gift shop and you have to work out what all the objects about which I don't have a clue on .

Take Saudi Arabia to the Hague

I was discussing the Guardian article which I discussed earlier and we both agreed that Saudi Arabia should be taken to the Hague for destroying pre Islamic and early Islamic heritage it is not just the heritage of a backward and morally bankrupt country but the heritage of the world.

Judicial review over EDL

Tower Hamlets does not believe in free speech as there is a lot of speech around and the council has done nothing about it. After all Gilligan said Tower Hamlets is no place for hate except the East London Mosque .

Rioters not been evicted in Tower Hamlets

This is not good as the council should be evicting the people who abuse the police and London instead of them letting them get away with it . Good old Tower Hamlets where crime does pay.

Tower Hamlets saving money at work

This is excellent news though more money could be saved if there was no limited print run for staff. Lying Together was a waste of money . Tower Hamlets Now hopefully will be scrapped to save even more money as staff don't need to be told what is going on but just do their jobs.

Saudi culture

It is good to see that the narrow minded illiberal extremist religious fanatics in Saudi Arabia are beginning to explore their culture and realise that there is more to that tin pot country than religion, oil and other things like 8 year old girls getting married .

Virgin Media and East London

Digging up more roads for the NHS .

Donor party

I have never heard of such a thing but women are taking it seriously .

Enterprising children

Good to see them doing some decent even in an evil bank .

Ken blaming everyone

Ken Livingstone should blame the people who caused the riots. To be fair a lot of the extremists and nutcases vote for him as Gilligan has proven and his political friend is the Mayor of Tower Hamlets .

Getting pregnant the new way

I have always been interested in stories like this and I am a bit bored with the EDL thing as I have discussed it on an off .

Banning the EDL

Those people are sadly mistaken if they think that a ban on the EDL will achieve anything in Tower Hamlets when we also have extremists in the East London Mosque which I have covered before .

Whitehall cover up

It seems that civil servants want to cover up what they are spending .

Overkill charity collections at Whitechapel

I am not sure if it s Muslim Aid or Islamic Relief but one of them had a lot of collectors for charity on Whitechapel Road and they got in the way as the place was really busy today.

Daily Best review of Sloan

This is a balanced view from the Daily Best and well worth reading .

Louise Sloan interview

I found it very interesting including reading some of the comments . It reminds of Anne Marie except that she had 2 by sperm donation .

Al Jazeera on riots

Al Jazeera English has a article on the riots and the Muslim reaction to them in Tower Hamlets .

Police in action over looters in Tower Hamlets

I have seen them in action 2 days in a row parked outside my house and one of my neighbors has been taken in .

Defending the community

It is good to see them defending the community. What happened when there were anti gay and Sharia law posters in Tower Hamlets ?

UK riots

There is a article about them on the Huffington Post website . Today in Tower Hamlets a lot of places were closed by 5PM and there were a lot more police than I have seen before. I even saw those heavy things which look like riot vans.

Riots in Tower Hamlets

I never knew that .

Shut down in Tower Hamlets

Most of the area was shut down today because of likely riots.

Voluntary curfew In Ealing

The Ealing Gazette is reporting that the police have issued a volutnary curfew in Ealing tonight. The police can do the same in Tower Hamlets when the EDL come to stop people in the local area fighting with them .

Murdoch academy backed

Personally the government is making a big mistake here .

Hospital merger

What could be the real reason behind the merger ?

A warning to the police

There is bound to be violence sooner or later in Tower Hamlets .


When is this heatwave going to be over as I feel like really hot now .

Tottenham riots

I am glad what is happening in Tottenham is not happening in Tower Hamlets. It is good TV though .

America loses AAA

Here is a article from Robert Peston the BBC Business Editor. It is only Standard and Poor's which has downgraded America but nevertheless it is very important. We have a government here that has prevented this from happening to us in the UK .

Murdoch academy

I have had no idea that he is sponsoring one in Tower Hamlets .

Piers Morgan on hacking

Oh dear this story has been ignored but that overpaid dumb clown at CNN has got a lot to answer. After all Rebekah is not the only cockroach in town . Who watches his bloody CNN show? Stupid people.

What public bodies own

Eric Pickles is a excellent government minister and he has been making the government more open and reducing costs. Some have opposed him. His department has published information on what public bodies and councils own. Sadly Tower Hamlets is not listed as far as I can see .


It is pathetic that this kind of thing should be happening in Tower Hamlets today. We got rid of the union parasites thanks to Murdoch the only good thing he ever did .

No need for alternatives to super sewer

Yes you heard right they can run it through town hall as all the layabouts in Tower Hamlets are there and they don't do very much work anyway .

Brain washing at the Mosque

It is Ramadan which is brain washing season at the Mosque been told morals by people who don't have any. I know of one Imam who has none but talks about them all the time.

Housing benefit cap hits 2000

Considering that rents in Tower Hamlets are very high this likely to be the impact .

Job losses made in China

Some people think that this article might be fake but if it is real than it is a worrying trend for future employment . I hope that Tower Hamlets employees can be replaced by machines.

Automation at banks

One of the reasons why bank workers are losing their jobs is to do with automation.

More cuts

500 jobs been cut are not enough. There are other cuts Tower Hamlets can make like all the money the Mayor wastes or better even more staff and of course East End Lies.

Twisted and sick

Those boys are twisted and sick and the judge was too lenient on them. He should have given them a harsher sentence and they should have turned on the man who gave them those posters. The religious nutcases in Tower Hamlets need to learn this is not acceptable behavior .