
Showing posts from June, 2009

Londonmet strikes

I normally don't approve but this is an exceptional time.


Could get worse .


Those people know nothing. It them ages to come up with an accessable website .

News Interntaional

It has been brought down a peg or two.


Those lazy bastards at the council have done something right.


The mayor has been giving some out.


London is in the middle of one .

Deputy Mayor

Boris did the right thing but he had to give him a chance.


Met cutting back after abusing law .

College protest

The protests are now on BBC News. However they should fact check the college is in Tower Hamlets and not Newham.


The council has done something after complaints from people.

Blair Peach

He was working at a Tower Hamlets special school.

Robin Hood Gardens

Those architects need to get off their high horse. As it has been said if they want to save it why not go and live in it. I am total agreement with Phil Briscoe. Architects make me sick.

Worst start

What is new ?

Robin Hood estate

Thank god that they are getting rid of it and not listening to arhitects who want to look at it but not live in it.

Phil Briscoe

Way to go. It is so good that there are peopole like him in Tower Hamlets .


This is an alternative energy blog. It looks nice .

Right George

If you were to read the blog then you know that I am not a big fan of George. If there was a recall I would be organising one. However he is right on the amount of money been wasted on East End Liars.

Energy Bangla

An interesting website discussing the energy sector in Bangladesh .

More on Martin Smith

Conservative Home has more on it. Actually it is an earlier story but the comments are interesting.

I am shocked

It seems that the council gets from bad to worse. Michael Keating was once a councilor but now is a senior officer but another former councilor who tried to the candidate for Bethnal Green and Bow is now set to become Chief Executive. I am fed up with this rotten council and the lot of them deserve to lose their seat. I got a very rude letter from some bastard at legal services when he turned down my request for an FOI on Michael Keating.

Alternative power

Yahoo group for those interested in it .


Let us hope that they get rid of the religious dogs.

We support solar

Yes we do .


This is about the work that Barclays does with Solaraid .

More on Solaraid

They are part of globalgiving . They are also gold standard approved . I need a bit more detail about both.

Community payback

Maybe this is what councilors in Tower Hamlets should do .


Good news is that the great Baroness Uddin is going to be investigated for her second home allowance.


They have recycling in Tower Hamlets.

Something good at

It seems that Tower Hamlets children are good at something. It is not attending school .

Extreme weather

We already have dreadful hot weather for the last few days but it could get worse and we will have extreme weather by that time I will 100 or dead.

Latest moves

Let us hope it works and they don't go to strike.

College trouble

The funding cuts in Tower Hamlets are the fault of the government.

Unison links with Labour

I have always liked Dave Prentis as he lives in a world of his own. It will not make much difference as the moron Unison members go on strike against Labour councils. Hopefully Labour will make drastic cut backs and Unison will lose members (I mean scum) due to the credit crunch.

Pay off

This is disgusting the council are going to give him £500,000 payoff just because the bloody leader of Tower Hamlets Council does not want him back.


This is the Development Ratings verdict on them.

Solar power in Bangladesh

All his neighbours and cousions thought he was stupid. He showed them.

Twitter in Iran

It has played an important part and has led a grassroots revolt .

Lindsey Hilsum

She has got her own blog on Channel 4 News .


It seems that Tower Hamlets council has done some good .

A few good tweets

The solar cyle is interesting. Susanna Reid is hot and interesting.

School visit

They must have gotten lost as I would not go to a school in Tower Hamlets .

Freecycle cafe

Tower Hamlets Freecycle Cafe is a general discussion group for Tower Hamlets .

Iran elections

This is the wikipedia article on the elections in Iran. It is a joke and people should should stand up to it.


Well deserved for people .

Rotten Labour

The Labour Party in Tower Hamlets is really rotten that it has to be taken into special measures including all the donkey councilors restanding for election. Let us hope that this is enough to destroy Labour in Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets contracts

Let us hope that the contractors do the job and the council pay them on time.

Forced marriages

The police in this case did something rather than say it was a cultural thing. Good on them.

Postal strike

Follow on from Bob .

Bob Crow

It seems the bastard may get what the miners got under Arthur.

Martin Smith has more information on the behaviour of Tower Hamlets Council . The place is rotten to the core.

Who runs Tower Hamlets

Martin Smith may or may not return but the clowns will be there.


The police have seized dogs in Tower Hamlets as part of operation blunt 2.

Tube latest

Crow calls for talks . You can check the BBC for latest updates on travel .

Tube strike update

Here is a article from the Guardian . Not all tube staff are RMT morons but there are some good ones who are members of ASLEF . I was impressed by their leader who was more intelligent than Bob Crow and wanted to do a decent job and not strike for no reason.

Just Williams

Right on .

Tube strike

The Telegraph has a article about your rights. A story from the Telegraph about the strikes . Londonist has twits on the strike. Ian Dale has a powerful piece on it.

Tube strike

More updates. The Mail has a story . TfL has got the latest . I can't see anything from Boris today.

Tube strike

Dave Hilll has the latest personal views on the strike.

Tube strikes

It seems that out of all the comments I have read (I only read the first 3 pages) only one was in support . Here is the text of the email I sent to with the subject Boris. Sooner or later he is going to destroy the RMT. I hope it is sooner. Support solar power in the developing world.

RMT strike

The RMT union have decided to go on strike. Here is the justification from Bob Crow . Here is the response from the Mayor . Here is the news from BBC London . Just to let you know I will be blogging about this. I have never been a supporter of the RMT or Bob Crow and I hope that the Mayor can defeat the strike. If you have any news or views please get in contact with me.

Labour bucks trend

I was upsetting after reading this about Tower Hamlets .

Prizes for council tax

Well done to her . The real winners are the councils who are saving on admin costs and making money from one of the worst taxes. They provide low standard of services but still get taxes.


Tower Hamlets really is a disgrace . As you can see from this article that it is the personal thiefdom of the Labour Party. Elected officials from other parties have no idea what the suitation with the Chief Executive is. They have learned nothing from losing Bethanal Green and Bow. One odd thing in the article is that there is one respect councilor. I thought that they all left to join Labour.

EU elections

I thought that I would put my views here. I am happy to see that the Conservatives have won. Disgusted that the BNP have got 2 seats. I am glad to see what happened in Wales but not happy about the stupd Scottish. UKIP did really well. Nick Robinson on Labour firsts . His real story on the BNP win.

ESOL cutbacks

This is not good for Tower Hamlets College when more people should be learning English.

Election results

Last night was a mixed night due to the complicated system but the sad fact was that the Nazi's of the BNP won on a brighter note UKIP did well.

Euro 2009

Election results as they come in.

Parking bays

Always a problem. Get rid of the lot of them. No more complaints.

Donate solar

You can donate solar panels to schools in Tongo .

Brown should go

This time even Labour activists are saying so .

Dangerous dogs

Tower Hamlets taking a lead .

Missing drugs

Drugs have gone missing from the London Chess Hospital.

Hate crime

I hope it is not selective hate crime . I have never seen a Asian person been taken to task for racism against white people.

Latest political News

That creep Tony McNulty has resigned. Now it is time for his cow to do the same. I hope the police arrest him for fraud and the voters of Harrow East kick him out. Gordon Brown must be getting desperate to appoint someone like Glenys Kinnock to be Minister for Europe. He has been appointing a lot of people from the Lords. Talk about an elected government. There is another political backstabber at work this time it is Caroline Flint after backing Gordon she has now left. She, Hazel Blears and James Purnell seem to have a lot in common. I do have some understanding of Hazel but those 2 are a disgraceful pack of lying backstabbers.

George Galloway

Praising police. He has been quite on a lot of things .

Purnell resigns

Gordon has been loyal to him unlike Blears and he stabs him in the back .

Rotten council

Tower Hamlets have suspended a man who gave them for 4 stars . He should have married Tony McNulty like Christine Gilbert. Meanwhile Abdul Asad is running for the Labour Party as a MEP . He is 8 on the list so unless Labour wins all the seats he will stay on here. On the Labour London site it is pathetic as he does not have a website. Try harder.

Obama speech

This is the full text of it. Despite what people think he is a great speaker.

European elections

I have voted today.


I will be voting UKIP today.

Brown email

Labour MPs are passing around an email. Hopefully Gordon is going to go soon.

A great man

George Tiller performed abortions despite the hatred of right wingers. Abortions must be a choice for women.

Olympic contract

Let us hope they can do the work .

Jacque Smith

The cow has resigned .

Corrupting the young

Let us hope that this is not a future recruitment drive for the communications department at the council.

Olympic emplyment

Tower Hamlets not getting a fair share. To be fair it may not have the right people.

Poles see polls

They are going to see something interesting as there are talks about electoral fraud in the past in Tower Hamlets.