
Showing posts from September, 2009

No place

People shold control their breeding .

Switching schools

Leave Tower Hamlets .


Tower Hamlets makes me sick .


I sent them an email and have not got a reply on the questions I asked. Good old Tower Hamlets.

Waste politics

This is a whole pile of waste .

Strike settled

It has been settled at Tower Hamlets College .


Councilors stood up to East End Homes .

Waste of money

Deb Clarke did jack all.

Get over it

Nothing will be achieved .

Zee sweets

They are very good.

East End boys

Playing against each other .

Bus service

One for Tower Hamlets .

Hoax calls

Good thing that it has fallen in Tower Hamlets .

Tim Archer

Fighthing for your rights.

Lying bastards

They have been caught at it again .

Tower Hamlets recycle

They have left freecycle .


Tower Hamlets has done something right.


The head of lying at Tower Hamlets has gone to help after Baby P.


The protests at the college go on forever .

Bloody hell

Tower Hamlets are so dumb .

Missing money

What else is new in Tower Hamlets .


Tower Hamlets College is not at fault and the lecturers will have everyone turn against them .

Labour education

Just take a look at Tower Hamlets College .


The true cost of East End Liars. The money could be better spent.

Destroy Labour

I have been thinking about destroying it in Tower Hamlets. Any ideas?

Elected Mayor

What is left of Respect support an elected mayor .

Stupid Labour

The donkeys are now even sending emails. Let's hope they end up in jail.

Counting on you

Tower Hamlets is counting on you. You can't count on them.

Save money

Get rid of most of the donkeys who work at the council.


Youngsters have been given award so that they can be brought up to standard for the Olympic Games.

Cross rail

Boris has a on going commitment to it.


The scum are going to go on them even more.

Something decent

It is nice to know that something decent has been done .