
Showing posts from 2009


I will check out Tower Hamlets history when I have time.


This looks interesting but needs some work done on it. I have chosen Latin . However you can read anything you like.

Well deserved

She deserves it for all the work that she is doing .


Goodbye to a decade and hello to a new one.

Cashback sites

Here is a website on them .

New years honours

Some people from Tower Hamlets are in it .

Computer Aid

You might be interested in this if you have a old computer going spare or something like that .


They are excellent as my computer is going to come earlier than I had expected it to come. Thank god.


I have not been discussing them for a while but they have been selected by the Times as part of their christmas appeal. It seems that even evil Murdoch does something good .

Film makers

A new scheme .

End of a decade

It is coming to an end and it has been great.

Helpful information

From Tower Hamlets Council .

Freedom pass

Finally got the letter months later.


I wonder what It holds for all of us?

More info

Here is more information on Victoria Park .

Victoria Park

More news .

Merry Christmas

To all at Tower Hamlets even the council.


Leaving Tower Hamlets .

Panto library

The real one is at the Town Hall .

Thames flooding

If the Thames floods you can see how likely you are to lose your home .


Does anyone know anywhere good in Tower Hamlets to get one or have it repaired? Any good sites on easy to understand information on computer maintence? I will post them here.

Life skills

It is a good thing that the kids in Tower Hamlets are been given it.

Vicky park

She needs money.

Zee points

They are amazing.

Art student killed

What a waste it is .

Grave yard

This is kind of interesting .


It is cold and freezing here but no snow.

Rent a cop

We need real ones not rent a cops .


One of the few things Tower Hamlets is good at .

Don't give a toss

They are so pathetic .

Summer university

Waste of time .


The union barons have been given a good kicking .


It does work in Tower Hamlets .

Too far

Even the Northern donkey thinks so .


What does he know ?

Hiding in London

Along with many other illegals .


They should just resign . I have had enough of those morons.

A brave stand

Rare for Tower Hamlets .

Not sure

This is strange .

Planning meeting

Things might hot up.


I am not sure if it is a good idea or not.

Fat kids

Must be all those kebabs ?


They should not be there in the first place .

Study UK colleges

They are good at providing a good education .

It must be true

After all Ofsted never makes mistakes .

Dogs seized

Good .

More powers

Why bother ?


Please sign this important one .

Bloody Balls

Praising Tower Hamlets .

College cricket

The students go home after class .


If you live in Tower Hamlets you that not to be the case. Baby Peter lived in a 3 star council.

Housing list

You would be dead before get a home.

Councilors decide

Their tiny little brains might hurt.

Bound to happen

I am not making any accusations but people do dodge them.


It is about time.

Mayor costs

Mayor is going to cost Tower Hamlets a fortune .

Christmas appeal

The Times are doing something good.

A joke

I am disgusted that the council is still seen as excellent.


Spend the money on something else.


They are listening to the public .

Right on

Tell the bastards the truth. It must hurt the scum to know people know the truth about East End Liars.


The bastards running Londonmet should all resign .


More on the evil bastards .

Little known

Hardly anybody knows about it.

Waste of time

Need I say more ?

Caught lying

Good old Tower Hamlets .

Child poverty

I thought that the council was increasing not reducing it.

Council tax

None of it is worth it.

Dead market

Who gives a fuck .

Bloody con

It is enough to make you sick .

Olympic legay

Have your say .

Police bravery

It has been praised .

Dark ages

Some people in Tower Hamlets are stuck in them .


News International . Need I say more.

Spending money rightly

It is a miracle .


Helping medical research .

Halal meat

Asda should be offering choice.

Too right

We should remember our war dead.


The council failed so someone had to step in.


I am not going to take part in this comedy act.


It took those bastards that long to figure this out.

Cashback site

I am in the process of setting one up.

Beefeater bullying

Thinking about them makes me hungry .


That is Christine Gilbert for you.


There are some in East London .

Family swimming

2 people go free. Something from Tower Hamlets .

Another fight

This could go on for years .

Bad colleges

It is important to note that there are good colleges as well.

Postal strike

The advertiser is doing a survey in Tower Hamlets .

Recruitment event

What a waste of time from Tower Hamlets Council.

School sports

Local schools have done well.

I am upset

It is not right for the trust to be fined for a IT blunder .

Talk is cheap

He is on air so often I am surprised he does anything .

Busines reaction

To the CWU strike. Let us hope the CWU is broken up after this.


It is disgusting to see this 20% rise in Tower Hamlets .


He left Tower Hamlets to commit it.


The clowns in Swan and Tower Hamlets don't listen to residents.

Tower Hamlets WFC

They have exited the woman's cup.

Freedom pass

Tower Hamlets are way behind in dealing with them.

What a disgrace

After a pay off Martin Smith has got a job in Ealing .

Canal zone

To protect Limehouse. Not really worth it.

John Biggs

I can't stand him.

Recruitment fare

It was a big one not even expected by the council .

Teacher visit

Teachers from Bangladesh visiting Tower Hamlets .

Someone sees sense

It seems that someone has seen sense on papers like East End Liars. We can sack the journalists and save money.


Why bother protecting any part of Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets College

Strikers interviewed. It is interesting .

Columbus Tower

Boris backs it against the wishes of the council .


Tower Hamlets going back on it's word.

Government visit

From a minister I have never heard of.


Sha was praying to win the next election .

Not happy

I was watching American sweethearts and Film4 restarted it.

School changes

Good old Ofsted .

A miracle

They do happen in Tower Hamlets .

Boycott Boycott

I can't stand her.

No place

People shold control their breeding .

Switching schools

Leave Tower Hamlets .


Tower Hamlets makes me sick .


I sent them an email and have not got a reply on the questions I asked. Good old Tower Hamlets.

Waste politics

This is a whole pile of waste .

Strike settled

It has been settled at Tower Hamlets College .


Councilors stood up to East End Homes .

Waste of money

Deb Clarke did jack all.

Get over it

Nothing will be achieved .

Zee sweets

They are very good.

East End boys

Playing against each other .

Bus service

One for Tower Hamlets .

Hoax calls

Good thing that it has fallen in Tower Hamlets .

Tim Archer

Fighthing for your rights.

Lying bastards

They have been caught at it again .

Tower Hamlets recycle

They have left freecycle .


Tower Hamlets has done something right.


The head of lying at Tower Hamlets has gone to help after Baby P.


The protests at the college go on forever .

Bloody hell

Tower Hamlets are so dumb .

Missing money

What else is new in Tower Hamlets .


Tower Hamlets College is not at fault and the lecturers will have everyone turn against them .

Labour education

Just take a look at Tower Hamlets College .


The true cost of East End Liars. The money could be better spent.

Destroy Labour

I have been thinking about destroying it in Tower Hamlets. Any ideas?

Elected Mayor

What is left of Respect support an elected mayor .

Stupid Labour

The donkeys are now even sending emails. Let's hope they end up in jail.

Counting on you

Tower Hamlets is counting on you. You can't count on them.

Save money

Get rid of most of the donkeys who work at the council.


Youngsters have been given award so that they can be brought up to standard for the Olympic Games.

Cross rail

Boris has a on going commitment to it.


The scum are going to go on them even more.

Something decent

It is nice to know that something decent has been done .


It is the worst in the country in Newham .


New stamps are tribute to firefighers.

GCSE truths

Truths behind the GCSE results in Tower Hamlets .

Postal strikes

This site has a listing .

Stop moaning

The work has to be done .

Witch hunt

It is about time and hopefully many will be axed .

Planning action

Boris Johsnon is taking action good or bad not sure .


The college staff want to strike and the police are upholding a dumb law.

Ocean estate

Work has started on it.

The game is up

It seems that the good days are over for local councils .

Lecturers strike

More on it.


At Tower Hamlets College all the money goes to schools.

Jim has support

He has support from the community .

Gay bashing

Tower Hamlets style .

Good passes

The college is still rubbish .

Gay rights

The mosque authorities seem to be avoiding some of the issues by side stepping them. Notice in the list gay is not one of those things they defend.

Something good

Tower Hamlets PCT have done something good but they needed the hel of Whizz Kids .

Improving Tower Hamlets

It has been happening all the time .

Swine flu

On the way down .


Conservative Party are looking for some to defeat this corrupt council.

Goodman's Fields

Boris has put his feet down.

The people's view

It does not matter as it is not the view of the Labour Party .

Linux group

There is a possible user group to be set up in Tower Hamlets .

Global fellowship

2 students from Tower Hamlets have been chosen. Well done to them both.

NEET scheme

City Gateway have launched one in Tower Hamlets .

Jim Fitzpatrick

What does the Telegraph have against him?


Tower Hamlets is on top for spending . Amazing.


Is been punished for giving consumers a good deal. BTW if you email me your email address than I get a fee for referring you.

Headline says it all

Yes for once it does say all aboout the council .

Missing the point

He is missing the point as he has nothing to gain politically and in fact will lose votes to Galloway.

Jim was right

I agree with what Jim Fitzpatrick has done . The wikipedia article on the East London Mosque has said it might have played a part in the election of George . Plus it is not helpful to him as he may suffer for standing up for his beliefs due to the large number of Muslims in his area. Islam is not united . It took sometime to find this article.

Oral cancer

There is a sharp rise in East End.


It is good to see the kids doing something productive .

Pakistan reality

It seems that Imran Khan is not a god everywhere .

Great idea

Except it is stupid and pointless .

Another country

It feels like it.

Bexley libraries

I went to one today with a colleague of mine and it was good as you could print by paying per item rather than buying a card which is a con and the staff were professional.

Park rangers

Don't they have any proper work to do in Tower Hamlets ?

Way overdue

The book maybe overdue but she will not be fined .

Failing schools

Most schools in Tower Hamlets are failing.

Bad people

We have a lot of them here in Tower Hamlets .

Park lessons

Kids can't wait but let us hope that certain things that happen in other parks don't happen there including dangerous dogs. Needless to say that there was a murder there once.

Vicky park

Why ask when Tower Hamlets Council know the answers ?

Gay Bengali's

There are a lot in Tower Hamlets .

Sunday Times

If that old goat expects people to pay to read then he is a dumb bastard .


Local people make me sick.

Twestival London

Sadly Solaraid have not been one of the top 4 . It is a shame but they can't win everything hopefully the extra attention will benefit them.

Free places

Come on kids grab it.

Jim Fitzpatrick

Unlike George he works .

Sexual health

It is a tragic thing but it is awful in Tower Hamlets .


The poorer people are more honest.

What a disgrace

The Labour Party will not trust them but they get to decide on the political system for Tower Hamlets. The whole thing is rotten to the core. They will come up with a system that they want. If we elected a Mayor none of the donkeys would get in.

Idea debate

The great Idea Store debate continues in Tower Hamlets . It is a shame that they called it an idea store for a area where people have no ideas.

Twestival London charity

I am going for Solaraid there are a number of reasons but the main one is I believe in them. It will be a difficult choice to decide.

Fuel bills

People in Tower Hamlets need support.

Harriet Harman

The cow defents Trevor .

Thank Tower Hamlets

Not very likely in this day and age.

Get a life

The writer of this article needs to get one.

Pest control

Maybe they should get a contract to control the pest in the council offices.

Freedom pass

I got a letter about the disabled people's freedom pass but it was not exactly helpful or informative. Mind you this is Tower Hamlets Council. I now have to get a CV1.

High street 2012

We have enough bloody high street in Tower Hamlets .


Can't they find a room .

Living Streets

It is about time we had a branch in Tower Hamlets .

Oh god

It seems that the fools in Tower Hamlets have to be reached through the mosque. What about the increasing numbers that don't go to the mosque? Never mind that is not something they want to discuss.

Organic con

The great organic food con .


Children from Tower Hamlets will be taking part.

The truth

Residents know it but Tower Hamlets wont admit.

Board members

Tower Hamlets Homes need a board memeber. I hope they stop the waste.

Top secret

The place where they give out the flu medicine in Tower Hamlets is kept top secret.

Gilligan is right

I am not a big fan but he is right on this issue. I cannot believe that Chris Payne even for a council employee can be that dumb to tell the truth .

Outdoor gym

People in Tower Hamlets will either freeze to death or burn to death.


Treehugger has an interesting article on the progress made by them.

Cut backs

With the current crisis in this world maybe it is about time that we saw budget cuts in Tower Hamlets. We can start off with communications and East End Lies then we can ask the council leader to pay back the £500,000 for the regisnation of Martin Smith. Even better the London Labour Party paies.

Disabled jobs Uk

This group is now back under control and has been for sometime.


They have finally updated their website

Talkng rubbish

There is a lot of reasons but George does not understand any of them. Mind you he did say he came back for his radio shows.

Political grave

Maybe we should politically end the careers of council leaders and officers there. I am not in favour the death penalty but just a ceremony where they are shamed. They deserve that in Tower Hamlets .

Still on top

When it comes to swine flu followed by Islington. Good old Tower Hamlets .

Wants to work for Tower Hamlets

People like her make me sick. She wants to do nothing and sit on her ass all day long.

Baghdad birth

This woman would rather have a baby in Baghdad than Tower Hamlets .

Stupid people

They are ignoring the rules to stop the spread of swine flu.

Hugh Barnard

He has an interesting blog and is also concerned about some of the practices of Tower Hamlets Council including East End Lies.


I hope that Milburn is never seen again. This is New Labour garbage after been in power for 12 years and you can tell so when Polly Toynbee agrees.

Centre praised

The centre is not named in the article.

Renewable energy in Afghanistan

Good to see Afghan Aid doing this important work.


What an interesting idea.

National Childbirth Trust

The people there should not be giving out wrong advise.

DWP corruption

The DWP have a website dedicated to the lazy way that they are ran.

Planning notices

I have got a planning notice today. I can barely read it due to the typeface. Maybe the council does not want any objections.

Done it again

Tower Hamlets is the swine flu capital of the UK.

Christine Muskett

She is looking forward to the fresh air . James and Gareth are also brave joining her. She has now more than achieved her target.

Swine flu

Channel4 News shows that it is not as rosy as it appears to be and in some cases it is worser than terrorism.

Education cuts

It is disgraceful when Balls is spending millions on children that further and higher education face real cuts.

Olympic jobs

There is a pledge to find jobs for local people.

Smoking ban

It has been banned in Mile End Park.


All out strike vote at Tower Hamlets College.

Free stuff

If you type in EF3 than you get free goodies from British Gas.

Waste of money

The place should be allowed to decline naturally.

Obese children

More on the children that make me proud.


In a house party in Tower Hamlets.

Fuel poverty

Due to green power.

Tower blocks

An interesting view from UTV .

Donate free

Aid to children allows you to donate for free just by playing a word game.

I am proud

I am proud of those kids from Tower Hamlets .

Baby mum

More on the story I covered yesterday.

Christine Muskett

Brave Christine is doing a bike for 1,000 miles. I would urge you to support her. I know her and she is dedicated and a bit crazy to do this . Good luck Christine.


The kind of things that go on in Tower Hamlets .

Athletics club

I don't know much about this .

Safety checks

Let us hope that they are properly carried out in Tower Hamlets .

Swine flu

Massive panic caused.

London memorial

It is about time .


Worst queues for poor patients.


The nazi state does let children have some fun.

Good luck

They are going to need it.

Victoria park

Strange art.


It is still summer here.


Those dogs in Iran are out of control.

Caught red handed

Thank you Phil .

Future solar

Some good news at last. People in Dhaka to get solar.

Smith leaves

Though those bastards won't give a reason . We know why Tower Hamlets Labour donkeys.

Newspapers from Bangladesh

Quite a useful read in the English language.

London heatwave

It was not that hot in London but boy it feels hot.

In the heat

I will be outside today working in the Londonn heat.


It has been raised to level 3.

Londonmet strikes

I normally don't approve but this is an exceptional time.


Could get worse .


Those people know nothing. It them ages to come up with an accessable website .

News Interntaional

It has been brought down a peg or two.


Those lazy bastards at the council have done something right.


The mayor has been giving some out.


London is in the middle of one .

Deputy Mayor

Boris did the right thing but he had to give him a chance.


Met cutting back after abusing law .

College protest

The protests are now on BBC News. However they should fact check the college is in Tower Hamlets and not Newham.


The council has done something after complaints from people.

Blair Peach

He was working at a Tower Hamlets special school.

Robin Hood Gardens

Those architects need to get off their high horse. As it has been said if they want to save it why not go and live in it. I am total agreement with Phil Briscoe. Architects make me sick.

Worst start

What is new ?

Robin Hood estate

Thank god that they are getting rid of it and not listening to arhitects who want to look at it but not live in it.

Phil Briscoe

Way to go. It is so good that there are peopole like him in Tower Hamlets .


This is an alternative energy blog. It looks nice .

Right George

If you were to read the blog then you know that I am not a big fan of George. If there was a recall I would be organising one. However he is right on the amount of money been wasted on East End Liars.

Energy Bangla

An interesting website discussing the energy sector in Bangladesh .

More on Martin Smith

Conservative Home has more on it. Actually it is an earlier story but the comments are interesting.

I am shocked

It seems that the council gets from bad to worse. Michael Keating was once a councilor but now is a senior officer but another former councilor who tried to the candidate for Bethnal Green and Bow is now set to become Chief Executive. I am fed up with this rotten council and the lot of them deserve to lose their seat. I got a very rude letter from some bastard at legal services when he turned down my request for an FOI on Michael Keating.

Alternative power

Yahoo group for those interested in it .


Let us hope that they get rid of the religious dogs.

We support solar

Yes we do .


This is about the work that Barclays does with Solaraid .

More on Solaraid

They are part of globalgiving . They are also gold standard approved . I need a bit more detail about both.

Community payback

Maybe this is what councilors in Tower Hamlets should do .


Good news is that the great Baroness Uddin is going to be investigated for her second home allowance.


They have recycling in Tower Hamlets.

Something good at

It seems that Tower Hamlets children are good at something. It is not attending school .

Extreme weather

We already have dreadful hot weather for the last few days but it could get worse and we will have extreme weather by that time I will 100 or dead.

Latest moves

Let us hope it works and they don't go to strike.

College trouble

The funding cuts in Tower Hamlets are the fault of the government.

Unison links with Labour

I have always liked Dave Prentis as he lives in a world of his own. It will not make much difference as the moron Unison members go on strike against Labour councils. Hopefully Labour will make drastic cut backs and Unison will lose members (I mean scum) due to the credit crunch.

Pay off

This is disgusting the council are going to give him £500,000 payoff just because the bloody leader of Tower Hamlets Council does not want him back.


This is the Development Ratings verdict on them.

Solar power in Bangladesh

All his neighbours and cousions thought he was stupid. He showed them.

Twitter in Iran

It has played an important part and has led a grassroots revolt .

Lindsey Hilsum

She has got her own blog on Channel 4 News .


It seems that Tower Hamlets council has done some good .

A few good tweets

The solar cyle is interesting. Susanna Reid is hot and interesting.

School visit

They must have gotten lost as I would not go to a school in Tower Hamlets .

Freecycle cafe

Tower Hamlets Freecycle Cafe is a general discussion group for Tower Hamlets .

Iran elections

This is the wikipedia article on the elections in Iran. It is a joke and people should should stand up to it.


Well deserved for people .

Rotten Labour

The Labour Party in Tower Hamlets is really rotten that it has to be taken into special measures including all the donkey councilors restanding for election. Let us hope that this is enough to destroy Labour in Tower Hamlets .

Tower Hamlets contracts

Let us hope that the contractors do the job and the council pay them on time.

Forced marriages

The police in this case did something rather than say it was a cultural thing. Good on them.

Postal strike

Follow on from Bob .

Bob Crow

It seems the bastard may get what the miners got under Arthur.

Martin Smith has more information on the behaviour of Tower Hamlets Council . The place is rotten to the core.

Who runs Tower Hamlets

Martin Smith may or may not return but the clowns will be there.


The police have seized dogs in Tower Hamlets as part of operation blunt 2.

Tube latest

Crow calls for talks . You can check the BBC for latest updates on travel .

Tube strike update

Here is a article from the Guardian . Not all tube staff are RMT morons but there are some good ones who are members of ASLEF . I was impressed by their leader who was more intelligent than Bob Crow and wanted to do a decent job and not strike for no reason.

Just Williams

Right on .

Tube strike

The Telegraph has a article about your rights. A story from the Telegraph about the strikes . Londonist has twits on the strike. Ian Dale has a powerful piece on it.

Tube strike

More updates. The Mail has a story . TfL has got the latest . I can't see anything from Boris today.

Tube strike

Dave Hilll has the latest personal views on the strike.

Tube strikes

It seems that out of all the comments I have read (I only read the first 3 pages) only one was in support . Here is the text of the email I sent to with the subject Boris. Sooner or later he is going to destroy the RMT. I hope it is sooner. Support solar power in the developing world.

RMT strike

The RMT union have decided to go on strike. Here is the justification from Bob Crow . Here is the response from the Mayor . Here is the news from BBC London . Just to let you know I will be blogging about this. I have never been a supporter of the RMT or Bob Crow and I hope that the Mayor can defeat the strike. If you have any news or views please get in contact with me.

Labour bucks trend

I was upsetting after reading this about Tower Hamlets .

Prizes for council tax

Well done to her . The real winners are the councils who are saving on admin costs and making money from one of the worst taxes. They provide low standard of services but still get taxes.


Tower Hamlets really is a disgrace . As you can see from this article that it is the personal thiefdom of the Labour Party. Elected officials from other parties have no idea what the suitation with the Chief Executive is. They have learned nothing from losing Bethanal Green and Bow. One odd thing in the article is that there is one respect councilor. I thought that they all left to join Labour.

EU elections

I thought that I would put my views here. I am happy to see that the Conservatives have won. Disgusted that the BNP have got 2 seats. I am glad to see what happened in Wales but not happy about the stupd Scottish. UKIP did really well. Nick Robinson on Labour firsts . His real story on the BNP win.

ESOL cutbacks

This is not good for Tower Hamlets College when more people should be learning English.

Election results

Last night was a mixed night due to the complicated system but the sad fact was that the Nazi's of the BNP won on a brighter note UKIP did well.

Euro 2009

Election results as they come in.

Parking bays

Always a problem. Get rid of the lot of them. No more complaints.

Donate solar

You can donate solar panels to schools in Tongo .

Brown should go

This time even Labour activists are saying so .

Dangerous dogs

Tower Hamlets taking a lead .

Missing drugs

Drugs have gone missing from the London Chess Hospital.

Hate crime

I hope it is not selective hate crime . I have never seen a Asian person been taken to task for racism against white people.

Latest political News

That creep Tony McNulty has resigned. Now it is time for his cow to do the same. I hope the police arrest him for fraud and the voters of Harrow East kick him out. Gordon Brown must be getting desperate to appoint someone like Glenys Kinnock to be Minister for Europe. He has been appointing a lot of people from the Lords. Talk about an elected government. There is another political backstabber at work this time it is Caroline Flint after backing Gordon she has now left. She, Hazel Blears and James Purnell seem to have a lot in common. I do have some understanding of Hazel but those 2 are a disgraceful pack of lying backstabbers.

George Galloway

Praising police. He has been quite on a lot of things .

Purnell resigns

Gordon has been loyal to him unlike Blears and he stabs him in the back .

Rotten council

Tower Hamlets have suspended a man who gave them for 4 stars . He should have married Tony McNulty like Christine Gilbert. Meanwhile Abdul Asad is running for the Labour Party as a MEP . He is 8 on the list so unless Labour wins all the seats he will stay on here. On the Labour London site it is pathetic as he does not have a website. Try harder.

Obama speech

This is the full text of it. Despite what people think he is a great speaker.

European elections

I have voted today.


I will be voting UKIP today.

Brown email

Labour MPs are passing around an email. Hopefully Gordon is going to go soon.

A great man

George Tiller performed abortions despite the hatred of right wingers. Abortions must be a choice for women.

Olympic contract

Let us hope they can do the work .

Jacque Smith

The cow has resigned .

Corrupting the young

Let us hope that this is not a future recruitment drive for the communications department at the council.

Olympic emplyment

Tower Hamlets not getting a fair share. To be fair it may not have the right people.

Poles see polls

They are going to see something interesting as there are talks about electoral fraud in the past in Tower Hamlets.

Bad air

4400 people in London die from it early.

2 new charity websites

I thought that people might find Email charity and Donatebot interesting.

Total solar

Looks interesting but don't know much about it.

Swine flu

It is now in Tower Hamlets.

Oil price

It is currently over $64. I am really keen on it going up.

Solar power in Africa

You can support it .

Buy solar

Oxfam and Solaraid allow you to buy solar for the third world. If there are anymore let me know.

They decide

It is supposed to be called you decide but with Tower Hamlets we know the answer. As a resident I had no knolwedge of this.

Renewable energy guide

You can get renewable energy including solar power in places like Afghanistan.

Grameen Shakti

The Daily Star has an interesting story on Grameen Shakti . It does not say much about the equipment used. Any information would be appreciated.

Knife crime

Todd Carty and Tower Hamlets kids making anit knife crime film.

PCT spending

More news this time .

Spot on

This is one of the best articles around for sometime.

Fishmonger caught

They may have caught him but the biggest stink comes from the council .

Underground cops

Far better off in the buses and Newham.

London poverty

It is good to know that places like Tower Hamlets do have some achievements.

Electronic gagets

Use of them is bad for the enviornment as well as causing a power gap.

Real Eastenders

I thought that they had gone ages ago to be replaced by the current crop of morons.

More on Nadine

This is a fair and honest look at the case of Nadine Dorries. It has excellent links on the Barclay Twins.

Oh god

This rodent is going to challenge Nadine. Just like Esther it is about time all celebrities grew up.

What is new

So there is a hint that the promotion of the deputy CEO in Tower Hamlets was dodgy. That is not all everyone knows it is a rotten place after all George Galloway gave Christine Gilbert whose husband claimed a second homes allowance for Harrow of all places a right talking to when he won. It is about time we got rid of the parasites.

More details

Dizzy has more details on the Nadine Dorries site been taken down.

Nadine Dorries

Her blog has been taken off. I am going to put 3 views on. Note I am a big fan of hers and I don't believe that she did anything wrong besides make a few mistakes and get on the wrong side of the Barclay twins like the people of Sark. Guido thinks she has lost the plot. Craig Murray thinks she is corrupt but the Barclays are worser. Ian Dale is the only fair one.

Esther Rantzen

We have a has been TV presenter wanting to be an MP. We already have a celebrity MP in Tower Hamlets and I can't stand him. BTW in the last article I was refering to George Galloway (the above MP) and Derek Conway.

Press TV

This government funded channel employs Galloway and Conway 2 bad MPs.

Wolfram Alpha

This looks like a promising exciting new search engine.

2012 Olympics

There is a row over whether athletes will stay in Tower Hamlets or Harrow. Harrow seems to be a good place to spread the games .

Nadine Dorries

What a good MP she is I don't agree with her on everything but the woman has guts .

Good on you Boris

Boris J ohnson and the London Assembly are trying to stop BNP London Assembly member Richard Barnbrook and his party boss Nick Griffin from attending a Buckingham Palace tea party.

Missing the point

I could not read very much as he was missing the point as usual.

Membership cards

Let's hope that those cards from Tower Hamlets are not ran in the same way as the freedom pass for disabled.

Cashback sites

Which one is the best? The reason is that there is so many of them out there.

More on East End Life

There is trouble in Tower Hamlets as others including Liberal Democrats and Galloway smell blood. Hopefully something will come out of it.

Tower Hamlets PCT wasting money

What is new except the fact that Ministers think it is a good PCT. They should try living here. I have become more and more concerned about public sector since writing this blog. You can see why. I will never vote Labour.

East End Liars caught lying

It is amazing what the local paper in Tower Hamlets will do. As the Liberal Democrats argue it is not a real newspaper . See what the East London Advertiser the only true newspaper in Tower Hamlets have to say . The complaint will go nowhere and she may get promoted. Lying pays in Tower Hamlets or been married to one like Christine Gilbert and Tony McNulty.

Speaker to stand down

Michael Martin is to stand down as speaker . Martin is only a small part of the problem and yet he is getting a lot of press. I am worried to see that the local Tower Hamlets resident Baroness Uddin has recieved very little coverage. I will bring as much as I have for you. I did a brief google news search and got about 150 articles with the key search word Baroness Uddin. I will not let it pass by as she should be named and shamed.

Recession and deprived kids

There is nothing new about the East End from this new report by the Princes Trust. Living in Tower Hamlets I could have told them that for free.


What is going on? There is a credit crunch but there is another redevelopment programme and this time it is at Bow.

Spitalfields Housing Association

Hopefully they are going to kick out Baroness Uddin .

Big brother councils

I find it disgusting . Maybe someone should spy on the councils to see how much work the officers do. They will find a lot of lazy people.

Baroness Uddin

It gets better . Now her housing association, Lords and the police are investigating. I thought what the Conservative leader in Tower Hamlets said was spot on. I will be keeping you up to date. I fail to understand how a member of the Lords can get expenses as they have no one to represent?

A joke

Standards must have been very low for Tower Hamlets to get the award.

Jouranlists expenses

I did a google news search but I could not find anything. Any dirt will be appreciated.

Rubbish website but you can support charity through insurance. The site design is not the most important thing.


Another joke from Tower Hamlets .

The fight back begins

If you have any dirt on BBC or Telegraph expenses then you can email or Meanwhile Nadine Dorries has started to launch an effective attack on them. I quite fancy her to be honest. Phil Woolas was also raising some of the issues.

Stephen Fry

Whilst many don't agree with him. I do. Good on you mate.

What a joke

Tower Hamlets offering good customer service.

Financial problems

Why is it that banks and other financial providers have problems in managing people's accounts or have unreasonable policies on things like dealing with ID?

BBC losing it's way

I have 2 articles which I thought are of interest. One of them is that the BBC will be cutting back on business news. This is disgraceful as business news should be a growth area due to the credit crunch. On the same article they are moving people to Salford. Surely Hazel Blears does not need that many people spying on her. Jonathan Dimbleby is a brave man. He backs up what others including Robert Fisk have said. It is about time that Carrie Gracie and others salaries were put back into news.

Carrie Gracie

It took sometime to get it but believe me it was worth it. The scandal it has for example in the comments that dumb woman Polly Toynbee earns over £100,000 a year. I wonder how much Zoe Williams earns? Carrie is a second rate hack. It is not on the front page. Maybe because people are getting to ask difficult questions about pay in the Guardian.

Good old Prince Charles

It is about time someone told those architects what is what. In Tower Hamlets they have buildings which are nice but not easy to use. Will Alsop is going to boycott. I say let's boycott him.

Nick Clegg

I can't stand the parasite and I will never ever vote Lib Dems with him in charge.

Electronic audio books

Does anyone have any information on them. Tower Hamlets does not have electronic audio books in the libraries. What I mean is audio books you can get from the net.

Best local newspaper

It is in Tower Hamlets . It is not the council run free rag but the East London Advertiser. Well done.


There has been talk about MPs expenses. What about the expenses of the senior management and councilors in Tower Hamlets? As you have been reading there is some dirt on the waste of money in the council for example East End Liars.

What a lot of rubbish

Tower Hamlets is going to reduce child poverty. I have not seen anything but then I am not stupid like the council.

Losing the plot

That brain dead Australian bastard wants us to pay. We will never ever pay to read newspapers. He maybe spending too much time with his young wife or even phone sex with Bill O'Reily. Just in case anyone wants to see I was joking.

Londonmet strike

Please support it to save Londonmet .

Coiuncilors milking it

Tower Hamlets Councilors are the not the worst offenders. It is Enfield . All that money been wasted.

South London swine flu

It is only a matter of time before it comes to Tower Hamlets.

Save Londonmet

I am not a big fan of the union movement espicially Unison but desperate times for call desperate measures. Due to the screw up by Roper and that creep Floud London Metropolitan University which has a large presense in Tower Hamlets, City and Islington is in deep trouble and the 2 creeps are no longer there. I am alumni of Londonmet. Londonmet does have other interests for example awarding external degrees to the students of Rhodec which does bring in some money as well as offering courses through partner colleges in Bangladesh. There will be a lot of job looses and the effects can be seen as I did not get a newsletter this month due to a shortage of staff.

Dodgey Labour

So she is claiming a second home allownace whilst living in Inner London. She like Tower Hamlets Council is taking the piss.

Expat bank accounts

In this global world the thread poses some very interesting questions. I know a lot of people in Tower Hmalets who have bank accounts in Bangladesh.

Anglo Irish Bank

They are really good despite having some problems they have resovled it and offered me compensation and a goodwill gesture which means I will get interest back dated. Note: Even though they are not part of the UK scheme it is not likely you will loose money.

Successful clean up

Now all we have to do is wait for the next election to clean up Tower Hamlets Council .

Flu in Tower Hamlets

It is not the real thing but a game .


This time it is not Tower Hamlets Council .

London ponders future

London is pondering it's future as a financial area including Tower Hamlets .

Pairs style bikes

They are going to be using them in London .

Sex education

Let's hope in Tower Hamlets we don't Islamic sex education.

Say no 0870

The following is from the website . Many people don't realise that there are many phone providers offering cheaper calls to standard telephone numbers (those beginning with 01, 02 or 03), which don't apply to 0844, 0845, 0870 or 0871 telephone numbers. - Please see the links page and click on Cheapest Call Provider for price details. This shows that by using multiple providers, you can reduce your call cost on standard telephone numbers to as little as 5p fixed cost (regardless of duration), whereas the cheapest provider to 0870 numbers during the day that I am aware of charges 5p/min (+ 7p connection fee) to call. Worst still some companies that use these numbers are actually receiving a cut of the phone call costs. If you have an 'inclusive landline calls' phone package, then it is very rare that 0844, 0845, 0870, or 0871 numbers are are included in your 'free minutes' allocation, unlike normal numbers. Many mobile phone packages also exclude freephone 0800...

Tower Hamlets bloggers

It is good that people are blogging as the council will not listen to them and to be fair does not listen to residents.


Tower Hamlets Council and their contractors did a great injustice. They took 1 rubbish bag instead of the 4 that they were meant to take. Anway after filing a complaint to the great council. They have been reasonable and agreed to take the other 3 on Monday. It seems Tower Hamlets are sometimes open to reason. I also have some great news. United Bank Limted are a great bank.

ELQ policy

Finally one place which has got good information .

Council newspapers the truth

I am not a big fan of Roy but he does sometimes report on valueable things like the truth about council newspapers including the costs associated with things like East End Liars and the threat to the local paper as well as the rubbish they publish on behalf of Tower Hamlets.

Schools closed for religious holidays

For once I am going to defend the council . Tower Hamlets closes the schools because the majority of children will not attend school due to the religious day. As for the website the Christian Instituite is the kind of people who attack gay people.

Kevin Maguire should be fired

I do understand that the Daily Mirror is aimed at people of limited intelligence and Kevin is supposed to cater to that market but surely with him breaking journalistic ethics he should be fired along with all the jounalists who took part in the meeting with Labour and Unite the Union scum.


How rich . Considering that the new Idea Stores in Tower Hamlets have no natural air and the staff at the counter have to have fans on. This is the same mean council in order to avoid paying electricity bills banned it's staff from having Christmas decorations. Tower Hamlets really just wants to save money and is using the enviornment as an excause.

Kevin Maguire

The Daily Mirror's Nothern donkey seems to be a bad journalist as he has been working for the Labour Party and not reporting on what is going on there. He should remember that the readers of the Mirror expect news not Labour Northern donkeys. He reminds me of another former journalist Alistair Campbell. There are people saying they will never read the Mirror again. He can always edit East End Liars for Tower Hamlets.

Crime reducation

I have seen crime go up in my area but then the police are not interested in most of the crimes in Tower Hamlets .

Asian racism

I have noticed that there is a lot of racism by the Asian community in Tower Hamlets against the native population. This comes from people who know nothing about this country and the scum can't even be bothered to speak English.

Waste of money

Conducting this research in this way is a waste of money and I doubt that people will tell them anything. Tower Hamlets is good at wasting money.

Be afraid

Tower Hamlets is going to help with the smooth running of the London Marathon. Let us hope the workers don't sleep on the job.

FSA tables

I have started to use them to see what the best bank accounts are. I can say that you are going to be surprised at the results .

Redesigning crime

Local residents in Tower Hamlets are redesigning areas to beat crime. They would be better off getting rid of some of the undesireable people who live in Tower Hamlets.

McBride resigns

Thankfully that parasite has decided to resign . Though he should have been fired for what he did. Derek Draper and at least one dumb minister have been on the airwaves explaining it all away. They must think we are as thick as Labour party members and staff. Damiam the Scumbag McBride can work for Tower Hamlets as they need people for East End Liars.